Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness

1. On what day of the week were you born? (If you need to find out, click here .) Sunday 🙂

2. Were you born in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Morning, I’m almost sure. I think during church!

3. How many siblings do you have? Brothers or sisters? 2 sisters, both older

4. Do you (or did you) ever wish you were an only child? And if you ARE an only child, did you ever wish you had brothers and sisters? I sort of grew up like an only child, since Gail and Suzanne are so much older than me. Gail left for college when I started kindergarten. I always wished I had brothers, and a younger sibling

5. Did you (or do you) dream of having a big family of your own? Yes, always. I wanted at least 4 kids, preferably 6.

6. In your opinion, which is (or would be) easier to raise; boys or girls?boys. I always wanted boys

7. In looks, do you favor your mother or your father? I think I favor Dodie quite a bit. Several older relatives told me that at her funeral, you look just like your mother!


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