Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome

Oops, almost forgot this one. Was closing down the PC for the night, and saw my Post-It note to do this one! A favorite meme from this site…

::Full Moon Rising…::

Onesome: Full Full? What meal fills you up the most during your day, breakfast, lunch or dinner? …or is it the ice cream you’re digging into as you wander around the blog world long past when you should be asleep ?

Probably dinner, just because it’s my biggest meal. Breakfast is usually cereal and juice, lunch is either leftovers or yogurt and fruit, or maybe a Boca or Morningstar thingie-mabob. Dinner is our “big” meal.

Twosome: Moon — Do you really think there’s any truth to the popular idea that “things” happen when the moon is full? Come on, it’s just us here…

No, but I know that Fred is convinced that it’s a better time to go fishing!

Threesome: Rising– …and shining?: What is your normal wakeup time on Thursday mornings? …and can you be described as a “Morning Person” or not?

My normal wake-up time on most any day is about 6 or 7 AM, roll over and look at the clock and hopefully go back to sleep! I’m definitely not a morning person. Never have been. Just ask Tim – I used to have a sign at work that I would put out in the mornings if I didn’t want anyone to speak to me! 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    Onesome: Full
    Probaby dinner for me, but I would rather have a larger meal at lunch and smaller at dinner but it just never works out that way.

    Twosome: Moon
    No, probaby not. Although we have always heard that more babies were born during full moon, so I guess more things could happen then!

    Threesome: Rising
    My normal wake up time on most any day is 6 or 6:30. I used to say I wasn’t a morning person but am becoming more of one the last few years than I ever have been before. Now I would rather get up and get my day going earlier.

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