Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Sincerely, Cookie Monster

Yesterday, my sister Gail was here, and we went shopping all day. We had a great time, and I got a lot of new clothes for spring and summer, a new pair of shoes, a new yellow purse and even some new sunglasses. Woo-hoo, I really racked up! :mrgreen: We were both wiped out though, at the end of the day, and so when we came home, we were looking forward to having a bite of something sweet. Especially since I had made a pan of Butterscotch Bars for Gail the night before.

However. When you leave your husband at home alone, unsupervised, this could happen to you:

Cookie Monster

Yep, he ate them all. Every last one, every last crumb. He said they went really well with coffee. 😀

{In case you can’t read the paper or tell from the picture, there was a sheet of paper in my empty Tupperware container that said “You can’t be looking for cookies… Sincerely, Cookie Monster}

  1. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    You and Gail married very funny men! With your hubby’s cookie note and Gail’s hubby’s comment about moving to her eternal home, I am cracking up!

  2. Fresh Girl Said,

    LOL! Tim has a great sense of humor…and I bet so do you! You’d have to with somebody eating your cookies. *g* I think I may have to take a page from Tim’s book and leave a note like that the next time I get carried away. 😉

  3. Angela Said,

    Men !!! right?? :-). They are still little boys, but with very big feet now*giggles*.
    Have an inspiring day!!

  4. Gail Said,

    HE IS A BAD, BAD BOY! Eating my/our cookies like that! I’m still a bit bummed and might be forced to make some myself….tell him to watch out next time he comes to visit me, there could be a prank waiting!

  5. Debi Said,

    Oh my goodness, I am rolling here!!! Of course, I wouldn’t be if I’d been the one looking forward to those cookies 🙂

  6. jen Said,

    That is so funny.

  7. Dawn P Said,

    Wow…he took the time to type a note. I’d come home to just an empty pan and just know. At least he’s funny 🙂

    So did you guys have fun shopping? Sounds like you did rack up on some goodies!

  8. Dawn Said,

    LOL!! You & Gail both have comedians for husbands!

  9. annie Said,

    Sounds like a fun shopping day! Too bad about the cookies 🙂

  10. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    So he needs to make a run to the local Starbucks and buy some of their good pastries to replace them! 🙂

  11. Desert Songbird Said,

    That naughty Cookie Monster! He owes you another batch!

  12. Claire Said,

    HA! This is hillarious. I love it…what a great excuse to bake if you have someone who likes it and eats it!

  13. Kim Said,

    This cracked me up! I sure know that moment of utter disappointment when you are looking so forward to a treat and you find it is GONE! Believe me, with 4 kids that has happened to me all too often. I don’t even bake that often because for all the work it is, the goodies don’t even last a full 24 hours around here! Looks like Tim got the good end of that deal for sure!!

  14. Dianne Said,

    That is just too funny! Now Mike has done about the same thing but he’s not clever enough to leave a note – he just blames it on the d.o.g.!

  15. Maria Said,

    How cute is that!

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