Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

A New Questionnaire

What color are your kitchen plates? well, mostly white. I have 12 place settings of Mikasa French Countryside, and also 4 burgundy ones from Target. I love the Target ones, but they are chipping badly. I’ve been looking at new ones lately… mostly burgundy and yellow, to match the kitchen. The problem with that is that when we move or paint the kitchen again, I will want to change them yet again! I’ve been looking at these from Pfatlzgraf, and also at Fiestaware in Cinnabar and Sunflower Yellow. Just daydreaming though! I imagine we’ll keep the Mikasa for a long time. It holds up really well, it’s never chipped or cracked and barely shows any kind of scratch from knives. Good stuff.

Favorite Board Game? Trivial Pursuit, or Mexican Train Dominoes, although that’s not a board game!

What’s on your mouse pad? Legolas

What’s your favorite color? Green

What’s your least favorite color? Hmmm, dunno

How many rings before you answer the phone? 2-3, or however long it takes me to get to it! πŸ˜€

Chocolate or Vanilla? CHOCOLATE. Duh.

Do you drive fast? Not really.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No. But Tim thinks I am a body pillow :mrgreen:

Storms – Cool or Scary? Cool. I used to love to go out with my dad on the porch at the house where I grew up. I like to go out with Tim now. Before, I always had to stay with Sally in the guest bathroom, to keep her calm. Poor baby, she was so petrified of storms, she would literally shake for what seemed like hours.

What is your biggest fear? Losing Tim. Followed by my overwhelming fear of snakes.

Favorite TV shows? I can’t pick one. Depends on the day, season. Lost. Maybe House. Maybe Battlestar Galactica. Maybe Amazing Race or Survivor. Can’t pick.

Ketchup or Mustard? Hmm, I’d pick mayo over both of these! I only like ketchup on my fries, prefer mustard on hot dogs or hamburgers

Hamburger or HotDog? Hot Dogs!

Favorite Soft Drink? Dr Pepper or Cherry Coke

What is on your screen saver right now? Lighthouses

Favorite food? Again, hard to pick. I’d probably say Chinese at the moment πŸ˜€

  1. deb Said,

    I’ve had the Tea Rose Pfatlzgraf patter for several years now and I think for Christmas this year I’m asking for a new set. I’ve looked around, too…trying to decide what I like. And what we can afford. I liked what Mary K. Letourneau picked out ;~)


  2. Gail Said,

    What color are your kitchen plates? the background is a white or creamy white color w/poppies around the edge.

    Favorite Board Game? Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit.

    What’s on your mouse pad? Adelphia πŸ˜₯

    What’s your favorite color? It depends on what its for! I wear a lot of black when it comes to clothes and red too….like green a lot just as a color. I really like lots of colors!

    What’s your least favorite color? not sure, white maybe?

    How many rings before you answer the phone? Usually 3-4 before I can get to it!

    Chocolate or Vanilla? CHOCOLATE.

    Do you drive fast? Sometimes

    Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no way

    Storms – Cool or Scary? scary

    What is your biggest fear? something happening to don or the kids and maybe being in an accident or something painful like that.

    Favorite TV shows? Lost, Amazing Race, Survivor, HGTV

    Ketchup or Mustard? usually mustard but i do like ketchup on hot dogs!

    Hamburger or HotDog? Hot Dogs! although i had a sonic hamburger tonight and it was GOOD!

    Favorite Soft Drink? don’t drink them, just drink water

    What is on your screen saver right now? Grand Canyon

    Favorite food? yes, hard to pick………mexican, chinese, and of course………anything chocolate!

  3. Dawb Said,

    i actually did this in my own blog middle of last month. i love these things lol. here’s mine

  4. Dawn Said,

    i actually did this in myown blog back in the middle of May!

  5. Stacy Said,

    Dawn – I stole this from your blog and another blog (Amy & Kristie’s) – so thank you for sharing yours! I filed it away in a folder that I have called “blog topics” — for emergencies when I can’t think of anything to blog about, or I’m in the mood to do a meme or questionnaire but I can’t find one I like! πŸ™‚ Sorta like saving it for a rainy day! πŸ˜€

  6. Stacy Said,

    Deb – I have a few pieces of Pfatlzgraf in a Christmas/winter pattern called Winterberry. I rarely use them though. I know Pfatlzgraf hold up well, and they’re more in my price range! πŸ™‚ The Villeroy & Boch ones look nice, but I just repainted my formerly green kitchen to yellow and have barn red accents, so the green won’t go now. Would have for 10 years before that though! I’m still struggling with the dilemma – do I want dishes to match my current kitchen or not… then when we move or paint, I’ll have to buy NEW ones again! πŸ™‚

    Hope we both find some we like, and the money in the budget for them too! πŸ˜€

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