Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – Something’s Gotta Give?


I’m curious – did you “give up” anything to start, or continue, blogging? As in, time-wise, do you spend time blogging that you would otherwise be using for something else, another hobby, more time with family or friends, or something like that? Anything specific? Me, I gave up scrapbooking when I started blogging. I really miss it sometimes, but I’m realistic – I can’t seem to do both. It’s enough that I read as much as I do and blog, while everything else is going on around here. I know my limitations – if I add scrapbooking back in, then something else will have to give. Either the insane amount of TV/movie watching we do (which would work for me now, I’d gladly give up some to read more, but Tim loves to watch TV and movies and that’s a lot of our “together” time), or the cooking/baking/recipe collecting, or the reading. Or the blogging. Logically, I know I could scale each of them down and add scrapbooking back in, but realistically, I know the way I work and function, and I know I’d have to really cut one back severely, or out altogether, to add something as time-intensive as scrapping back for me.

How about you? Do you feel like you cut back or gave anything up to blog regularly? Is there a hobby you used to enjoy, but you no longer do because you’re spending that time blogging?

  1. Debi Said,

    Cleaning. 🙂

  2. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    Cleaning for me too. Obviously, that’s not good.

  3. twiga Said,

    Probably reading. I might not read as much with blogging. But I have a short attention span for about anything that I do, so I do most things in small spurts. I will often blog with the TV on. I can only read so much before moving on to something else. So blogging has probably not cut into my hobbies. But I probably read less than I used to.

  4. Lynne Said,

    I’m with Debi and Lauren – cleaning. And grocery shopping. And cooking. And laundry. And so on and so on!

  5. annie Said,

    Nope, not really. I use the time I had already etched out to be with Izzy… feeding her etc. I am a multi tasker!

  6. Fresh Girl Said,

    Oh yeah! I don’t read as much, I don’t make as many cards or do as much scrapbooking. I probably don’t do as much sleeping either! 😉 And thinking of all that makes me think I need to cut back on the blogging, but that’s hard, too…

  7. Cam Said,

    I’m a member of an online mommy group. We’ve been together since we were all pregnant in 2003, and we’ve stayed close and active on our board as our kids have grown, and we’ve had 2nd (and some have had 3rd!) babies.
    Whenever I spend lots of time blogging or reading others’ blogs, I end up spending way less time “hanging out” on my mommy board. But whenever I spend more time hanging out posting on the board, I end up not having time to read/comment on blogs.
    So that’s what I end up vascillating between…blogs and my mommy board. And facebook & myspace…those are my other time-suckers. Those take away from both my mommy board time AND my blogging time, and vice-versa.

  8. Gail Said,

    I was going to say no until I read all the ones that said cleaning! So that would have to be my answer too b/c I let it go way too much! Plus I think I watch a whole lot less tv during the day now than I did before I blogged, a little at night but the tv doesn’t stay on nearly as much as it used to.

  9. jen Said,

    Probably some phone time or cleaning…I clean alot…but before I was a mad woman…lol.

  10. mamichelle Said,

    Ummm…work? JK No, I really haven’t given up anything but maybe I’m just not reading enough blogs?

  11. COrrine Said,

    I’m there with you on the scrapbooking, I used to do a ton of digital stuff, and have replaced it with blogging, but am working on getting my blog entries scrapped too…though I think I’d be cleaning a little more and probably reading to my children…geez I need to spend more time reading to them than reading strangers blogs, but I do need my alone zone time….

  12. Heidi Said,

    I definitely watch less tv now that I blog. Not a bad thing though…

  13. Shawna Said,

    Cleaning – not so good. TV — I think it was a good swap. I also have really limited my scrapbooking. Blogging is so not messy like scrapbooking. I hope to pick it back up though.

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