Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Catching Up

Yellow Gerbera Daisy in my yard Well, I still seem to be in a bit of a slump as far as blogging goes. Both in coming up with something to write about here, as well as visiting other blogs. I’m wondering how long this downslide is going to last. 😥

I’m still posting over at my Project365 blog. Check it out here.

Gosh, is gas way up where you live, or what? It’s gone up at least two times already this week at the gas station closest to our house. Last night, it was up to 2.99 a gallon. Ugh. And of course, we both drive gas guzzling larger vehicles. Tim has a big 4×4 truck and my Explorer doesn’t get the best gas mileage. All of this coming up at the time of year when we drive more than normal, with holidays and hunting season for Tim.

My doctor’s appointment on Tuesday was just ok. Some of the tests were fine, but one was not. I’m having to do additional testing and see how things go. If they don’t go well, I’ll have to go in and have a test run at the hospital. I’m feeling pretty down about that, needless to say. On the one hand, I want everything to be ok, and if it’s not, I do want to have it looked at and hopefully fixed. But, on the other hand, I don’t want anything to be wrong and I really don’t want to go into the hospital 🙂

We’re having wonderful weather here. It’s been in the mid 30’s the last two nights, so really cold in the mornings. I love it. It’s going to warm up starting today, but at least it won’t get any higher than the 70’s. Our days of 90’s are over for the year, thank goodness.

I seem to be in total denial about the upcoming holidays. I haven’t given a single thought to either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Sigh. We have Tim’s birthday coming up, so I have to focus on that too. I’m sure everything will get done and turn out fine, but it does sort of bother me that I haven’t really even thought about anything yet! 😀

OK, one quick question for you guys. I’m trying to eat more fruit. It’s harder this time of year, because I don’t like paying the higher prices for most of the fruit I like (strawberries, grapes, etc). I have been buying bananas and apples. My question is this – do you leave these fruits out on the countertop, at room temperature, or do you refrigerate them? And for bananas, do you have one of those hanging tree things? Do you think it helps keep the bananas from ripening as fast? I try to grocery shop once a week, and if I buy bananas and try to eat one a day, after about 3 days, they are really too ripe to eat. So, leave me a comment and let me know what you buy, and how you store it.

Oh, and if you want to play along, let’s see how much gas is where you live.

Have a great day, everyone! 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    Gas is $2.94 or 95 here…..but I read it will keep going up and may be 4 dollars by summer, ugh. My suburban doesn’t get good mileage either.
    In a slump here too.
    I keep bananas out, in bowl, never refrigerate. I keep apples out too but will sometimes put them in fridge later. I buy pears and oranges this time of year too.

    I’ve been needing to talk to you about tgiving but guess this isn’t a good week to do that!

  2. Laura Said,

    *hugs* I will be praying for your test.
    It’s about $3.18 here. We filled up for $60 last night. Blech!

  3. Dawn Said,

    I hope your further testing goes well, Stacy. I just got my results back yesterday & I am all set for another year. Thank God.

    I can’t help you with your banana question — bananas ::shudder:: — but I can tell you I’ve seen gas anywhere from $3.07 to $3.12 where I live. Believe it or not, it’s usually anywhere from five to *twenty* cents cheaper a gallon on Disney property so I know if I’m going there to plan to fill up!

  4. Cam Said,

    I’m thinking of you and hoping you don’t have to have the hospital test.

    I’m not in denial of Christmas (& G’s b-day) coming up, but because of the craziness here, I’ve bought nothing and done nothing to prepare. 🙁 I’m stressed about it. I usually have everything bought & planned out by the end of October!

    Gas is $2.95 here, last I saw.

    We keep apples in the fridge. Actually, we keep all fruits in the fridge except bananas. I don’t have a banana hanger; we just keep them in a basket on the counter. I used to get so frustrated about how fast they turned too brown for my taste, but now that I have G, I don’t have that problem. He eats bananas every day so we go through them fast! Plus, he doesn’t care if they’re green, brown, or in between…so if they aren’t to my taste, I give them to him.

    Have a good day, Stacy! I will miss you terribly if you decide to take a break. (hint, hint!)

  5. Kathie Said,

    Enjoyed reading through your posts. Gas here is $3.80 a gallon and is climbing weekly. Makes staying home very appealing.
    Blessings from Costa Rica

  6. Lynne Said,

    Gas here is creeping up on $3. Here’s how old I am – I remember gas at 29 cents a gallon! Those were the good old days. I’m so glad we got the Prius – I’m getting around 52 MPG.

    Hope all the testing goes well.

    I keep apples in the refrigerator. Same for oranges. Pears I usually let ripen more on the counter, then into the refrigerator. Bananas always stay on the counter. I usually look for a bunch that has some that are still green. That way I’ll get an extra day or so to eat them. Have you made banana bread with the ripe ones? You can also freeze them to use in smoothies. And I love chocolate covered frozen bananas.

  7. Southern Girl Said,

    Stacy, I’m sorry the test result was iffy and you’re facing more. I’ll pray it turns out to be nothing or something easily taken care of!

