Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Last of the Crawfish

Busy today… went and ran errands this afternoon. The libary called and the book I put a hold on last Friday came in early, so they called me to let me know. I went ahead and got it, and now I have 3 books checked out. A bit over my limit. But the lady at the desk was very sweet when I asked about not being able to finish them all in time, she said “just call us and we can renew them over the phone!”. So I might just do that. Ran to Walmart and did a bunch of shopping after that.

Tim stopped by the house after work and picked me up. We went to Walmar to get more allergen filters for the A/C unit. We also found some filters for the vent covers that are in each room, not sure how those are going to work, but at this point, I’m willing to try anything! We also got some replacement parts, filter and bag, for the Shop-Vac.

Came home, changed and did our 2 mile walk. Then we finished up the last of the crawfish that our neighbor had brought us late Saturday night. A little mushier, still really cold, and overall pretty good. I’m accustomed to eating crawfish warm, but these were really good, even cold.

We just finished watching ’24’ and it sure looks like they are going to kill off Tony next week on the 2 hour season finale. As soon as he told Michelle he still loved her, both Tim and I sputtered out “oh no, they’re going to kill him off now!”. :mrgreen:

  1. Suzanne Said,

    Exactly what I thought…..in fact I almost called you during the commercial…..oh, no, Tony’s going to go !!

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