Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Ramblings

Olympic Rings

Fun stuff going on around here the last few days!

We made a big trip to Sam‘s on Friday and came home with a buggy full of good stuff 🙂 We got a case of Coke Zero, cereal, OJ, wings, salsa, chips, pita chips, coffee beans, bread, a new broom for me, socks and a shirt for Tim and household stuff like bathroom cleaner, garbage bags, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. Nothing warms my “gatherer” heart like stocking up on stuff at Sam’s :mrgreen:

I “gave up” dinner out on date night (Friday) and opted to pick up Chick-Fil-A on the way home, so we could come watch the remainder of the opening ceremonies. I was able to get Tim to watch some of the opening ceremonies with me, which is a first. I love having the DVR. He’s much more apt to watch parts of things when we can fast forward through the stuff he doesn’t like. Tim has never been very interested in the Olympics. In fact, in the over 12 years that we’ve been married, we have never really watched any. This was our first opening ceremony we watched together. It was really spectacular!

Watching and rooting for Michael Phelps! Woo-hoo, go Michael 😀

Don and Tim played golf on Saturday while Gail and I ran errands and went shopping. Then we all ate dinner at Chili’s and then played the Wii. Lots of fun!

We got Mario Kart for the Wii (finally, thanks Don and Gail!) and are getting Madden 09 this week. I’m having a hard time finding time to do other stuff, like cleaning house, cooking the meals, doing the laundry, or even reading a book, because all I want to do it play on the Wii. Or on Facebook. Having a ball playing on there too.

We are finally getting some much needed rain. It rained some on Sunday afternoon and Sunday night, and when I woke up this morning (Monday), it was raining again. It’s a soft, slow, steady rain and I love it. It’s grey and cloudy and rainy and that’s perfect “stay at home” weather for me. Plus, I don’t have to go out and water my flowers and stuff!

I’m going to try to work on posting some of the recipes and book/movie reviews on my blog in the next week or two. Thanks for piping in on a previous post, as to something you might want to see here. I’m still in a bit of blog drought. Or maybe just a break. More photos of Beau soon, too! 😀

Have a great day, everyone!

  1. Bev Said,

    I always try to remember to at least watch the opening ceremonies and usually only watch the gymnastics during the Summer games. I was truly impressed by the opening ceremony this year. There were a few moments I wondered how the politics of the region would affect the way the opening ceremonies were done, but I was so glad to see that it was more a tribute to the direction China is trying to go in. The whole thing was so impressive. I couldn’t believe that thing they did with the drums at the beinning and then the ‘moveable type’ was just astounding. I thought it was all done with hydraulics and when all those people popped up it was amazing to me.

    Can’t wait to see your recipes and book reviews. I always love those.

  2. Jill Said,

    I didn’t get to watch all of the opening ceremonies, but what I did see was absolutely spectacular. The kids and hubby watched more than me and I loved hearing them oooohhh and aaaahhhh.

  3. Gail Said,

    Now that I’ve seen your great shelves in your garage, I think you might need even more stuff from Sam’s to fill it up! That will make Tim happy. Thanks for getting my fish from there for me.
    And of course we’ve talked about it ad nauseum, but loved the opening ceremonies! The drums and the box/type thing was among my favs! And Phelps is so fun to watch, especially that men’s relay last night, awesome. Go USA.
    Mario Kart and Wii, we enjoyed playing! My arm will never be the same! It’s still a bit sore this morning.
    Just started drizzling again here, just as I was going out for my eye dr appt, yuck.

  4. JEN Said,

    I love rainy days and Sams too. I love sample day at Sam’s and so does my kids…esp their Christmas open house…fun fun.
    I never said what I wanted to see around your place more…..I really enjoy your day to day stuff…but you could post any routines you have for cleaning or an everyday thing….I enjoy those.

  5. Simply Dawn Said,

    Isn’t the rain WONDERFUL! The rain dances finally worked! hehe I wanted to stay home and sleep when I heard it but I knew I was taking tomorrow off (to play with Graice..I’m so sad) and I see where we’re suppose to have rain tomorrow too! COOL 🙂

    Everyone has a Wii. Guess we’re going to have to break down and get one too 🙂

  6. Desert Songbird Said,

    We’re still looking for Mario Kart – we’ve no success for now. Sigh.

    Hubby and I have been enjoying the Olympics. That men’s 4X100 Freestyle relay was AMAZING! We were screaming and jumping up and down – what an incredible finish.

  7. Heidi Said,

    I can’t even imagine not watching the olympics. I love love love them! And th opening ceremonies were spectacular, not weird at all, like they sometimes are.


  8. mamichelle Said,

    John has no interest either.

    So glad you had fun shopping, eating & playing! I think we need to ask Santa for one! 😉

    Yay, on the rain too! We have it again today!

  9. Susanne Said,

    My hubby’s the same as yours. Couldn’t care less about the Olympics. At least he sat with me even though he was on his laptop! LOL.

  10. Sally Said,

    Although I say that I don’t watch the Olympics, I found myself GLUED to the TV last night when Michael Phelps won his second gold medal. How exciting.

    I’ll be watching more tonight!

  11. Sandra Said,

    I missed the opening ceremonies but I’ve been enjoying watching the Olympics 🙂

  12. Sparky Duck Said,

    I am resisting Madden 09, but just barely

  13. Barb @ A Chelsea Morning Said,

    I’m completely addicted to the Olympics this time around. Normally, my favorite part is the girls’ gymnastics (both my daughters were gymnasts and it brings back a ton of memories) but this time, I’m also glued to the men’s swimming and the girls’ volleyball.

    The opening ceremony was absolutely amazing. The Chinese should be extremely proud of themselves.

  14. dianne Said,

    i hardly get to watch the olympics – mike is just not interested and i usually get preempted by Fox news or the history channel or the “dirty jobs” show – go figure. i like the swimming, diving and gymnastics when i get a chance to watch them. i really wanted to see the opening ceremony this year – oh well.

  15. Angi Said,

    I have been trying to get Mario Kart Wii for months! My son so wants that game! It is impossible to find around here – or on the internet!

  16. Fresh Girl Said,

    You finally got Mario Kart?! Yay! Do you have wireless internet at your house? Let me know if you do, and I’ll send you my friend code, and you can send me yours and then we can run over each other! 😉

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