Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Poll: If Money Were No Object…

I was going through another old magazine yesterday and saw another one of these fun polls. These are in Woman’s Day magazine, in case you’re interested (since I keep stealing their ideas and posting them here!). This is one of those magazine subscriptions I get for free – I cashed in some points at one of my “read emails/take surveys” points sites online, and I get several magazine subscriptions free every year from doing that. Anyway, here’s another good one.

If money were no object, where would you go on vacation?

1. A Theme Park like Disney World, in style with deluxe accommodations
2. On safari in Africa
3. A cultural tour of Paris, Rome and London (museums and art, baby!)
4. The sunny islands: Hawaii or the South Pacific

Cast your vote now 🙂

  1. Dawn Said,

    Disney! Disney! Disney! Always Disney! But I should probably opt for one that isn’t in Florida. LOL.

  2. Cam Said,

    Definitely #4, but honestly, I’d choose the beaches here in Destin FL. They’re the best. But if I just HAVE to settle for other beaches, I’d choose somewhere remote in the south pacific.

  3. Lynne Said,

    Beaches anywhere! I need my ocean fix. