Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

I like this site for memes, they do a new one every Friday. Cool concept, this menu idea! Click Here to go there and read the questions and all the answers others have posted, for yourself. In the mean time, here’s the questions and my answers 🙂

Appetizer – What do you want for Valentine’s Day? Well, this is a double-edged question. On the one hand, I want (not need) lots and lots of things. I seem to be a very greedy person, there are always things that I want, for me, for the house, books, cookbooks, CD’s, DVD’s, clothes, gadgets, etc. I could make a list at any given time of at least a dozen things that I would like to have, but NOTE – I don’t need and could easily live without. So, I don’t really know. I always like most anything Tim (or I!) pick out. Love the jammies he bought me last night. Love getting my Sweetheart Shake from Sonic in Feb, which I would like to point out now, that they have revised to a Blast and it’s not NEARLY as good as the shake. Hate it when they change something I love! 🙂 And Finally – to sort of answer the question – I can’t really post what I “want” here, because then Tim will feel obliged to go buy it for me. The sweetie pie, he does anything he can to try to make me happy. 🙂

Soup – If you could change the color of something you own, what would it be and which color would you make it? I would change the paint on most of our walls. Especially in the office, I would love to have it a happy, cheery color, maybe something bright on one wall. But, it’s too much trouble to paint the office. My shelves on the walls are loaded, and the computer furniture had to be assembled in this room, and will have to be dis-assembled to take them out. Plus, we have three computers in here now. No way can we move them out. My other biggie is the kitchen floor. White vinyl floors for 12 years are NO fun. I am past ready to get ceramic tile in there. With color, white shows too much dirt. Never again, if I can help it.

Salad – What’s your favorite day of the week and why? Toughie. I like my weekdays, I love the routine of my days. But, I really love the weekends because I get to spend all (or at least most) of my time with Tim. That’s so very important to me. I love to be with him, he’s my best friend.

Main Course – What excuse do you use most often? I don’t know if it’s considered an excuse, but I say “I’m sorry” constantly. Has to do with my low self-esteem.

Dessert – Name something or someone you feel sorry for. I feel sorry for myself a lot! I miss my mom, I miss Sally, I struggle constantly with not being able to have kids. I feel bad for my Dad too, because he seems lonely down there without my mom and I wish he would move here closer to me and Gail.


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