Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

A Backlog of Memes

I’ve been terribly remiss the last several days at checking some of the meme sites I like to visit. A couple of them had memes that I liked, so I’m going to do a big huge catch-up meme blog post here. I know a lot of you don’t like these, so I’ll put them on the extended page. Just click the -More- link if you want to go check them out. And, as always, please play along and put your answers in a comment if you want! I love reading all of your answers, and seeing what we have in common and where we differ! 🙂

Ok, going several days back with the first one. WAY back to last Friday! The first one is from the Friday Feast website:

Feast Fifty
Friday, June 03, 2005

What comes to mind when you hear the word bizarre?
Well, weird, different, strange. Just a general concept, nothing in particular.

Using just a few words, describe your childhood.
I don’t remember! I know I spent most of it alone, and I was a quiet introverted child, very shy, and very afraid of most of the world. I read a lot of books, watched a lot of tv, and played outside very little, all of it by myself. I don’t remember a whole lot. I think I’ve blanked it all out for some reason.

Name one thing you do each day that you feel improves your appearance.

Hmm, I try to take care of myself, eat healthy, drink water, brush, floss, moisturize, those kinds of things. I guess that counts!

Main Course
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how would you rate your self-confidence?
Low, very low, maybe a 3.

Where did you last find a bargain?
Not sure about last one, I normally try to get things on sale or with coupons. I know one I got a year or so ago that I was tickled about. Walmart had some stuff on a clearance rack and I found a jar of Bertolli Creamy Alfredo Sauce and went to the scanner and it rang up .01, one penny. I bought that sucker on the spot! Oh, and I found a bunch of scrapbooking stuff marked really low at Target last year too. Stuff that was normally 3 or 4 bucks each was marked 30 or 50 cents each, something like that. Nice to find a good bargain!


OK, next one is from Sunday, called the Sunday Brunch, from this site:

“Summer afternoon – Summer afternoon… the two most beautiful words in the English language.” -Henry James

Summer is here in Texas with a vengeance…and it’s here to stay until late September. We always joke here that we have two seasons here, winter and summer, with a few days of spring and fall thrown in for good measure.

1) What are your plans for the summer? Are you planning on taking any trips or vacations? We went to New Orleans over Memorial Day weekend, and we’re going to Washington DC over the 4th. Going to be there about 4-5 days, and we’re very excited! Lots to see, and neither of us have ever been. 🙂

2) What is your favorite summer activity? Going on vacation with Tim

3) Do you sunburn easily or tan well? I sunburn VERY easily. I can get burned in 20 minutes. I don’t tan. It will hurt, then peel, then I’ll be nearly as white as I was before!

4) Do you enjoy the warmth and heat and rejoice in it, or shrivel away from it and stay indoors all summer long? I like the warmth when it’s tolerable, upper 70’s or low 80’s with decent humidity. I don’t like it when it gets in the 90’s with high humidity, then I run for indoors and the air conditioning!

5) What is your least favorite thing about summer? The humidity and the mosquitoes!


I have one more, but it’s technically from today, so I’ll do it as another post. 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    What comes to mind when you hear the word bizarre?
    strange, odd

    Using just a few words, describe your childhood.
    it would have to be same as stacy….i don’t know! we suffer from the same thing of not knowing

    Name one thing you do each day that you feel improves your appearance.
    makeup! i guess moisturize too, drink water but can’t tell that it does much but i’m sure it does.

    Main Course
    On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how would you rate your self-confidence?
    hard one, 5 maybe….but it could depend on what it was, if its something i know how to do or know something about i would feel more confident. if it’s like these last couple of weeks and working in don’s office, i don’t feel very confident! its stuff i don’t understand and i’m in over my head!

    Where did you last find a bargain?
    i have no idea! i love to find bargains but nothing is popping into my head right now!

    1) What are your plans for the summer? Are you planning on taking any trips or vacations?
    i hope so! we have always taken a family vacation every summer but its getting harder when the kids are gone and the ones left don’t really want to go! i hope to go to north carolina to see kathryn, maybe back to texas and we are going to disneyworld w/trent, shanna and kids.

    2) What is your favorite summer activity?
    i don’t know! going on vacation i guess…….
    eating ice cream!

    3) Do you sunburn easily or tan well?
    sunburn in a heartbeat! have to have sunscreen or will burn in a/b 15 minutes.

    4) Do you enjoy the warmth and heat and rejoice in it, or shrivel away from it and stay indoors all summer long?
    i enjoy summer and the leisurely pace but don’t like the heat at all! when it gets really hot, which is does her in mississippi, i stay in the air conditioning!

    5) What is your least favorite thing about summer?
    MOSQUITOES definitely! stacy doesn’t know what real ones, killer ones are like we have here in the delta! can’t stay outside for a minute here at night before you are swarmed to death and eaten alive.

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