    We usually only buy fresh apples and bananas…any other fruits are canned ones. We buy bananas at least once a week because my dad has a half of one every morning in his oatmeal. We usually keep them in the plastic bag on the counter, but they do get bad fairly quickly. That’s not so bad though, ’cause then we turn them into banana nut bread! 😉 Apples are kept in a wooden bowl on the kitchen table. We’ll buy three or four at a time. I think you’re supposed to keep bananas and apples seperate… I *think.* Putting them together is supposed to speed up aging.

  8. And Miles To Go... Said,

    I just popped in to say hello–we have a banana tree on our counter but rarely use it. I find that putting bananas in the fridge makes them ripen faster and they are tougher to peel.

  9. Bev Said,

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that things turn out all right for you.

    When we get bananas they don’t stick around long enough to turn brown. 😉 I do hang them from a wire hanger that we bent into shape and hang from the cupboard door handle. All other fruit we keep in the refrigerator. I just feel better keeping it all in there.

  10. Sue @ Praise and Coffee Said,

    Good for you, eating more fruit!

    I put apples in the fridge and leave bananas on the counter.
    I pray your tests turn out alright.

  11. mamichelle Said,

    It’s 2.91 here. My Explorer is a guzzler too!

    Sorry about your test. I hope it’s worry for nothing. That can happen sometimes. I’ll think good thoughts for you.

    I buy bananas for my mom. I always find the ones in boxes hidden in the produce section. I buy them as green as I can get them!

  12. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    Our gas is $3.03. I do leave bananas on a tree thing. We actually buy some at Sam’s. They are usually very green. We also buy some at the grocery store. We use the grocery store ones first, and then the green ones are ready. I keep other fruit in the fridge.

    Hope your tests work out fine!

  13. Heidi Said,

    I don’t know that those banana trees keep them from ripening, but they do keep them from bruising a bit. I try to just buy 4 or 5 bananas at a time so that we don’t end up with too many. Most fruit I refridgerate because I like them cold.

  14. Desert Songbird Said,

    I haven’t bought gas in about a week, but I think our average is around $2.97 per gallon. Ugh. When I drove an Explorer, I lamented over my poor gas mileage. Believe it or not, my Windstar minivan gets better MPG.

    I wish our temps would leave the 90s. Officially, it’s been near mid-90s, but in our end of town, the high has been at 90. We’re hoping for 80s starting this weekend. Nights are nice, though, with temps in the 60s. We were getting 50s for a while.

    I don’t do the banana tree; I should, though. Bananas go bad here very quickly. I’ve taken to buying frozen fruit. While not quite as healthful as fresh, at least I can use only what I want. It keeps the waste to a minimum.

  15. Claire Said,

    Gas is crazy! This past weekend, between Saturday at 5 pm and SUnday at noon, the gas at Kroger had gone up TWICE! The price by my house is 2.99 but I don’t buy here, I buy in clinton which is usually about 5-8 cents less PLUS my kroger discount. Lovin’ the temps. I wish it wouldn’t quite get so close to 80 but at least it’s staying in the 70’s. Sorry you have to go back for more stuff…that’s no fun. Hope it all turns out good.

    As to the fruit, I ALWAYS put apples in the refrigerator. It keeps them crisp for a LONG time. I do the same with pears once they’re to the ripeness I want and oranges. As to bananas, they just ripen quickly b/c they put of ethane, which is a ripener. Try and buy some that are REALLY green for the end of the week and some that are ripe for the beginning. Don’t put them in the fridge, they brown there!

  16. Suzanne Said,

    Just paid $3.15 last night, passed the same station went up to $3.21 today. Ugh.
    Hang in there on your tests, it will all turn out ok.

  17. sherry Said,

    Oh my goodness — Looks like I’m the “winner” in the gas wars — 3.29 is the highest I’ve seen in these parts. *sigh*

    My kids eat bananas so fast they never make it past three days — so I dunno. LOL


  18. theresa Said,

    Yes, just today I filled my car up and was shocked at the gas price $3.30 yikes- I was happy for my choice of buying my little Honda 3 years ago.

    I only buy Bananas 3 at a time- or they seem to go bad and I end up throwing them out.

    Apples, sometimes I leave out, due to the fact I think I am more apt to eat them, however I do like a colder apple.

    Have a good weekend!

  19. jen Said,

    Gas is the same price here..I couldnt believe it. We eat alot of canned fruit in the winter…pears and peaches, fruit cocktail. I make sure a can is open for almost every dinner. I buy grapes year around and freeze them..the kids think they taste like candy.

  20. Lynne Said,

    Stacy – I just tagged you for a meme!

  21. Sonya Said,

    I love fruit of all kinds and buy it as often as possible. I too do not like the high prices for strawberries and grapes right now. We buy lots of bananas and I do not use a banana tree. I put them in a decorative bowl on the kitchen counter. I make sure we eat them up but if they happen to get too old, I pop them into banana bread. I also put my apples in the same decorative bowl when I have them. I usually refrigerate my other fruits such as grapes, etc.

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