Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

da Phone

iPhone Blackberry

If you were getting a new cell phone, and you had to choose between an iPhone and a Blackberry – which would you choose?! Cast your vote today 🙂

  1. Desert Songbird Said,

    Blackberry. Definitely.

  2. Dawn Said,

    You know what scares me about the iPhone (in addition to it still being relatively new & my natural fear of all new technology without the bigs worked out)? My phone takes some absue. I have a tendancy to drop it. I look at that iPhone & all it can do, and it just looks so delicate, especially that screen. I bet if I had one, it would stop working in about 3 days!

  3. Jill Said,

    I have a blackberry and my boss has an i-phone and I’d have to vote for the i-phone. Very cool, – easy to use (easier than the BB, I think). By the way, go on Amazon to purchase….always the best deals there.

  4. annie Said,

    I have had a few blackberries and thought they were easy to use and I liked them. One of my friends got an iphone and it is pretty hard to learn. She actually went for a training session. I want one now. My vote is for the iPHONE!!!

  5. cam Said,

    iphone, of course.

  6. Susanne Said,

    As the least techno minded person around, I wouldn’t even dare cast a vote. I’m still trying to learn my good old regular cell phone. :vD

  7. jen Said,


  8. Sandra Said,

    I must be one of the few people who still doesn’t have a cellphone of any kind LOL

  9. Gail Said,


    When are you getting this or the iphone? Is Tim getting one too!

  10. Heidi Said,

    iphone. i’m a mac person i guess

  11. YellowRose Said,

    I’d get the BB! That’s what I’m getting! 😉 I like the IPhone, but when talking to some geeks..lol…they said to wait for another year before getting one, at least. I trust geeks. 😉

    Hubby has a BB and I’ve played with his (his is work provided) and I really like it and all it’s features. Plus it’s easy to use!

  12. amy Said,

    I dont which one is which but the first one is smaller so I will go with that

  13. Claire Said,

    Though the i-Phone is cool there are a few things that make me nervous about them…such as the fact that to get a new battery you have to send your phone away. I don’t really know much about the BB. However, at this point in time, I’d probably choose the blackberry. A few years down the road, I might choose the i-Phone, though!

  14. Brit' Gal Sarah Said,

    Blackberry! I had one for 2 years and loved it

  15. Michael - Lover of Amy Said,

    I don’t know much of anything about either one. Can I vote for whatever 5 year old model the service is offering for free when I sell my soul to them for another 2 years? Mine is coming up next month I think.

  16. mamichelle Said,

    I think I’d choose the Blackberry. I’m still back in the old days with no camera on my phone!

  17. Judi Said,

    I don’t have either one but I would go with the Blackberry. My hubby has one and loves it.

  18. Sadie Said,

    iPhone. I’m using mine right now to leave you this comment. But wait a few weeks til the new ones come out. Its very wonderful. Especially since I know you’re an iPod person.

    I heart mine.

  19. Sadie Said,

    okay I just read other people’s comments. I didn’t think it was hard to learn at all… Also, I was afraid of damaging it too, b/c I am so clumsy. But I bought a case for it and a screen protector, neither of which was expensive, and I drop it a lot. No problems so far!!!

  20. Coach Jenny Said,

    I’m with Michael-lover of Amy up there. That’s exactly what I do!! Ha,ha 🙂

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