Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Safe and Sound

Well, Gail made it back here safe and sound. I picked her up at the airport, then we went and ran some errands and went shopping. Tim beat us home, and had the tree already planted by the time I got here! Boo-hoo, I had wanted to help! Oh well, it’s nice to see a tree out there, even though it’s just a little stick of a thing! I’ll take a picture of it tomorrow, in the sunshine. I love to take pictures of things when they are first planted, and then look back on them years later after they have grown and spread, and see how little it used to be! 🙂

Anyway, I cooked supper, and we all gave a thumbs up to the new recipe I tried. I’ll enter it tomorrow in my Mastercook software, then post it in the Recipes section of Hambones. I get to take it easy with cooking for the next couple of days while Tim is out of town. I’ll fix me some quick Chinese food! 🙂

We just finished watching 24 and are enjoying our visit with Gail. She’s spending the night so she can go tomorrow morning to Elizabeth’s Honors program at MC. Elizabeth is receiving an award for most outstanding senior in history. 😀 Way to go Liz!!!!

I think we’ll turn in soon. I, for one, am coughing and pretty tired. Gail is tired too, after the traveling and the shopping spree I drug her around on! And Tim, poor Tim, has to get up when the alarm goes off at 4:00 AM or thereabouts, so he can leave for the airport by about 4:30 AM. Me, I plan to go back to sleep after he leaves, and hopefully sleep late! :mrgreen:


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