Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – Making a List…

WishListToday’s Christmas-themed “Question of the Day” is all about lists. You know, “making a list and checking it twice”. 🙂 I mean, even Santa makes a list! I get a lot of ribbing year round in my family, because I’m a total list maker. I carry a PDA with me everywhere I go. It has all of my lists on it. I am also a post-it junkie. I put up post-it’s everywhere to remind me of things. I believe in planning, writing things down, and making lists.

So, it comes naturally to me to make a list. I try to make a list for family members who might want ideas for something to get us for Christmas. I also make lists of things to get others, that I carry with me everywhere. So, I make lists on both sides.

How about you? Do you fly by the seat of your pants, with no lists? Do you make lists for you and yours that you give to other parts of the family, or friends, or the in-laws? Do you make lists of everything you need to do, buy, cook, etc? I hope I’m not the only list-maker out there! 😀 Leave me a comment and let me know!

  1. Desert Songbird Said,

    I’m physically attached to my PDA, but when it comes to Christmas shopping, my list is in my head. I guess that’s why I overbuy at times!

  2. Cam Said,

    Fellow list-maker here! Yep. I make a list of gift ideas for G & P every year (we don’t buy for anyone else…except now there’s Desmond, of course!), and carry it in my purse. I make a list of gift ideas for G every year, that I send to his grandparents. I keep a gift idea list for myself on Amazon, but usually only PHilip uses that…our families mostly give us money for Christmas or bdays.

    When I go out on a shopping trip (not often these days!), I bring a list of all the stores I plan on hitting and the things that I’m interested in looking at there.

    I keep a grocery list in-process all the time, adding things as I realize I need them.

  3. Dawn Said,

    I am *such* a list-maker. And when all else fails, I make them on my cell phone by creating text drafts. Forever composing lists about one idea or another.

  4. Heidi Said,

    I make lists. I don’t have any electronic device for it, just plain old paper and pencil…

  5. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    I cannot imagine surviving without a list!

  6. Lynne Said,

    I have all kinds of lists. I never go to the grocery store without a list – though sometimes (most times) I’ll buy more than the list. I keep a to-do list in my organizer. I have a book wish list on amazon and in my PDA. But I didn’t make any lists for Christmas gifts. I just went out one day and bought whatever I thought would work. Now I have a bunch of things to take back – things that didn’t really work after all.

  7. sherry Said,

    Yep. Lists, lists, and more lists!

    Wait til you see my NY resolutions post — it’s listed, outlined, sub-categoried, etc!

    I love me some lists!


  8. Amy Said,

    I love my lists! And I’ve even been know to make a list of the lists I need to make! How’s that grab you? LOL!

  9. Gail Said,

    I love lists! But then again I’m related to you. 🙂

    No pda for me though, I still like a pad that I can write mine out on, b/c I’m not as up to date and techie as you sis! Now following my list is sometimes an entirely different matter.
    I leave myself post it notes out for things I need to remember to go do or pick up etc. I’ve even been known to call the house from my cell phone while I’m out walking and leave myself a message for things to do or leave myself a list of things to do/add to my list at home!

  10. mamichelle Said,

    Stace, we are SO alike! I have lists everywhere. As I’m driving to work and thinking, I write lists so that I don’t forget by the time I get to work, or when I get home. I keep a note pad in my car. I also have lists at home. Lists for shopping, lists for things to remember to ask my son when I can get hold of him, lists of appts. to make, you get the idea!

  11. Barb @ A Chelsea Morning Said,

    I’m totally list driven. I’ve been a list keeper for as long as I can remember and the funny thing is, I’m so dependent on my lists, if I show up at the grocery store and don’t have it with me, I can’t remember a single thing I needed.

    I have magnetic lists everywhere!

  12. theresa Said,

    My husband loves making list, and always wants to make one for me to, which I decline politely.
    I keep my list in my head, so if I don’t get something done it doesn’t seem too bad, since it wasn’t written down.
    I happen to be a plan follower so if someone says we are going to do it, we better be doing it!

  13. Debi Said,

    Fly by the seat of my pants?!! Yikes, just the mere thought of that nearly gave me a panic attack! I don’t generally make a list of what we might want unless someone specifically asks. But I do make lists of nearly everything else under the sun, including lists of lists that need to be made. And as for gifts for others…you should see my stack of tablets. I have a tablet for every year going back at least 15 years of everything I’ve bought for everyone as gifts. It’s supposed to be to help me not buy something for someone twice.

  14. annie Said,

    I’m a list maker. I actually had three lists I was working off of yesterday and I am happy to say that all the items are marked off! YAY!
    Merry Christmas!

  15. Dianne Said,

    I am generally a list-maker by nature but i am totally flying by the seat of my pants this year . . . and not loving it one bit! Let this be a lesson to me – haha!

  16. jen Said,

    Dont laugh to hard…but this year for the first time…I have had a Christmas Notebook. Yes…and it was wonderful..a cheap folder and wrote down ideas,,,,,cut out pictures in magazines, wrote down ideas, movies, traditions…..everything is in this notebook….so yes…I’m a list maker…and proud of it. LOL

  17. Fresh Girl Said,

    I’m way late answering this, but yes, I LOVE lists! I don’t make them as much as I used to, when I was in college and when I was teaching…then I had lists every day on what I needed to get done, but now I don’t need to get as much done. 😉 And sometimes in college, when I was in a really boring class, I’d make lists of the most random subjects.

    I definitely make a Christmas list, ’cause I think it’s more helpful to the people who want to give me a gift and because it’s easier to demand that they give ME a list from which to work. 😉

  18. Maria Said,

    I am a huge list maker. I make lists of gifts to buy, gifts I’ve bought, baking to do, grocery shopping lists, lists of things to take to each party we are going to, lists of things to do each day, lists of what I want to do this year, and so on. They make me happy!

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