Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Feeling very productive

Well, so far today has been a really good day.

We got up early and went walking. That really seems to make a big difference in how our days go. Tim and I have commented several times that when we make the effort and get up and go, it really starts our day off right and we feel like we’ve gotten something good accomplished.

I have had a really productive morning, as well. Nothing huge or noteworthy really, just a lot of little things that needed to be done around here, that I have been putting off. I’m the world’s greatest procrastinator, especially when it comes to the little things. The big things seem to find a way to get completed as needed, and my “normal routine” things seem to stick to their routine, but it’s the “little things” that often slip through the cracks. So, when I get a bunch of those knocked out, I always feel better!

More later… maybe! 🙂


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