Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Hiding Out

Most of you who come here know that we have a furry child – Beau. I talk about him a lot and post a lot of pictures of him. What you might not know is that a) he’s our second furry child and b) I take a ridiculous amount of photos of him that I don’t post.

Our first furry child was a golden retriever and Irish setter mix named Sally. I didn’t have a blog when we had her, so she doesn’t get mentioned here much. Poor thing, she would have loved all of the attention 🙂 She was the sweetest, smartest dog ever. I promise! 😀

When she died, I was heartbroken for months, but wanted to get another dog about 2-3 months later. Tim made me wait 3 years and 2 weeks. Then, we got Beau.

I thought that Beau would be my baby. He was my birthday gift, and I got to name him and I thought by picking a male dog, he would love me more than he loved Tim. I could not have been more wrong. That dog lives for Tim. He allows me in his world because I feed him. 😀

Anyway, I digress. Sally had several habits that Beau has never had and vice versa. But lately, in the last couple of months, we have noticed that Beau has suddenly picked up a habit that Sally exhibited from the first day I brought her home. She loved to curl up in the corner behind the kitchen table, and she loved to hide behind the kitchen chairs and even under the table if she could crawl in. Tim always said it was because she was a scaredy-cat, and she was. But, Beau isn’t scared of anything, he’s a very brash and cocky male dog. So, why he is suddenly doing this is a mystery to me. Maybe it’s cooler back there, who knows?!

So, it was very surprising to both of us that Beau has started hiding out behind the chairs, just like our Sally girl used to:

I still miss Sally, but I love my Beau baby to death. Even if he does hide from us sometimes 🙂

  1. Simply Dawn Said,

    awwww I just love it when you post pics of Beau 🙂 Love the pic of your Sally girl too. They sure have a way of finding a nice comfy place in our hearts!

  2. Lynne Said,

    Maggie will go behind our kitchen table too. She likes to be on the tile floor – it’s much cooler for her. She also sleeps in the bathroom at night – again the cool tile floors.

    I love your dogs – Sally sure was a pretty girl.

  3. Cam Said,

    I’ve never seen a pic of Sally until now. Very pretty!

    I just wanted to say I know what it’s like to be 2nd fiddle, even though it’s supposed to be your dog. Before we had G, Reagan was supposed to be my baby; however, he was NUTS about Philip, totally worshiped the ground he walked on, and the preference was so obvious. Haha!

  4. Sally Said,

    I must say, you choose a very nice name for your first furry one.

  5. Meredith Said,

    Just this morning, I found our furry child hiding in the coat closet. I was worried because I couldn’t find him and when I walked past the closet with the door ajar I caught a glimpse of his black/white fur and laughed out loud. He was curled up on a stack of blankets looking as cozy as could be! Silly dog.

  6. Desert Songbird Said,

    Maybe he just wants “alone time” like a lot of us do sometimes. Or maybe, he’s fighting the heat. Either way, I’m sure he comes out when he’s offered a treat!

  7. dianne Said,

    Beau is just adorable! I didn’t know you had another dog previously. Don’t they do the cutest things?!

  8. amy Said,

    Beautiful post. We lost our Lucy the bassett hound over 3 months ago and I keep saying I do not want another one. I just dont know

  9. Gail Said,

    I remember Sally doing that! How funny that Beau does the same thing! Not sure he did it last time we were there or not.

  10. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    Beau is adorable. And I love that last photo – mid yawn. So precious.

  11. Heidi Said,

    That’s really cute that they did/do the same thing!

  12. mamichelle Said,

    LOL, I just love the yawn shot!! I wonder what the intrigue is back there?! He’s just too cute!

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