Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I’ve got Dad’s floppy hat on, so I’m ready to go outside and help mow the grass and weedeat around the flower beds 😀

I’m ready, let’s go!!!

  1. dianne Said,

    Oh that is just great!!

  2. Desert Songbird Said,

    *laughing, long and hard*

    Oh, Beau baby, you are TOO COOL!

  3. Heidi Said,

    That’s great!

  4. Sally Said,

    I’m surprised your dog held still for a picture!

  5. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    What a great photo! He looks like a hardworking yard dog!

  6. Barb Said,

    That’s a great photo, Stacy. Too cute!

  7. Susanne Said,

    Heehee. That is too cute!

  8. deb Said,

    Love this shot…so cute!!

  9. Gail Said,

    I’m surprised he stayed still for that too……..send him up here, I need lots of weeding help! I’ll save it all for him. 🙂

  10. JEN Said,

    Too cute….

  11. mamichelle Said,

    ROFL! That is adorable, Stacy. You should submit it to some sort of pet contest!

  12. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    Cute!! We can’t get hats (or anything) on Vader’s head.

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