Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – Travel Toiletries

Travel Toiletries We just got back from our weekend getaway, so this is still in my head. Can you believe that while we were gone, I actually thought of a Question of the Day! This one is about your travel toiletries – do you check to see what the hotel has available or do you just go ahead and pack your own? For example, if the room has a hair dryer, do you pack yours anyway? If the hotel has a certain line of products in the room (shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap, etc) do you just use what is there, or do you pack your own?

I’m a pack my own kind of girl. Of course, I am also a “take everything but the kitchen sink” kind of girl! To be fair, we mostly drive places so I am able to pack more and take more. When we fly, I do try to pack less and might forgo the hair dryer and a few things. But overall, I like to take my stuff with me. I have mildly sensitive skin and prefer to take my own facial cleaner and lotion. I don’t mind using the soap provided in the hotel and usually do. I also prefer to take small travel bottles of my shampoo and conditioner – since my hair is color-treated, I prefer to use my regular stuff.

How about you? Do you take all of your travel toiletries with you, or do you just use what is in the hotel? And if you don’t use it, or just use part of the container … do you leave it behind or take it home with you? Leave me a comment and let me know 😀

Have a great day!

  1. dianne Said,

    This is interesting. Sometimes I do use the lotion and shampoo, never the soap though (bar soap went out years ago, right?!). I never used to take anything from the hotels (toiletry-wise) but recently learned that those little items are perfect for the homeless folks our church serves through a local shelter. So perhaps they are worth picking up after all . . . I mean, we pay for them, right?

  2. JEN Said,

    I always pack my own. BUT….I will take all of theirs…my view on this is we paid for it by renting the room. I keep them in our suitcase toiletry bag so if we ever ran out of anything we have the little ones. Although on hairdryers…i normally will check the hotel to see if they have them already in the rooms….but if I’m going for more than 2 days….I pack mine just in case…good question though.

  3. YellowRose Said,

    I’m a take my own stuff kinda girl. I have certain products that I use and love and will not go without! But I do take the products that they offer in the hotels, sometimes they are rather nice and my daughter likes them. The resort we were just at had an olive oil exfoliating bar that was rather nice, I brought one back for her. Plus the little sewing kits (great to throw in purse), & shoe polishing mitts (I use these to clean my leather handbags) come in handy! Even when I fly, I still carry my own products….even if I have to check my bag. I’m not going without my “stuff!” 😉

  4. Lynne Said,

    We always stay at a Holiday Inn Express, and I know that they have really good hair dryers. So I never have to take one. But I do take my own shampoo and conditioner. I’ll use their soap in the shower. And I bring home whatever isn’t nailed down. Many a Christmas stocking has been filled with little things from the hotels.

  5. Sally Said,

    I never take a hair dryer; most places provide them.

    In addition, I never take shampoo, conditioner, and such. I use what is offered. If I just use part of the container, I throw it into the trash before leaving. I don’t want to give the maid additional work to do, and I don’t want to take the chance of it spilling all over my stuff.

    The unused shampoo, conditioner, and little bars of soap come home with me. When I have guests, I offer them. In addition, a women in distress home collects them.

  6. annie Said,

    I take all mine! I’m hooked on biolage and take it with me!

  7. heather Said,

    this reminds me of a picture i took before we left for florida… the picture consisted of all the personal/medical items we took. we had the essentials for me and jason: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoos (each of us a different type) brush, comb, hairdryer, hairspray, tampons, soap, razors, shaving creams and deoderants. then we had catherine’s toothbrush/paste, soap and shampoo for her and soap and shampoo for the baby… then we had advil and allergy pills for jason, every kind of kid/baby medication you can think of, thermometer and christian’s nebulizer treatment. even with all that in tow we still ended up in the ER with catherine the first morning with an attack of the croup.

  8. amy Said,

    I am not a girly girl but I take everything just in case!

  9. Karen Said,

    We stay at chains that I know have hairdryers, so I don’t take mine anymore. If it’s a weekend trip and I don’t want to check a bag, I’m fine with using the hotel shampoos and conditioner and lotion. Then I have more room in my one quart ziploc for my face creams and make-up and such:)

  10. Susanne Said,

    I always take my own toiletries. I just like what I use. And if I know they have a dryer then I don’t take mine.

  11. paperback writer Said,

    I don’t usually pack the hairdryer. For the other things, I usually pack smaller bottles of it. The stuff in the hotels never seem to do me justice.

  12. Gail Said,

    I take almost all of my stuff, especially hair things. I usually try to find out if there’s a dryer there and don’t take mine if there’s one there. I do bring the hotel stuff back with me though, the unopened/unused ones….it’s nice to have for guests or for Don to use when he packs! If it’s opened, I usually toss it and don’t pack it.

  13. mamichelle Said,

    Great question, Stace!

    I am just like you — pack everything but the kitchen sink. We drive most places too. I cannot go anywhere without my heavy duty hairdryer. My hair is way too thick and needs a strong one to get the job done. I’m really picky about shampoos and lotions too.

    Dh uses whatever they give. He could care less.

    I will tell you that I take any unopened containers home and I keep a little stash for visitors. If it gets too overwhelming, I take a bag and donate to the food pantry or a local shelter that my family is involved with.

    p.s. Come and see the award I gave you! 😉

  14. Maria Said,

    I pack my own soap, shampoo, etc. but do not take a hair dryer. I tend to let it air dry if I have time, so rarely use the hotel dryer.

    I do not bring home the half used hotel stuff, but do bring home the “new stuff” to keep on hand to send with my boys when they camp with friends or donate to the homeless shelter at the end of the year.

    Good question!

  15. Christy Said,

    I take EVERYTHING because I just like my stuff better!! I do take the toiletries that the hotel provides home with me so if we have a guest that forgot shampoo, soap, ect… I like to give them their own personal things to use. I get grossed out using other people’s bar soap. But I am weird like that LOL

  16. Heidi Said,

    I definitely take my own, but I have been increasingly surprised at the good quality of some hotel toiletries nowadays!

    Fun question!

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