Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Breezy Saturday

Geesh, it sure is cool and breezy outside today. We had such an early Easter, and I knew there was a little bit of cool weather left. It’s supposed to be in the upper 30’s again tonight, and the wind is really chilly outside this morning.

We had originally thought we might work in the yard some today (well, I thought, but I don’t think Tim agreed!), but the weather has convinced me to stay inside. Tim is going to work outside on the vehicles and his woodworking. I’m going to do some cleaning up, paperwork, and organizing today. And – hopefully – read my book! Like I told Tim, woodworking is a hobby, so is reading, so I can do my hobby too! 😀

I’m about halfway through my latest book “Shopaholic Ties the Knot” and it’s funny and very entertaining – so much so that I really don’t want to put it down!

We will probably get out later this afternoon and run a few errands. I told Tim earlier that I might like to go back to the Ridgeland Multi-Purpose trail and get another good walk in. We did that a few weekends ago and both really enjoyed it. Or maybe try a new place, there are a lot of good walking trails and parks around here. I think we’re going to swing by Home Depot as well. Tim ran over the landscape light and crushed it into a million pieces (Suzie, if you’re reading this – you are not the only one that has done that now, so you should feel a lot better!). We may run by Sam’s and try to find me a sweatshirt too. Tim found one on the clearance table the other night for 7 bucks, and I washed it yesterday. It’s really soft and comfortable feeling, and I’m hoping they might have a smaller size (S or M) that would fit me. His big one definitely swallows me! If not, no great loss, but I do get cold in the winters and a nice soft/comfy/slouchy sweatshirt for 7.01 sounds good to me! 😀


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