Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme (Late)

Friday Feast

Appetizer – What is a symbol that inspires you? Well, the cross. Also, the American flag. Both evoke strong emotions.

Soup – Name something (either serious or funny) that has happened in your life that you would consider a miracle. meeting Tim

Salad – How do you handle criticism? Very poorly. I have extremely low self-esteem and I don’t handle a lot of normal comments well, I usually construe them as criticism or put-downs. Actual criticism is usually worse, unless I ask for it from someone and know to expect it, then I do take it better. I try to remain calm and accept it as constructive, but that doesn’t always work.

Main Course – Complete this sentence: I feel alone when… Tim is out of town overnight

Dessert – Name one TV show you wouldn’t want to be caught dead watching. Something like Fear Factor or something on the Discovery channel about snakes!


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