Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Tim and I stopped after church last weekend at our new Fresh Market grocery store. I’ve been several times, and have been wanting to get some stuff from their meat and seafood counters to take home and prepare at home. They have some awesome looking food – fish that is coated in sesame or almond mixtures, seafood stuffed with crabmeat and other fillings, chicken breasts that are stuffed or seasoned, beef pinwheels, stuffed flank steaks, huge burgers that are stuffed with things like blue cheese, portabello mushrooms, etc, stuffed pork chops and even italian meatloaves already prepared and ready to bake. Every thing I have seen looks awesome 🙂

So, after church, we stopped by and got some cranberry-brie stuffed chicken breasts. I had sweet potatoes and salad mix at home already, so I was happy with just those. Tim was really sweet though, and knew I wanted to try more stuff there. So, we got some spinach-artichoke dip from the deli counter (delicious, as good as any we’ve had in a restaurant) and some of their bottled lemonade. I swear, the lemonade might also have been the best stuff I’ve tasted. :mrgreen: I know I’ve had raspberry lemonade at Olive Garden or somewhere like that and it is really good, but this stuff is just as good, or better 🙂

I didn’t take pictures of the food, but I might next time! The chicken breasts were supposed to be cooked in the oven for about 50 minutes, but Tim was starving and didn’t want to wait that long, so we threw them on the grill. I don’t think they cooked as well, so next time, I want to follow the instructions. They still tasted good, but probably not as good as they would have if they had been baked in the oven.

The lemonade was so good, it tasted just like spring! It was perfect for eating lunch outside in the sunshine, on our deck. They had several flavors of this lemonade, but Tim wanted to start off “easy”. 🙂 He doesn’t tend to like really fruity stuff. I would have tried the blueberry or pomegranate or other flavors, but we started off slow with just the pink lemonade:

Pink Lemonade

Pink Lemonade

I’m hoping to make this a new tradition for the spring. I’ve told Tim that I want to stop over there after church for the next few weeks, and get something new to try every time. We’ll see how well that goes over, and for how long. 😀

  1. Amy Said,

    IM never your first commented..hehehe That store just sounds sooo yummy. I am laerning to love Trader Joes, lots of healthy foods.

    SOunds like you had a great meal!~

  2. Coach Jenny Said,

    That all sounds good. Wish I had a Fresh Market to try!

  3. Desert Songbird Said,

    I’ve been seeing a sparkling lemonade at Trader Joe’s, and I’ve been meaning to try it. I was just there Sunday night, but I think I’ll have to go back. *grin*

  4. Dianne Said,

    This is making me drool after my lunch of beets, a handful of green pepper chunks and a few olives. Let’s just say my cafeteria at work is no Fresh Market! I’ll have to wait till tonight to satisfy my cravings! This place sounds scrumptious though and probably not the kind of place you want to go hungry.

  5. Dawn Said,

    Wow. That all sounds *amazing*.

  6. Cam Said,

    Sooo jealous of you having that market. I went in one last March when we were at the beach in Destin. OMGosh, heaven! Enjoy it!
    Tim is so conservative. 🙂

  7. mamichelle Said,

    Oh, those chicken breasts sound so delicious!! And the spinach dip – one of my favorites!!! YUM. Glad you enjoyed.

  8. Susanne Said,

    My mouth is just a waterin’ over here! That all sound sooo good.

  9. annie Said,

    It even looks pretty!

  10. Fresh Girl Said,

    I wish we had a Fresh Market here! You’re making me drool with all that describing of food. 😉 Can’t wait to hear about what you have next!

  11. Maria Said,

    Everything sounds very yummy! The lemonade looks very refreshing. I’m looking forward to reading more about what you buy the next few Sundays. I’ll have to check out if they have this store in our area.

  12. jen Said,

    I love eating lunch on the deck. We had appetizers the other night out there…it was so nice and we had dessert out on the deck last night. Tonight we may get blown away though.

  13. Gail Said,

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen those glasses! Have you served me out of those yet? 🙂

  14. Claire Said,

    I love The Fresh Market! It’s so much fun. My parents are in town this weekend and Im taking mama to look at it. Haven’t checked the meat yet, but that chicken sounds like something I should check into. Eating outside is the best…to bad I don’t have my own porch.

  15. Claire Said,

    Okay…I looked at the chicken today and it looks so good, and reasonably priced IMO. I got one of the feta sun dried tomato ones. On my list to try are the goat cheese red pepper, spinach ricotta, and portabella mozzarella. Oh my! Their pork looks good, too. And one day, I’m going to try lamb. It was the first time I had looked at the meat; other days it was too crowded.

  16. deb Said,

    I’ve never been to Fresh Market but I think there’s one near Nashville. How fun!! You made my mouth water lol!

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