Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Monday Babble

TurkeyI’m not posting my regular “Menu Plan Monday” post today. I haven’t really got a menu planned this week, nor do I have a lot of motivation to make one 🙂

We had a really busy but fun weekend. Tim went deer hunting on Saturday, and Beau and I went along for the ride. I spent the day with my mother-in-law and niece, which was fun. We went shopping 🙂 My father-in-law shot a deer and sent my dad home with a lot of deer meat. Tim didn’t shoot one, but he will. He usually waits until December or even January before he shoots us one. He likes to go and see his brothers, dad and friends and hang out. 🙂 Sunday was busy with church, football and running errands. Unfortunately, our Saints did not play well and lost their game. Tim was bummed the rest of the day.

We watched a couple of movies from Netflix. Our viewing time has dropped dramatically lately, and probably won’t pick up this week. We finally saw “Miss Potter” which I really liked and Tim suffered through with quiet grace and dignity. We also watched a really old movie called “The Spitfire Grill” that we liked, but it certainly didn’t end like we wanted.

Tim is on vacation all week. He usually takes either this week off or the one after Thanksgiving (his BIRTHDAY week!) to go deer hunting. It’s so warm that he wants to go play golf some, then maybe hunt later in the week. I’m hoping to get him to help me some around the house. We’re having my side of the family here at our house for Thanksgiving this year. This is the first time we’ve had it here since my mom died over 5 years ago. I hope I remember how to cook a turkey! 🙂

So, I’ll be busy all week, most likely running around “like a chicken with my head cut off”. Cleaning, cooking, shopping and what not. I don’t imagine I’ll have a lot of computer time this week, so if you don’t see me for a few days, don’t worry 🙂

As for the menu, we’re just going to have a couple of easy meals early in the week – things like loaded baked potatoes, waffles and turkey bacon, maybe tomato soup and grilled cheese. I’ll spend a lot of time on Wednesday PM cooking, so supper won’t be much. Thursday evening we will have turkey sandwiches! Friday and the weekend are totally up in the air.

Hope you all have a great week and a very blessed, happy Thanksgiving. I know we both have so much to be thankful for 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    So what’s for supper tonight!
    Are you still ok to have thursday meal at your house? Do we need to change it to mine?
    I have Spitfire Grill at home but haven’t watched it yet, don’t say it didn’t end right!

  2. CoachJ Said,

    Love your new look (new to me, anyway!)
    I hope you have a very productive week, and enjoy your family time. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  3. Fresh Girl Said,

    Tim suffering through that movie with quiet grace and dignity made me LAUGH! 😉 I know what you mean about not having time to watch movies…I actually put my Netflix account on hold for 90 days, until the holidays and my nephew’s first birthday are over.

    That’s so exciting that you’ll have your family over for Thanksgiving this year! I can’t wait to hear what the menu is — and see photos of it. 😉 If you don’t post again before Turkey Day, Happy Thanksgiving!!

  4. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    I watched Miss Potter recently. My hubby didn’t have to suffer through it because he was out of town. I cried like a baby!

  5. Bev Said,

    Just want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Heidi Said,

    Cute new winter look! My husband actually enjoyed Miss Potter. It is charming and we were all impressed with how clean it was.

  7. Simply Dawn Said,

    Isn’t this warm Thanksgiving weather nice…ok not really but I did see where on Thursday it will be cooler 🙂 Hope Tim is having fun playing golf..try to enjoy yourself this week too! Oh and deerhunting…Patt doen’t hunt even though we have a camp…but has made it clear I have to learn to cook deer meat….just don’t see that happening 🙂 Have a great Thankgiving…if you go shopping be ready to sit in traffic.went to the bank at lunch and Lakeland is already getting bad!..gosh don’t you just love the traffic this time of the year…and have fun 🙂

  8. theresa Said,

    yep, quite understable not doing anything before thurs, especially if you are the one cooking Thanksgiving day dinner.

    had to laugh about your dear hubby sittlng nicely through your movie choice. My hubby and me usually have different tastes in movies too, which we both sit through (and try to be polite about it 🙂 )

  9. Cam Said,

    “quiet grace and dignity” – LOL!!!!!

    Sounds like y’all have a nice Thanksgiving in the works. I hope it’s wonderful! I am thankful for so many things this year. I’m also thankful to know you! 🙂

  10. Jill Said,

    Enjoy your week and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love the new blog design, too

  11. dianne Said,

    Mrs. Potter, huh? will have to add that to my list.

    I hope your thanksgiving dinner turns out great! i cooked for his side last year, this time we’re going to my mom’s – yeah!

    Have a great holiday and make sure you get time to relax!!

  12. Melody Said,

    Stacy, here’s wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Desert Songbird Said,

    One of the up sides of hubby being gone during the week is that I don’t have to cook much, and the kids get to indulge in their favorite meal quite often – grilled quesadillas and tomato soup!

  14. Debi Said,

    Oh Stacy…you’ve brightened my morning already! I love, love, love your new look! (Of course, maybe it’s not all that new, but I’m just trying to catch up here.)

    Good luck with all your preparations! It’s such a mixed blessing to be hosting the big event, isn’t it? I rarely do Thanksgiving here at home, but always have my family here for a few days over Christmas. Big Christmas dinner on Christmas eve, and something simple (i.e. make-ahead) like lasagna on Christmas day. Anyway, it’s always soooooo much work preparing, but so very, very, very worth it to have your loved ones all around you!

    I hope you all have the most blessed, special, warm and cozy Thanksgiving imaginable!

  15. jen Said,

    Good luck cooking that turkey. It sounds you all will have alot of fun. My dad always heads out on Thanksgiving Day Turkey hunting….not for our turkey though. He just goes with his brothers and they have a good time…he does however come back with some quail….Have a Happy Thanksgiving dear friend….

  16. Sandra Said,

    I love your new winter look, it’s adorable 🙂

    I just added “Miss Potter” to my Netflix Queue can’t wait to watch it 🙂

  17. Eden Said,

    Will you be joining the hunting party? We still haven’t seen Miss Potter , but it’s in our queue. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Elizabeth Said,

    Mmmm, can’t wait for Thursday! Let mom know if we need to bring anything; I can always help her and I’m sure we can give you some help if you need it as well! see ya soon.

  19. Amy Said,

    I don’t think I’ve told you I love your new look! Someday I’ll learn how to do all this cool stuff too.

    My daughter and I love Miss Potter. My hubby just rolled his eyes and said I’m watching football, tell me when it’s over!

    Gotcha in my prayers and hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  20. Sonya Said,

    Sounds like you had a great weekend. I can totally relate to your hubby’s feelings about his team. My Colts are falling apart. I’m glad I have the Cowboys to cheer on. And I love the way the Packers are playing. I just love Brett Favre ad love to see him do well.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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