Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme – Late

I didn’t get a chance to do two memes I saw on Friday, so here they are, two days late! 🙂

This one is from this site.

1. Describe your telephone: We have several older cordless phones in the house. Looking to upgrade to a new 5.8 mhz system with caller id phones soon. We’re going to try to switch to Voice over IP phone service soon, and we’re probably going with Vonage. I’m mostly just looking forward to getting Caller ID, we don’t have it with our current plan

2. Do you have a cell phone? Yes, I’ve had one for about 12 years. I originally got one for safety reasons. But, obviously, now we are like everyone else, we think we can’t live without it!

3. Why do you / do you not have a cell phone? OOPS! See above!

4. Who is your favorite person to call? Tim 😀

5. What is the longest time you’ve spent on the phone? Probably a couple of hours talking to Amanda when she was home on maternity leave


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