Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Reliving Childhood

If you’ve visited here before, you’ve probably seen me mention the fact that I don’t really remember anything from my childhood. That gap in my memory stretches right on through most of high school and college. Weird, huh?

I’d like to think, however, that when I was little, I liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I know I like them now. I’ve been on a kick for over a month now, of regularly having PB&J sandwiches for lunch. That’s because I discovered this at our new Fresh Market:

Peanut Butter

They grind peanuts fresh in the store and it tastes so good! I keep it in the fridge and pull it out regularly, along with blackberry (preferred) or raspberry preserves and make myself a pb&j for lunch.

How about you… is there any food that reminds you of your childhood? I remember loving my grandmother’s chicken and rice (sort of like chicken and dumplings). I’ve tried many times as an adult to recreate it, but I never come close.

Have a great day!

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Stace, you are making me hungry! I can’t tell you the last time I had a PBJ. I do have my peanut butter and crackers though!

    I remember a few things that my mom made – half moons (kind of a cake like cookie with half choc. /half vanilla frosting), whoppie pies, lemon filled cupcakes. Let’s see…do you see a pattern here?!! I also loved her porcupine meatballs (filled with rice).

    One other food item I remember but in a bad way – corn chowder. I will NOT eat any kind of chowder to this day. She made me eat it and it had onions in it. I hated them back then. Ugh.

  2. jen Said,

    I remember banana chips. My grandma would buy them for me when I visited with her. When she passed away I bought a small bad and left it to be buried with her…it was one of my favorite memories of her.

  3. Shawna Said,

    I was a chicken nugget girl. There’s actually a certain type you only find at Food Lion that bring back memories. I often ate them for breakfast!! I’ve had to move on to high-fiber breakfasts now. Oh, but the days!!

  4. Susanne Said,

    MMM, peach and whipped cream crepes. My mom made them once in a while for supper. Man I haven’t had those in forever.

  5. Karen Said,

    Peanut butter and grape jelly on toasted white bread, cut in fours. With chicken noodle soup. We always had soup and sandwiches for Sunday night supper. Our dinner was at midday on Sundays. I remember it was the only time we could eat supper and watch t.v. — the Wonderful World of Disney. Thanks for the nice trip down memory lane:)

  6. Debi Said,

    Hey, blackberry is by far my preferred jelly, too! But raspberry will do in a pinch!

    One of my strongest childhood food memories is how my mom always made us “toast and cocoa” whenever we were sick. To this day, I crave buttered toast and hot chocolate whenever I feel under the weather.

  7. Gail Said,

    I think I’m in the same boat as you in remembering foods from childhood! Surely we must have had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Wait, I did have peanut butter and banana, because we made them with you know what! And Don FREAKED out the first time I made his that way. 🙂
    I think I’ve had that same chicken and rice that P made! I never mastered it.

  8. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    bologna. I ate so much it made my mom sick.

  9. annie Said,

    I’ve never in my life eaten a pb&j. Amanda is on a pb&j kick right now.

    I think fresh baking bread/rolls baking reminds me of my childhood…

  10. Dawn Said,

    I could go on for days & days about childfood food memories. I truly benefitted from growing up in my Gram’s kitchen!

  11. Becca Said,

    I love pb&fluff! especially if it is crunchy pb! I am also on a Nutella kick! What is up with that! Nutella right on the spoon! Must be to much Giada on the Food Network!

  12. Claire Said,

    Hmmm….At my Granny’s, Fruit loops! What really brings it back is PB&J (or open-faced with a jelly heart!) and fritos. We always had this for Saturday lunch! My favorite as a little girl was chicken roll ups, scalloped broccoli, and corn pudding. There are so many more…hotdog sandwich – a piece of bread spread with mayo (a thin spread), topped with sliced hotdog, topped with cheddar cheese (the real kind, not American junk!) and toasted. SO GOOD!

  13. Maria Said,

    My mother was a fantastic cook and made many German dishes growing up. She cooked to please my father’s appetite. LOL Potato pancakes will always remind me of my childhood. My mother was also an awesome baker and almost everything she baked was from scratch, though as she got older she did use some cake mixes in her baked goods.

    We ate lunch meats from the German deli growing up. I hate to admit it, but my favorite lunch for school was usually a liverwurst sandwich made with butter on rye bread, BBQ chips, a Ding Dong, and maybe an apple. I think I had milk or Kool-aid in my thermos for a drink. I went to school long before juice boxes/pouches or water bottles. And we rarely drank soda at home.

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