Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Such a Little Thing

It’s such a little thing, but it makes me so very happy! I love, love, love the seasonal drink from the Sierra Mist people, Cranberry Splash. My memory is really bad, but it seems like it normally shows up in stores around Halloween, or at least before Thanksgiving. Yesterday, yesterday, the first day of fall, I found it in my local super Walmart!

Tim was joking, but he said “you should start stocking up now, you love that stuff so much!”. And you know, he’s right. I do!! I remember distinctly going to the grocery a week or two before Christmas last year, to stock up and buy some before it was gone out of the stores, and it was already gone. I need to start stockpiling the stuff NOW! 🙂

Hope you’re having a great day too, and some little insignificant something makes you really happy 😀

  1. mamichelle Said,

    I remember you talking about this. If I liked soda, I’d definitely try it! You should stockpile now, for sure!

  2. Desert Songbird Said,

    I remember your obsession with this. Everyone needs some little thing that brings us happiness and giggles, don’t they?

  3. Karen Said,

    Good idea to stockpile this. It would be so refreshing to have some on ice on a hot day. My grandma always had ginger ale on hand and she would pour it on ice and put in a splash of cranberry juice. I may have to get some of this!

  4. Dianne Said,

    Is this anything like diet cherry 7-up? i love that so I should look for this!

    a little insignificant bit of joy last night – took a bath and was in bed reading by 8:30 pm! asleep by 9:30 – LOL! i’ve just been whipped lately so i really needed a night off!!

  5. Sherry Said,

    I will definitely pick this up and try it!! Sounds yummy.


  6. Sarah at Sierra Mist Said,

    Thanks so much, these posts made us smile.

    – From the brand team at Sierra Mist.

  7. Sarah at Sierra Mist Said,

    p.s. We posted this on our facebook page, people loved it! http://www.facebook.com/sierramist

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