Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday & a QOTD

Menu Planning Monday

I wish that I had a “real” menu to post this week. But, with Tim being out of town some on business and hunting the other days (before deer season ends around here), I’ll be alone for dinnertime almost every day this week. Which is ok by me, because that means less cooking! But it doesn’t make for an interesting post. 😀

The general idea when Tim is not here for supper is that I don’t cook. I don’t know how those of you who cook for one do it!!! I can’t seem to bring myself to cook when it’s just me. I can barely cook some days for the two of us, but most of the time I do, and I enjoy it. 🙂 Tim is a great guy to cook for. He likes to eat, always says something nice about what I prepare, and is always open to trying something new. When it’s just me though, I’m happy with something simple. A bowl of cereal or oatmeal. Some popcorn. A can of soup. A Lean Cuisine. Easy and no cooking required. This week, I plan to eat some leftover Chinese food for supper one or two nights, breakfast food one night and probably a Lean Cuisine another night. I’ll probably get back to cooking later in the week or next weekend, but right now I don’t have anything planned.

That said, I thought I’d ask a menu-planning/cooking “Question of the Day“: Let’s say you participate in Menu Plan Monday, or you occasionally browse online for recipes. What do you do when you find recipes you might want to try one day? Do you print them out and file them somewhere? Do you save them to your computer? If so, how and where do you save them (to a Word document, a cooking program, an email folder, etc)?

As for me, I do a mix of those things. Sometimes I go ahead and print them out. They get put in one of my infamous and ever growing “piles” in the kitchen or office. (The piles are for placing in a binder I started last year but am already behind on 🙁 ) Sometimes I go ahead and put them in my Mastercook software, in a “to-try” type cookbook. But, the majority of the time (and overwhelmingly so, probably 95% of the time), I put them in an email folder called “Recipes”. Which is great, except those are stored on my laptop that died. Which is supposed to be delivered back home to me today. So, we’ll see later today if I’ve still got all of those recipes, and a thousand other things, I had stored on my laptop. Sigh. 🙂

Leave me a comment and let me know what you do when you find a recipe online that you might want to try. And, have a great day!

  1. momma Said,

    I usually save the recipes I want to try on my computer. Actually I bookmark them. I also have a “cookbook” on myrecipes.com where I save all the ones I like. But a lot of times I print them and put them in my recipe binder. But only the ones I have tried and we like. 🙂

  2. Kara Said,

    Enjoy your oatmeal and cereal week – I love cooking but sometimes it is fun to just pick from the pantry or order takeout!

    I have tired to stay away from looking for recipes online as I have a couple hundred cookbooks in my house already!

  3. deb Said,

    I save recipes in a folder on my desktop named “Recipes” and sometimes I enter them into a software program that I have but rarely use ;~)

    I print lots of recipes, too, and file them in a big white binder which I need to straighten out again. I think I may need a 2nd binder lol

    If I didn’t have Scott to cook for, I’d eat cereal, peanut butter and crackers or soup every night. Thank goodness I have someone else in the house!

  4. Heidi Said,

    If I see a recipe on a blog I want to try, I print it out right then. It sits near by computer desk or in my kitchen. Only about half of them do I actually attempt, and if I like it, I have a recipe folder I put it in. Otherwise, after a while, the others get thrown out.

    Probably not helpful to you, but that is what I do!

  5. annie Said,

    Hey Stacy.
    I bookmark them under recipes if I really want to try them!
    Have a great week!

  6. jen Said,

    Thanks for the words of ecouragement for my parents…..I needed it. I just need to get use to the fact.

    Now for your question….I have a recipe folder under Word and I will put most there…or bookmark them under cooking for myself….I also have an island in the kitchen with 2 deep drawers with cook books and recipes in it.

  7. Denitra's Den Said,

    I’ve got a file in my email for recipes, but the real question is “Do I ever use it?” Maybe once!

    I always seem to use the same old standbys, especially since we’re on a rotation diet due to food allergies. But I always enjoy trying new recipes if I think I can make them taste ok after substituing for certain allergens.

    I’m new to blogging, so I look forward to your Menu Mondays – I need to be doing that. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Cam Said,

    I just have a folder on my hard drive, labeled “recipes”. I save recipes there that I want to try, and if I try it & like it, it gets to stay.

    Well it’s too bad there are so many miles between us. I’d come join you for dinner one night this week, if I were close by. 🙂 (Assuming you’d like the company! LOL)

  9. Fresh Girl Said,

    Like Cam, I have a “recipes” folder on my hard drive. If I find a recipe online I like, occasionally I’ll bookmark it, but most often I’ll copy it into a text file and put it in that folder. Then, when I get ready to fix whatever it is, I’ll print it out. If the dish turns out to be a keeper, I’ll punch holes in the paper and stick it in a big binder.

  10. sherry Said,

    Hi Stacey!

    I was sorry to hear about everything you lost on your computer 🙁 It reminds us how important it is to save everything other than on our hard drive! I’ll have to start doing that!

    I do just cook for myself at times, maybe when Mike’s working late and the kids eat chicken nuggets or something? I will cook just for me. But if it were more than once in awhile, I’d be doing a lot of Lean Cuisines and soups too!

    And as for your question of the day! It’s perfect timing for me, as I decided just last week I wanted somewhere to keep all the great recipes that I find in ONE PLACE so I can actually start to use them! I tried to Google “free recipe box online” or “save your recipes online for free”, you get the idea. I came up with nothing. So, I started my new blog: http://recipestash.blogspot.com/ Just a place to save recipes from all around the net! (with links given to the original poster or website, of course!)

    And PS — my dh is going to LOVE that I got comments from my blog friends who like Star Trek! I can’t stand it and won’t watch it with him! Sorry! It’s a deep-seated hatred from c hildhood from when my dad would turn off cartoons to watch it — or worse, he’d turn off “Happy Days” or “Joanie Loves Chachi” — so you understand. And he’s working his way through ALL the ST series! One at a time. *sigh*

  11. Claire Said,

    I just bookmark them to my favorites. This usually means that I forget about them and then, bam, one day I see it and remember that I want to try that! Usually when I cook for myself, I eat the same thing for about three days that week with oatmeal or soup or eggs thrown in there somewhere! Hopefully, I’ll have someone else to cook for at some point! 😉

  12. Sonya Said,

    I agree with you about cooking for one. I have a hard time doing that when it’s just me. When the girls are gone, I find it hard to cook for Jeff and myself. I usually do frozen meals or pizza. As for recipes I find online, I usually print them and put them loosely in my kitchen notebook. They only get filed if I use them and really like them.

  13. Dawn Said,

    I do pull out recipes & such from magazines, but I don’t print out the ones I want to try that find online. I use this free program called Clipmarks. I would try to describe it but… you would just need to check it out. It allows you to select parts of a webpage & “clip” them to your account. It also provides a link back to the site you clipped from. Then I sort through those & if a recipe makes the cut, I will file it permanently as a hard copy & if it doesn’t, I just delete.

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