Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Surprise – Date Night!

Tim surprised me yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon when he IM’d me about 3:30 PM and said he was going to come home early, and didn’t I want to go out to eat or to a movie or just go do something fun together? 🙂 He knew that Star Wars was coming out, and thought I might want to go to the midnight showing. (Isn’t he sweet?!!!) But, I didn’t really want to go that late, plus I figured the tickets were probably mostly sold out. So, we picked another thing to do.

I spent most of yesterday online, researching the Grand Canyon. We’ve been talking about where to go on vacation this year, and Tim really wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. I had some books in my cart at Amazon, and I wanted to go and see if I could find them locally, so I talked Tim into going to Books a Million with me. We got a whole pile of books, then went to the Joe Muggs cafe up front to sit down and read them. Tim got a vanilla cream frappe and I got a decaf white chocolate caramel latte. We each went through a book or two, comparing things we were reading about which Rim to visit, when to go, what to do when you’re there, other things in the area, etc. Then, we talked about other places to go, including Washington DC, which has been on our list for the last 3 years. We decided a good old-fashioned game of rock-paper-scissors would solve our dilemma. So, we sat in Books a Million and played rock-paper-scissors and dueled down through our choices of San Francisco, Alaska, Grand Canyon, Boston and Washington DC. DC emerged as the winner, so we put up all the books from the Southwest and Grand Canyon! I decided not to buy a book today on DC, since we have one at home from 2002, when we first thought we were going. I might need to update it, though, but I will go through it first and see.

After Books a Million, we went to Sam’s and looked around for a while. We’re still looking at getting a new system of cordless phones for the house. Found another one we like, but didn’t buy it yesterday. Soon though! We’re going to switch to Vonage, so we need to get that whole ball rolling.

I was getting hungry in Sam’s, so we left and went to Giovanni’s. We had stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer. I was debating over which pasta dish to order, when Tim suggested we split a pizza, so we did that. We ordered the “Joe Schmo”, which had sausage, canadian bacon, mushrooms and onions on it. It was actually really delicious!

After dinner, we went to Best Buy to look at gadgets and also look at all the cordless phone systems they carry. It was getting late by then though, and we had already missed Lost and I didn’t want to miss Alias too! Luckily, I had taped them 🙂 So, we headed home and watched most of Alias, then watched our tape of Lost and also the Idol results show. It was really late by the time we got to bed, but it was fun. We had a great night! :mrgreen:

  1. Suzanne Said,

    So you have decided to go to D.C.??? Is that what I am getting?
    You must decide on a date/window and let Kirk and Nichole know…they will want to play with you.

  2. Stacy Said,

    As things stand right now, today, yes, we are shooting for D.C. However, as things stood 2 days ago, we were DEFINITELY going to the Grand Canyon. Who knows! 🙂

    It will probably be D.C. and I plan to hit up Kirk for tickets to the White House, Senate, Pentagon, and any and all others he might can procure for us! 😆

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