Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – Dessert at a Restaurant

Chocolate Cake

Today’s Question of the Day is an easy one. WhatÒ€ℒs your favorite dessert to order at a restaurant? As an added bonus, do you order dessert very often when you eat out, or just on special occasions like a birthday or anniversary? Do you like to try something new or something the restaurant is known for, or do you stick to your favorite?

My answer is fairly easy, although I can’t pick one thing. I love desserts and sweets to much! πŸ™‚ I will almost always choose tiramisu if we’re at an Italian place. I usually choose something chocolate if we’re at any other kind of restaurant, although on rare occasions, I do like cheesecake. But I mostly go for the chocolate! I don’t usually have dessert unless it’s a special occasion or I am just starving and didn’t have a very big entree. Tim can usually talk me into ordering dessert though. It’ s not that hard to twist my arm! :mrgreen:

Leave me a comment and let me know about you and dessert!

  1. Gail Said,

    Well, you’re already gonna know my answer since we’ve eaten together enough and are alike! And boo, I’m trying to cut back on sweets, my downfall and here you go asking something about sweets early in the morning when I’ll think of it all day. πŸ™‚
    Chocolate, I love that you know! And I’d order tiramisu if it’s a good italian place like you said. For me the thing that might be different than you, I’d probably order key lime pie if it was available and good at the place I was eating…that might be the one thing that I’d go for over chocolate. I love the molten lava cake, and we’ve eaten our share of them!
    I don’t usually order dessert but try to save it for just sometimes!

  2. dianne Said,

    I only order dessert on special occasions. My new thing is soup and salad at Olive Garden and tiramisu!! If a place doesn’t have tiramisu, I’d go for the chocolate πŸ™‚

  3. Sally Said,

    I love desserts, but I usually don’t order any in restaurants. When I do, however, it’s never chocolate. I know, I know. I’m weird.

  4. Laura Said,

    I almost never order dessert in a restaurant. I can’t remember the last time I did! I’d rather go somewhere for ice cream or a milkshake afterward. πŸ™‚

  5. Sandra Said,

    I don’t order dessert at the restaurant, I’m usually way too full for it LOL

    But if I do then it’s tiramisu or cheesecake or something along those lines.

  6. Desert Songbird Said,

    I adore sweets, but I usually never order dessert. Since we don’t get to go out for special occasions very often, I don’t really order them then, either! When I DO order dessert, it’s usually either carrot cake or key lime pie (if they have it and it’s recommended). I’m very picky about both, though.

  7. Karen Said,

    I don’t always order dessert, but I don’t just reserve it for birthdays and holidays either:) I used to order the most chocolatiest thing on the menu. Or cheesecake. But lately my favorite dessert is a scoop of icecream with chocolate syrup on it. It “cleanses the palate.”;)

  8. mamichelle Said,

    Well, I hardly ever save room for dessert. I usually get something like cheesecake if there’s an inch to spare.

  9. annie Said,

    I usually don’t order dessert unless I’m at cheesecake factory and then I order it to go… and at Mexican places I will have a soppapila (?SP).

  10. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    If at Chilis – Molten Cake. But I also love getting the Coca-Cola Cake at Cracker Barrel when they have it! Yum, Yum!!

  11. Heidi Said,


  12. Susanne Said,

    I only order desserts occasionally. And it depends on the restaurant what I would order. Creme brulees, cheesecake and apple crisps are my favorites. If I want something lighter and mousse might fit the bill. And now you’ve got me craving all of these! LOL.

  13. Jill Said,

    I love to order cheesecake (though I’ve eaten at The Cheesecake Factory and did not get cheesecake…go figure), bread pudding or something chocolate that I wouldn’t normally bake a thome. And, we usually only get dessert on a special occasion.

  14. Debi Said,

    You know, it’s funny…I always pick out what I want for dessert first at a restaurant. But then I never have room left after the meal to actually get it. Seriously, I think I’ve had dessert in a restaurant maybe twice. Isn’t that sad?

  15. Becca Said,

    Tiramisu, or something decadently chocolate. When we are in Hawaii, I get the macadamia nut pie, have to have that. Last night we had chocolate lasagna, and man that was really good!

  16. Meredith Said,

    I hardly EVER order dessert at a restaurant. If I do, it’s probably cheesecake or cherry pie…because I don’t like chocolate!

  17. JEN Said,

    We dont ever buy desserts out…we normally are too stuffed. But if I had to name one it would be something chocolate or cheesecake with a sauce. cheesecake is always a treat as I cannot make one…lol.

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