Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

The Princess Bride

Thursday night was a good night!

Tim got in from work and we got a chance to go on our walk, and talk about our day, and get some exercise too. We also picked up some wood (from a dumpster at the construction site on the far side of our subdivision, where they are building some nice office buildings) for Tim to use in his woodworking, to play with. Gives him a chance to try different cuts and things with his router and table saw.

We had supper and then watched Survivor. That poor Ulong tribe, two members and now down to one, Stephanie. How can you have a tribe of one? If I was that girl, I would not want to be out in that wilderness beach jungle all by myself!

CSI and Without a Trace were both reruns, so we decided to watch a movie. Tim was very sweet and agreed to watch one of “my movies”. We had picked up some movies for 7.50 apiece at Circuit City a couple of weeks ago, including one of my all-time favorites, The Princess Bride. I love that movie! Tim is not too keen on it, but he watched it with me nonetheless, which was very good of him. 😀

I think this weekend, we’ll have to watch some of “his movies” 😆 I suppose I “owe him” now!


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