Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

No Baby Birds Here

Note to self: Be sure to keep the garage door closed. All of those birds you’ve seen flying in and out of the garage the last couple of days have been up to something:

I felt really really bad to get rid of the nest they had started. I know they need to have one somewhere, this time of year. But, my opened box of kitchen garbage bags that I had stored on top of my shelf in the garage is not the best place to do it. I just know I’m going to need more garbage bags from behind the nest before too long 🙂

Poor birdies, no babies in my garage!

  1. Deanna Said,

    I love to have a wreath on my front door, but I don’t have one on there right now because EVERY year since we have been in this house (10 years) the birds have always built a nest in whatever I put on the front door. It completely destroys the wreath, wrecks the front door with bird “yuck” and then every time we open the door the birds want to fly in. I am trying to keep all decor off the door and see if this prevents them from building.

  2. Heidi @ ggip Said,

    OH my!!!

  3. mamichelle Said,

    Oh yeah, you need to get rid of it. They’ll keep coming back! Don’t feel bad. As the previous poster said, I had a wreath on my door and it was dangerous! I felt like I was going to be attacked when I went in my own door. And the mess was everywhere.

  4. Karen Said,

    It looks like they had just started gathering their building materials, so don’t feel too bad!

  5. Lauren@Baseballsandbows Said,

    It does look like you had some busy birds at your house. Maybe they just thought your place was cozy. 🙂

  6. Kara Said,

    This post made me smile – those birds are such opportunists! You will need your trash bags sooner or later, so you are definitely justified in shooing them out – they will find another nice cozy spot for their eggs1

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