Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

April, what April?

I seem to have lost most of the month of April. My father-in-law went into the hospital on Wednesday, April 8 for surgery and was just released yesterday, Wed 4/22. We’re very grateful that he was able to go home and is doing good. After surgery (he had a hernia on his esophagus), he developed a blood clot that moved to his lungs, called a pulmonary embolism. He spent his birthday and Easter Sunday in ICU. After coming out of ICU, he spent over a week, trying to get his meds regulated. They could never get it all right, so they finally discharged him with shots and pills. He’s taking Lovenox shots twice a day (heparin shots) and is on Coumadin as an anti-coagulant to prevent more clots. Apparently, Coumadin is a “finicky” drug and is hard to regulate, as each person is different. Anyway, we’re just glad he’s doing well and is at home now.

It’s warmed up here in the last few weeks. It’s nice outside, the breeze is blowing and it smells so… fresh! After spending so many days in the hospital, breathing antiseptic laden recycled air, it’s so nice to smell fresh spring air! I’m also amazed at how things are growing. And how much I’m looking forward to getting some flowers to plant. And how many weeds have sprung up in my flower beds. I mean, really, why do those things have to pop up where they don’t belong?! 😀

Today it’s supposed to hit 88 degrees here. Which makes me sad, because I’ll have to break down and turn our A/C on in the house. I just hope it works!

How about you? Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods? What’s the weather like where you are, and if you live in the South, do you have your A/C running yet?

Have a great day! 😀

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Oh, I know that horrible hospital smell and the wait. It’s agony. I’m so glad it’s over for you!

    Yikes, I’d be running my a/c at 88! I’d never be able to sleep. We are around 60 today but it’s very windy! On Sat., we’re supposed to hit 80 which will feel like 100. You know that first time? Especially when it jumps from 60 to 80. I’m quite sure we’ll probably turn on the a/c or keep the windows shut so it stays cooler.

  2. amy Said,

    Hope your dad is feeling better..Beautiful weather in Atlanta today..Finaly posted on my blog, looking for ideas on how to live frugally

  3. Desert Songbird Said,

    Yes, it can be tricky to get regulated on Coumadin, but once you get stable, it’s fairly easy if you follow some simple rules like staying away from green leafy veggies, grapefruit, cranberries, and green tea. Or, at least, limiting them in your diet. The Lovenox shots are a bear, though. I hope your FIL gets regulated on his Coumadin soon so that he can stop those dreaded Lovenox shots. Yuck! I still have bruises on my abdomen from the series of them I had to endure in late February!

  4. Claire Said,

    For some strange reason, when I read your first sentence I added the word “foot” in front of surgery…I was wondering what kind of foot surgery keeps you in the hospital for that long. Then I figured out my mistake. So glad that your father-in-law is home and doing well. Just gotta figure out what his body needs to get the Coumadin regulated. Then he won’t (shouldn’t) have to take the Lovenox shots and will just have to follow-up for regular blood work.

    As to the weather…ugh! We’re not supposed to do this until June! We’ve had our AC on sparingly, more at night as both bedrooms are upstairs AND (as it’s an apartment) we have no overhead fans…so it gets quite warm! I try to not run it as much during the day but if my roomie is here, that’s a no go!

  5. Maria Said,

    Stacy, good to hear from you. I’ve missed your blog updates and goodread updates too!

    We have had crazy weather in the Los Angeles area. Monday and Tuesday were over 100 degrees here. And now we are down to the 60s, I think. I just commented to my hubby on Weds. night that this change in weather makes me think “earthquake weather.” Sure enough, a few small tremblers hit our area last night.

    I am behind on my blog but keeping up with facebook. Are you on facebook? I can’t remember. If so, friend me!

    Take care. I’ll keep your FIL in my prayers. He must be so happy to be home!

  6. Kimmy Said,

    Glad to hear your father-in-law is home from the hospital!

    It’s going to be close to 80 degrees here today! The warmest day of the year thus far. And, I think it’ll probably snow next week. That’s the craziness that is Ohio weather;-)

  7. Lauren@Baseballsandbows Said,

    So sorry for your FIL’s health difficulties. I hope he will be fully recovered soon. My SIL has been giving herself Lovenox shots in the stomach every day for the past 20 weeks to help her stay pregnant. I guess that drug is useful in more than one situation!

  8. Gail Said,

    I still haven’t turned on my air here yet, but we seem to be getting closer! My downstairs has been pretty cool b/c of the tall ceilings but each day the weather stays this warm it seems to get hotter inside……or is it because I’ve had the oven on several times today!

  9. Debi Said,

    Oh Stacy, I’m so sorry to hear what a rough month it’s been for you!!! Sometimes I think it’s much, much harder when someone you love is sick than it is to be sick yourself. I’m so glad your FIL is home now, and I hope he recovers quickly!

    Our weather has been wacky the last few days…it snowed (just lightly, no accumulation) Thursday morning and it was in the 80s on Friday. I know, it doesn’t sound possible, but I swear it’s true. No wonder everyone is sick around here. 😉

  10. sherry Said,

    Glad that your father-in-law is home! I know that Coumadin is hard to regulate. The doctor I work for is working on a study trial for something called Coumadose (?) which is supposed to make it easier – without checking blood all the time!

    We are in the low 80s and I SO want to turn the air on! I pray mine works too! Not sure if I will tough it out or give in!


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