Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – What Color is Your Car?

What Color is Your CarTime for a silly, easy Question of the Day! What color is the main vehicle you drive? Is it your favorite color? Do you tend to always buy the same color of car? Is there a color of vehicle you would not buy?

My current vehicle is actually dark red, a sort of maroon. This was a big break from the norm for us – we tend to buy neutral color vehicles. The last 3 vehicles we had were either a tan or a grey color. We both really like black vehicles, but we never buy them. It’s hot here about 9 months out of the year and we hate getting into a really hot vehicle, so we tend to buy “cooler” colors, something that won’t get as hot. Silly, I know, but that’s our way of thinking and the reason we never seem to buy black. I’ve never owned a blue car or a white car, personally. I think one of Tim’s early trucks was white. We have actually both owned red vehicles before, bright red, before we met each other. This maroon SUV is our first “colored” car together 😀

What about you? Leave me a comment and let me know!

  1. Michael-Lover of Amy Said,

    You mean one? I don’t have a single answer to this question anymore. Originally my Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo was burgundy, but it is now burgundy and forest green. I had to have the driver’s door replaced, and being that it is 12 years old and approaching 180,000 miles this week, I told them just get me a working door. I don’t care what color, as long as it stays closed. 🙂

  2. jen Said,

    My vehicle is a Black Jeep Grand Cherokee….Scott drives a red Honda Passport..but we go everywhere in the Jeep…I would like to have a new Chevy Suburban or a Nissan Quest Van….

  3. Desert Songbird Said,

    Although I would truly love a red, black, or blue car, there is really only one color choice for living in the desert – white. My minivan is white, and hubby’s car is white.

    We’re boring and practical people.

  4. Cam Said,

    Our main car is a silver Subaru. We’ve been driving it for 8 years so obviously we don’t switch cars very often. We didn’t choose that color; we chose the car because it was the best-quality & best-priced used car we could find at the time, and that was the color it happened to be- I’m not really a fan of the color. We also have a teal truck, and I really dislike the color–but it was a (free!) hand me down from Philip’s dad so I have no complaints!
    Before our Subaru, I had a white Jeep. Again, not a big fan of white but it just happened to be the color of the vehicle that I was buying & what I could afford.
    Before that, a red Sunbird, and I loved the red. Hated the car, though…lots of mechanical problems.
    Before that, a blue Corolla, which was another case of it just happened to be the color of the only car I could afford.

  5. Gail Said,

    My car, my very old suburban, is a gray or dark silver but not sure what the color name was! I’m ready for something new! I’m probably not a fan of white, although that might be the best choice and usually those are very easy to find…..probably wouldn’t buy a bright red car either but that’s just me! I usually like most all colors of cars but I tend to stick with something like gray/silver or black if buying it! Black is pretty but it mostly only looks good when brand new or newly washed! My cars are never washed. 🙂

  6. Coach J Said,

    We tend to buy white vehicles, but I would just LOVE to break out of the mold, and get a red one. Convertible, of course.

  7. Becky Said,

    Ok, so right now I’m driving a Maroon mini-van and hubby is driving our (originally mine, but he was with me when I bought) white Civic. I’ve only owned 4 vehicles myself and they have been…a maroon Accord, a red Jetta, a white Civic, and the current maroon mini-van! I guess I have a thing for the red colored cars…I didn’t realize it though until you asked! 🙂

  8. Heidi Said,

    My car is beige. I didn’t have a lot of color choices at the time I bought my car. But beige is a good color–albeit a bit boring.

    My grandfather worked in a body shop all his life and he says never ever to buy a black car. Partly for the reasons you said and also because it shows rust and dirt more than most other colors.

  9. Simply Dawn Said,

    My car is white but you can’t tell it right now since it is so dirty….off to do more catch up 🙂

  10. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    Actually, I like red on some vehices, but not on others. I also really like charcoal colored cars. I don’t like silver. Guess what color my car is…silver. My hubby’s is charcoal. I think we got something backwards.

  11. Amy Said,

    We were blessed with our van because before my father died he wanted mom to get a new one and he wanted us to have the old one. It’s a 2003 Dodge Caravan that is silver jade. And because it is a gift from my father I think it is the most beautiful car ever and I think of him every time I sit inside!

  12. Laura Said,

    Hehe. Both my husband and I drive gold Toyotas.

  13. Barb @ A Chelsea Morning Said,

    Our car is a hunter green Ford Explorer. And the one color I’d never buy is black because, although you wouldn’t think so, it shows every single speck of dirt and dust that lands on it. Worse than white. Weird but true.

  14. Susanne Said,

    My van is a Hunter green. Love it. And hubby’s car is white. Boring! But he loves it. I think I would never buy a medium blue car. We once had one and it took us awhile to catch on why every time we drove on the highway birds would be hitting the car. We’ve never had birds hit us so often before or after we had that car.

