Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “Home to Holly Springs”

Home to Holly Springs by Jan KaronI finished my second book in Annie’s “What’s In a Name Challenge” yesterday. It’s a book I bought the week it came out, since I absolutely loved the Mitford books by Jan Karon. Normally, I don’t read books like this right away, no matter how much I look forward to getting them. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I like to hold on to them, and savor them, and “save them for a rainy day”, so to speak. Mostly, I don’t like to read them right away, because that means it will just be all that much longer before the next one comes out. I think, somewhere in my warped mind, that the longer I force myself to wait, the sooner it will be until I have a new one by a beloved author to read. 😕

That said, I went ahead and read this, as I chose it for my “Place” category in the reading challenge. So, I have now completed 2 of the 6 books I chose for the challenge.

I wish I were better at reviewing books. I don’t feel like I’m articulate enough to convey what I felt about the book, or give it an honest review. Mostly, my reviews consist of whether or not I liked the book! In this case, I’m even hard pressed to come up with a good answer for that. Yes, I liked “Home to Holly Springs”, but there were things about the book I wasn’t thrilled with. I was so happy to return to characters I know and love, like Father Tim, Cynthia and Dooley, as well as others that were just mentioned in passing, like Peggy, Tommy Noles and his parents. On one hand, I enjoyed Father Tim’s flashbacks to his childhood and reading about his early life. On the other hand, sometimes the jumping back and forth really got on my nerves 🙂

I will admit, the plot was not what I expected. I’m not sure what exactly I did expect, but this was not it. I did enjoy the book, don’t get me wrong. I love Jan Karon and the way she writes. She’s like a comfortable old quilt to me, even with the “Southern drawl” she gave a lot of the dialect in this new book. The thing is – you see – is that I tend to talk like that, and know many people who do! 😀 I think sometimes that bothers me about a book; that people will think my corner of the world just a redneck, backwards, hick kind of place, and it’s not. I think she did a good job to portray it as more, full of average and even good people. Granted, I’ve never been to Holly Springs, but there are many other places in Mississippi that I have been, that are very similar to what she describes. Anyway, I did like the book, but I didn’t just love it, like I had thought I would. I am looking forward to the next one though, to see where she goes from here with the story and characters.

For the record, I’ve read 5 books so far this year, for a total of 1,830 pages read. Up next is the second Ashley Stockingdale book by Kristin Billerbeck – “She’s Out of Control“. I’m looking forward to some light, very funny Christian chick-lit after completing “Home to Holly Springs”.

Happy Reading!!!

  1. Debi Said,

    Well, I for one, love your reviews Stacy! Bottom line is I like hearing whether you like a book or not…anything else is just icing on the cake. Good for you…two books down already. I haven’t even started any of my books for her challenge yet…shame on me.

  2. Heidi Said,

    I got this book for Christmas and haven’t had a chance to read it. I was, however, assuming that it must be different from the other Mitford books because it is a whole new series.

    SOmetimes it is hard to say if you like a book or not.

  3. Gail Said,

    I was so hoping that this would sorta be like a continuation of the Mitford ones, just in a different place! But it doesn’t sound like it maybe…still think I’ll read it at some point.
    Is the Billerbeck one you’re going to read one of the ones I got you at Christmas? Or part of another set…..I still haven’t read anything by her! Need to remember to check her out at the church library.

  4. mamichelle Said,

    You are very articulate, Stacy!! I hate giving reviews too. I’m always afraid I’ll give away too much! LOL

    Glad you enjoyed your book. I’m working on finishing “Nature Girl.”

  5. Karen Said,

    I guess our warped minds think alike because I completely understand and agree with your whole first paragraph. That’s why this book is still sitting on my nightstand. Also, I suspected it would be a bit different from the Mitford series, so as long as I don’t get to it, I won’t be disappointed. Okay, ‘nuf said. You all think I’m nuts.

    I think of southern people as being full of heart. I’ve never been to the south, but the way Jan Karon portrays them and the people I’ve known . . . that’s just what comes to mind when I hear a southern accent.

  6. Lynne Said,

    I bought this book for my best friend and my daughter Donna, but I haven’t read it yet. I’m waiting for the paperback before I buy it – I have the whole Mitford series in paperback and like to have them all alike. OCD – I know! I’m looking forward to reading more about Father Tim and Cynthia.

    BTW – Remember the puzzle you did around New Year’s? You got me into a puzzle mood – I’ve done 2 – just finished one today. I posted a picture. But no more!!

  7. annie Said,

    I’m reading that book right now. It isn’t as compelling as the mitford series to me, but I still love Father Tim. I guess I’ll save my review til the end of the book 🙂

  8. theresa Said,

    Wow, don’t know how you find the time, I am lucky if I finish 2 books a year. But it is fun hearing what is out there to read

  9. Kara Said,

    Nice review! And I guess I better get to reading as I am only about halfway through my second book for Annie’s challenge!

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