Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Eleven, and Counting!

I’m happy to report that I finished another book last night. This makes number eleven for the year, since I started back on my reading phase in late January. Last night I finished up the next one in the numbered Stephanie Plum series, “Four to Score”. I am really enjoying these books. I like the characters, I like the plots, and I enjoy how easy to read they are. I do not like the language, but I consider it part of the overall package – after all, our girl Stephanie is a bounty hunter who deals with low-life scumbags, thieves, murderers, prostitutes, etc. If it didn’t have some bad language, it wouldn’t be true to its genre.

I think I will probably read the new Nicholas Sparks book I picked up last week, called “True Believer”. Then again, I may go back to the library and get more from my ever-expanding list. And more temptingly, I might, just might, break down and do some online ordering. I “window shop” all the time at various online sites, and most of the time, I’m happy to just put things in my wish list or cart, without actually buying them! But, every few months, I get the itch to order stuff, and buy new books and cookbooks, and I do feel that that urge is rearing its ugly head again. I’m trying to fight it, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to resist. I feel that an order to Amazon or Barnesandnoble.com or even Overstock.com may be coming up soon. Real soon. 😀


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