Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday Twosome

From this site:

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
On a daily average…

1. How many hours of sleep do you get and is it enough? I try to get 8-9 hours a night, because I need that much. Normally, I get about 7-8 on most days. I love to sleep! 🙂

2. How many times do you get angry/upset and is it too much? Oh, I get upset a lot, but I get over it quick. I get stressed out about things way too easily and too often. A nasty habit I’ve tried to break, but it’s instinctual with me and hard to cure.

3. How often do you drink caffeine and is it too much? WELL. I would prefer to have tea or a soft drink at both lunch and dinner, but I’ve found that if I cut it out at night, I sleep a whole lot better. So, now I limit myself to a drink with caffeine at lunch, and water with dinner. I have coffee with Tim on the weekends, in the morning.

4. How often do you use your cell phone and does it distract from your responsibilities? I don’t use it that much. I used to use it more for long distance, but we just got the Vonage hooked up, so now I have free long distance!

5. How much time do you spend on the internet and is it too much? Oh my. Way too much time. I know it. I know I should cut back. I just can’t seem to do it. Oh well. I could have worse vices. 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    1. How many hours of sleep do you get and is it enough?
    usually 6 but hopefully more and no that is probably not enough. would rather get 7-8 but that doesn’t always happen.

    2. How many times do you get angry/upset and is it too much?
    not as much as i used to….don’t get really angry too often, i can get upset or rather, annoyed by stuff but usually get over it pretty quick because lots of times it’s not worth getting upset over anyway and i know it’s probably my fault and i need to get over it.

    3. How often do you drink caffeine and is it too much?
    i try not to drink much of anything that has caffeine in it……..don’t drink sodas at all and try to use decaf tea or coffee most of the time. i do so much better without the caffeine!

    4. How often do you use your cell phone and does it distract from your responsibilities?
    i use it every day if that’s what the question is! sometimes more than other times, i can text as much as i talk on it some days. and i don’t think it distracts me too much, because usually i’m not working and don’t have work responsibilities but do need to do more work around my house!

    5. How much time do you spend on the internet and is it too much?
    oh yeah, too much time for me, i know! but i enjoy it and the last couple weeks, i haven’t been on much at all b/c of work!

  2. Stacy Said,

    See – I knew we were a lot alike Gail!! 😎

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