Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Gourmet Steak N Shrimp Kew

Another busy day – Tim does so love to stay busy on the weekends! :mrgreen: That Type A personality in constant motion.

He did a bunch of woodworking, painted the gas grill, worked on the car, and various and sundry other tasks. I did some stuff in the house and finished my latest book (Shopaholic Ties the Knot – gotta do the review soon). We went and ran some errands. Went to Sam’s and got the aforementioned 7 dollar sweatshirts to put up for next year. Tim got one more and I got two! 🙂 Gotta love big comfy slouchy sweatshirts to lounge around in while watching football 😀 Then we went to Home Depot and got some woodworking stuff and also some replacement landscape lights.

Afterwards, …

Tim offered to take me out to eat Chinese! Like I would refuse!!!! 😀 I don’t think I have ever turned down Chinese food. (Tim has come in before at 5:30 or 6:00 on a weekday, when supper is nearly or almost cooked, and offered to take me to eat Chinese… my standard response is OK! Let me put this food up, give me just a second!)

We went to Golden Dragon in Madison, and I thought we would get the buffet. They have a shrimp and cabbage dish there that I truly love. But, Tim wanted to try the dinner for two – officially known as the “Gourmet Steak N Shrimp Kew Dinner for 2”. And, for the record, he made an excellent choice! We had a blast, eating our way through all the courses. We had wontons with a sort of sweet and sour dipping sauce, followed by very hot egg rolls and kai-kai beef. Then we had two delicious honey bbq ribs. Then egg drop soup. Then, they wheeled out the cart and finished cooking the beef in front of us – filet, so tender you didn’t need a fork or knife. The beef was served with some jumbo, incredibly tender shrimp and a huge platter of Chinese vegetables, including some delicious baby bok choy. Fried rice on the side, and we had enough leftover to bring home for me to have another meal off of. For dessert, they had just taken some almond cookies from the oven, they were very warm and delicious. All in all, my kind of meal! Tim even said on the way home, did you enjoy that half as much as I did! 😀

Oh, and I thought our fortunes were good, at least Tim’s. His said “You are soon going to change your present line of work”. Now, do you think there’s any kind of truth to that? Mine was “Keep in mind your most cherished dreams of the future”. To which I told Tim – he is my most cherished dream, and he is always at the forefront of my mind.

Great evening! 🙂


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