Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Random Thoughts for the Day

Well, I’m doing my morning surfing and checking on the trivia on Hambones. Also, I just typed up a list of “season finales” and entered it on the TV forum on Hambones. Lots of good shows that we watch either ending forever or for the summer. It’s going to be a long, hot summer with nothing interesting to watch on TV. Will be time to hit the theatre for some summer blockbusters, rent more movies, and (hopefully) watch more from our ever-growing DVD collection. 😀

Some random thoughts I’m having this morning…

The poll of the day on Hambones is about a root canal – in honor of poor Tim having to go to the dentist this morning. 🙂 No root canal today, but he has had two before. I have, thankfully, never had to have one.

Today is Friday the 13th. I don’t really have triskaidekaphobia, although I do have a serious interest in Friday the 13th and superstitions in particular. My favorite EVER term paper I did in high school (or was it college). Learned lots about superstitions, loved it.

We didn’t go walking today because Tim had to work last night and I thought he needed to sleep late.

On the news: The Naval Station in Pascagoula is on the base closure list, out this morning. I hope it dodges the bullet. There’s about 1400 military folks there, the news just reported.

On TV tonight – the last two episodes EVER of Star Trek: Enterprise. Sniff Sniff. I’ve been a Trekkie all my life, and although Enterprise is nowhere near as good as Next Generation was, I still like it and will miss having a Trek show to watch.

Also on TV tonight – the season finale of Numbers, new show that came out mid-season. It appeals to me because of all the math and crime solving. Right up my alley!

I just finished my cappuccino – my splurge that I save for Friday mornings. 😀

I’m headed out in a bit to one of my favorite places on earth – the library! Time to get more books. Like a bookstore, which I love more, but better because it’s FREE!

Elizabeth is supposed to stop by this afternoon and do some laundry. Her apt for the summer doesn’t have a washer and dryer, so hopefully we’ll get to see her more this summer!

I can’t wait for 5 o’clock and Tim getting off work, so we can start our weekend! 😛

  1. Gail Said,

    Kiss my baby, if you see her!

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