Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – How to Boil Water

KettleNo, I’m not going to blog about how to boil water. I am, however, going to blog about something equally mundane and probably a bit inane 😀

My very odd “Question of the Day” is this – how do you boil water? As in, do you boil it in your microwave, on the stovetop in a pan or in a kettle or maybe even an electric kettle? I’m not talking about for cooking pasta or veggies or anything. Say you’re going to make tea or hot cocoa, how do you heat up the water?

I’ve about decided that I’m the only person on the planet who does this in the microwave. Maybe it’s bad for us and I don’t realize it, with all of those microwaves zapping my water for hot tea or hot chocolate. I have debated off and on for years about whether to buy a kettle for my stovetop. While I’d like one, I could never justify the cost or mostly, the space to store it when I’m not using it. I don’t make a lot of hot tea or cocoa in the summer, but hopefully fall and then winter will be here soon, and I will be drinking more hot beverages.

So, even though this has to rank up there as the world’s dumbest question of the day ever, please leave me a comment and let me know – how do you boil water for tea or cocoa?

Have a wonderful day!

  1. Laura Said,

    We have a kettle at home, and we sometimes use it for tea. However, 95% of the time I’m making tea/hot chocolate at work, and I definitely use the microwave. I have a glass measuring cup that I put the water in, microwave it, then pour the boiling water into my mug.
    Same with boiling water at home for instant noodle soup, etc. 🙂

  2. dianne Said,

    Not dumb at all. I use the microwave when i need to boil water to add to recipes for baking etc. And I use a glass measuring cup to do so. For hot tea, wI have a tea kettle – a good copper bottom one. I do love my kettle, although I probably don’t use it enough to justify it. But i usually have it sitting on the stovetop anyways. I think it looks inviting 🙂

  3. Gail Said,

    I have a tea kettle and mostly we use it now to boil water. And I don’t store it, I keep it out on the stovetop! I like the way it looks too. If I’m in a hurry sometimes I’ll do it in the microwave, especially if it needs to be added to something cooking, but if it’s for tea or cocoa I think the drink stays hotter longer if I boil the water in the kettle.

  4. heather Said,

    well we do not drink tea or cocoa here…however to make baby bottles we used to boil water in an electric kettle however we now have the poland spring water cooler with hot and cold and use that now.

  5. Lynne Said,

    I use the microwave too. Unless Dom and I are both having tea, then I’ll use my teapot on the stove. I keep it on the stove when I’m not using it.

  6. Meredith Said,

    I drink tea every single day…summer, winter, spring, and fall…and I boil my water in my red tea kettle. I got it at Kohl’s 4-5 years ago with my Kohl’s cash, so it was free for me!

    I keep it on my stovetop year round because I think it looks so warm and cheery!

    This may seem weird, but I swear it tastes better when boiled in a kettle as opposed to the microwave.

  7. Karen Said,

    Always in a kettle on the stove. And my red tea kettle is always sitting out on the stove. I agree, I think it looks inviting. I may just be imagining it, but I think the tea tastes more flavorful when the boiling water is poured ovetr the tea bag in the mug. Or maybe it’s just such a tradition, that it’s all in my head! This was a fun question!

  8. Susanne Said,

    I never boil water in the micro because I’m always scared I’m going to be one of those ones where the water becomes superheated and blows up all over. I know it’s rare and there are precautions to take such as having a plastic spoon or stir stick or tea bag in the water while heating, but it’s just one of those things with me. :v)

    I do my in the kettle for tea or hot drinks.

  9. Sandra Said,

    I use the microwave right now, I don’t have a kettle, somehow mine got lost in the endless moves we’ve done the past year.

  10. Sally Said,


  11. annie Said,

    I usually use the microwave too…

  12. Christy Said,

    I boil in the microwave for tea or for small things…but for everything else I put it in a pot and boil on the stove 🙂

  13. Desert Songbird Said,

    Never had a kettle – I always use the microwave. Besides, with an electric stove, boiling water takes too long. The microwave is too easy.

  14. mamichelle Said,

    HA! You thought this was a dumb question but look at all the comments!!

    We (I, I repeat IIIII) have a nice stainless kettle. My mom took it over when she moved in. She takes bottled water and boils it each morning. She adds two tea bags and lets it steep. She only rinses at night and fills it for the next day when she repeats the process.

    It really gets me irritated (can you tell?). If I have company, what am I supposed to do? For instance, my cousin was staying with us, wanted a cup of tea. She doesn’t like it like my mom makes it, she just wants boiled water poured into her cup with a bag. I asked my mom nicely to get her kettle in my brother’s basement. That hasn’t happened and it’s 2 yrs. later.

    The real answer is, I don’t ever boil water because my kettle is taken. I honestly don’t drink anything that requires boiling anyway. Are you sorry you asked?!! :-))

  15. Simply Dawn Said,

    It depends on my mood. I do boil my water on the stove and in the microwave and I do it more often in the winter. I love my hot coco in the winter 🙂

  16. Heidi Said,

    I LOVE my electric kettle! I use it all the time. It boils water fast fast fast!!! I don’t like doing it int he microwave because I find it makes my tea or coffee foamy or something weird.

  17. Jill Said,

    I put water in the mug and microwave it. I don’t think I’ve ever owned a tea kettle.

  18. twiga Said,

    I usually use the microwave too. It’s just simpler and quicker. At work I have a coffeemaker on my desk and I usually run water through it to heat it up for instant coffee but at home I use the microwave.

  19. Debi Said,

    Tea kettle. Always.

  20. JEN Said,

    For hot cocoa I boil in the microwave…..same for tea..we dont drink alot of tea..but for apple cider I do this on the stove top so the house will smell good.

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