Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Birthday Update

Birthday UpdateWell, I had a great day yesterday. I got to do what I wanted all day (no housework or cooking!), and Tim, of course, went all out for my birthday again this year. He’s such a good guy. He knows that birthdays and holidays mean something to me, even though they don’t really to him. Tim is much better with the “every day is special” kind of mentality than I am. I tend to put stock in birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, things like that.

I just posted a short entry, with photos, of what I got, over at my Project365 blog. (click here) I know a lot of you guys don’t peruse that blog, but I hate to double post, so I’ll just have to ask you very politely to go check it out over there. :mrgreen:

We have the “birthday rules” around our house. The birthday boy or girl gets to pick where they want to go eat on their birthday, and what they want to do on their special day. In addition, we also observe extended birthday rules. Which means if your birthday falls on a Thursday through a Monday, you get the whole weekend thrown in, for free. 😀 I’ll try not to be too pushy this weekend, but it’s nice to know I can pick something.

I had asked to go to our new PF Chang’s for my birthday last night. They opened last month, and we’ve heard from lots of people that they have long lines and waits up to two hours, since they’re new. Tim called yesterday for reservations. The lady told him, we’re booked between 5 PM and 8:30 PM, but you can come before 5:00 or make a reservation for after 8:30. Well, I definitely wasn’t hungry at 4:30 and I hate to eat late (yes, 9 PM is late for me!), so I chose to go to my favorite Italian place instead. Besides, when I go there for my birthday, I always order tiramisu! Tim got me an ice cream cake this year, something new, rather than my standard chocolate cake. It’s still in the freezer since we had tiramisu last night. We’ll have to pull it out over the weekend and taste it 🙂 Lucky for me, PF Chang’s is really close to our house and maybe in a couple of months, the crowds will die down and we can go check it out. I really do want to eat there soon, but I just didn’t want to eat at a funky hour on my birthday!

Now, we have to find a way to celebrate Beau’s birthday tomorrow. I got him last year for my birthday. Hard to believe he’s been with us for a whole year. 🙂 I bought him a new Kong toy a week or so ago, and so far, that looks like it’s going to be all he’s going to get. I went to Target yesterday to get him a new bed, but couldn’t find one I liked. I’m sure he won’t mind not getting anything else. I’d like to be able to observe his birthday when he was born, but since we have no idea how old he is or when he was born, we will just have to use the day we brought him home from the rescue as his birthday. I don’t think he’ll notice 😀

  1. Laura Said,

    Happy birthday Stacy! You will love that XTi. The DReb is a fantastic piece of equipment.

    Our Chang’s died down after about a year. Now you can pretty much walk in. Hopefully you’ll get to try it sometime!

  2. Lynne Said,

    Glad you had such a great birthday! The camera looks awesome. I wouldn’t have a clue how to use it.

    And happy birthday to Beau! He got a wonderful present last year – you and Tim. Be sure you sing happy birthday to him – in dog talk.

  3. Melanie Said,

    Sounds like a wonderful birthday! Mine is tomorrow.

  4. Amy Said,

    Oh Happy Birthday Girlfriend! We have pretty much the same b-day rules at our house too. I milk it for all it’s worth! Hey, what’s your favorite italian place? Mine is Romano’s Macaroni Grill!

    And I can’t forget to wish Beau a Happaw Birthday too!

  5. Kim Said,

    Happy Birthday Stacy! I’m sure Beau was very happy with his new Kong toy. Have a fun and happy weekend

  6. theresa Said,

    Well yesterday I wished you a happy birthDAY- didn’t realize I needed to wish you a happy birth”four”day! Enjoy!! And give Beau a pat for me.

  7. deb Said,

    Oh Stacy, I’m so sorry I missed your birthday but I am glad that you had such a great one! I’ll have to go see what presents you got…I know Tim spoils you rotten ;~)

    Happy belated birthday wishes, my friend!

  8. Desert Songbird Said,

    PF Changs is okay, but I don’t think it’s worth the long wait. You’re right – in a few months, the novelty will die down.

    I think Beau is very lucky to have you and Tim, and I doubt he cares when you “celebrate” his birthday. You could call it his “homecoming anniversary.”

  9. Karen Said,

    Glad you had such a wonderful birthday, Stacy! I’m with you — I love birthdays and holidays and celebrating them up right. As for Beau — since our kids are adopted, we celebrate their birthdays and also acknowledge the days we brought them home. We call that their “Gotcha Day!” Cause that’s the day we gotcha:)

  10. Susanne Said,

    A very happy birthday to you!

  11. Sparky Duck Said,

    Happy belated, Libra cusp!

  12. Kara Reed Said,

    Happy birthday! I am jealous of your new camera – everyone I know that has one just LOVES it! Glad you had such a nice day…

  13. Heidi Said,

    Happy Birthday!! A new camera! Awesome!

  14. Maria Said,

    PF Changs is an awesome restaurant! Be sure to have the lettuce wraps and the lemon chicken. I think the scallops were incredible also. Yummy!

  15. Cam Said,

    Happy belated birthday, Stacy! 🙂 I’m sorry I didn’t tell you on THE day, but I totally missed it. I’m glad you got to go do stuff that made you happy! I’ll check your 365 blog after I post this, so I can see what you got.

  16. Bev Said,

    Happy Belated Birthday from me, too. It sounds like you had a great day which you definitely deserve. Please give Beau a birthday hug from me.

  17. Southern Girl Said,

    Happy belated birthday, Stacy!! And happy birthday to Beau, too! I’m so glad you all have each other. 🙂 And boy, I sure like your birthday rules! I wonder if I could establish those rules in time for my birthday next month?

  18. jen Said,

    Happy Birthday late dear friend….It sounds as if you had a great one……

  19. Jill Said,

    Happy Birthday! We have the same “rules” at our house. PF Chang’s is great. Ours here doesn’t take reservations, but does call ahead seating. So, we just call when we leave the house and 30 minutes later when we arrive, we’ve been moved up the list for all of that time! When you go, try their lettuce wraps. It’s my favorite thing on the menu.

  20. Sonya Said,

    Happy Birthday to you….it sounds like you lived it up! Tiramisu is the bomb! I had some recently. I have to tell you though, that ice cream cake looks pretty good!

  21. Karla Said,


  22. mamichelle Said,

    Oh, and a big happy birthday to Beau! Hope it was great! I’m glad you enjoyed yours (except the restaurant change).

  23. Debi Said,

    Glad you had such a wonderful time! We have the same “rules” here, too…right down to the birthday weekend.

  24. Karen (Mommy of Three) Said,

    Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I’ve been so busy with Joshua’s birthday on Sunday, I am behind catching up:( I hope you had a great day!!!

  25. Simply Dawn Said,

    Ok I’m really really late…but I do hope you had a great b’day! I’ve heard lots of good stuff about PF Changs and trying to figure out if one of our friends started working there. I get confussed with all the new places! So was the tiramisu from The Olive Garden? I love their tiramisu and with my b’day, anniversary coming up in Dec….I’m already getting ready 🙂

    Hope Beau had a good b’day too…gosh I can’t believe it’s already been a year 🙂

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