Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Friday Fiver

We’re moving on up…

1. How many locations (dwellings) have you lived in? Hmm… one house growing up, 3 dorms at college, 5 or 6 apartments, and now this house

2. If you could place your dream home in any location, where would it be? In the mountains, overlooking a small lake, a huge cabin with a big deck

3. In terms of the act of moving: are you a packer or a box mover?
I’m a packer extraordinaire 😀

4. What one item do you own that you absolutely hate to move?the big entertainment center in the den is a booger

5. What’s worse: the act of moving or a routine cleaning at the dentist? Easy – moving! (I go twice a year to the dentist, but haven’t moved in almost 12 years!) 😀


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