Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Rebuilding the Blog

There’s not a lot of exciting stuff going on around here, as per usual. 🙂 I worked quite a bit yesterday on this blog. We lost all of the images and pictures when Hambones went down on Sunday. So I spent several hours, slowly but surely, working on piecing all of them back together. I didn’t have everything in one place on my regular Windows pc (I had them all together on the server, but we lost that entire directory structure). I’m having to find the files and images, resize them, transfer them back over and set the links back up. Slow work, but I want to do it. I want my blog back the way it was! I have several more hours left to go, then hopefully “Humpty Dumpty will be put back together again”. 😀

Tim had to work late last night, and didn’t get home till after 7 PM. We ate supper and made a couple of phone calls, then we settled in to watch King Arthur. Good movie, and I really enjoyed the theatrical version, but the one we bought at the video store is the director’s cut, and it’s a lot more graphic, bloodier and more violent. Lucky for me, it’s one of those movies where you can see the battle scenes and head chopping coming, so I can just throw my hand up and not watch! 😆

We slept late this morning, then got up and went walking. We are having so much trouble getting up early in the mornings to go walk. I think both of us would rather sleep! I did – however- finally get back to a little bit of stretching and exercise. I’ve been wanting to start back on my exercise DVD’s, but I just don’t have the willpower or discipline to do it. (I know, ducking head in shame). Today, I at least made a stab at it. I did one short segment, walking and arm weights, and at least got some good stretches and weights in, as well as a little cardio (it didn’t take long to get my old heart pumping and me sweating!). Shanna really encouraged me yesterday, so thanks Shanna! 😀

I have a long list of household and computer chores to do today, plus I’m still in an MP3 mood, so I’m ripping some old CD’s to my hard drive, and surfing iTunes. iTunes added some new country music artists to their site, including Tim McGraw, and I’m sorely tempted to do some downloading. Resisting so far, but sorely tempted!


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