  15. Lynne Said,

    My car is Champagne Beige. We always get light cars because of the heat. In fact, this is the first car that hasn’t been white in ages. I would have gotten a white Prius except my daughter Donna, who lives right next door, has a white Prius and I promised her I wouldn’t get the same color!

    Dom has a black Jeep. Donna gave it to him – that’s the only reason he’s driving a dark car. Shelby’s Saturn is silver.

  16. Eden Said,

    Let’s see:

    I have a Toyota Coralla and it is tan/sandblasted. No, it isn’t my favorite color. This was/is my first car and I didn’t buy it – my parents gave it to me my freshman year of college. I think I’d buy amy color car.

  17. Dianne Said,

    oooh ooh pick me! oops, you already did – thanks! okay my car – a ’98 Regal – is old people gold. Seriously do you know how many gold Buick centuries there are out there and Regals look exactly like them. So I said no more gold tan or silver cars!

    BUT I’m getting a new (2003) Escape this week and it’s a lovely charcoal grey . . . I wanted black, or dark red but this is perfect. The leather seats are a bonus 🙂

    So this was a fun question for me 🙂

  18. amy Said,

    oooh my hubby was first to comment..Right now my car is gold but I prefer dark colorss like green and burgundy

  19. theresa Said,

    Yeah, I can use an easy question- its been a bit hectic for me lately, and I still have to Christmas decorate- but back to the question.

    I have bought 3 new cars in my life, a silver renuat, a blue geo prizm, and a blue honda. Hand me downs were a yellow VW, and a gold honda.

    Although the gold looks more regal I like my blue cars the best.

  20. Joan Said,

    My current car is a Champagne gold (it was what was available when I needed a car) but my car color of choice is always silver or grey. I’ve decided my next car will be either of those shades even if I have to wait for the dealer to find one. No more settling for a different color!

  21. Karen Said,

    My minivan is a reddish/burgundy sort of color. I’ve never been able to pin it down, probably because I have never really bonded with this vehicle and even knowing exactly what color it is is too much of a commitment. We’ve always had jeeps and SUVs. The van is very practical, but just not built to last. It’s a Chevy Venture. Never again. Sorry, I guess we were supposed to just talk about the color and not whine! Wine! maybe that’s the color.

  22. twiga92 Said,

    Our Corolla is a beige color and our Camry is black. The Camry prior to it was brown. We do consider the color when buying a car but it’s not a huge factor. My favorite color is hunter green but I don’t think we’ve ever had a car that color.

  23. Debi Said,

    I drive a maroon-ish colored minivan. I HATE the color. Just because our last three cars have all been that color. We’ve never owned a new car in our lives, and when it comes to used cars, you buy the good deal no matter what color it is.

  24. mamichelle Said,

    Great question! My current vehicle is silver. It’s sort of a beigy silver, not real silver. I didn’t think I’d ever buy silver. We almost chose a dark burgundy, almost brownish burgundy, but I was afraid I’d get sick of it.

    I’ve owned red, black, gray (3 times) and gold. The gold was a nice gold if that makes sense. Again, not a real gold but a beigy gold.

    I’d never buy a white car or orange, rust, lime green.

    I do like one vehicle in the dark burgundy with the white top. I forget what it is but my dh is interested in one.

    Yep, I’m really a neutral kind of girl.

  25. Sonya Said,

    We have a black car and a red vehicle. The car gets way too hot and we will never buy black again because of that. The red vehicle is fine. Neither of these are my favorite. I like pearl white so if we ever get another vehicle, that’s what color it’ll be. I like both of our vehicles because they are Toyota’s and very dependable. I’d love to have a Camry or Avalon next time around!

  26. Sandra Said,

    I actually have a dark purple Durango, it looks almost black and yes it gets extremely hot in the summer, especially in Arizona LOL

    It’s not my favorite color, I actually don’t have a specific car color that I like it’s just whatever is cheapest at the time LOL


  27. Dawn Said,

    Mine is silver. I really like black, because when it’s clean, it looks so sleek. But it’s *so* hard to keep clean. And every scratch shows. Not to mention it’s way way way too hot for a black car in Florida. So silver. Which I like all right. But I think if I were getting a new car right now (::fingers crossed that I’m not though since my current car is paid off & that’s a good thing right now::) I would like either a charcoal grey or a deep red — slightly closer to red than maroon, but not an actual red.

  28. Shawna Said,

    I normally pick colors based on availability. We drive a black and silver vehicle and a dark green vehicle. We did have a red jeep, and I used to drive a blue Chevy car — that was my favorite color I think. I don’t really like white for a car though.

  29. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    I have a burnt orange…but since that mean man hit me I’m driving a black one!

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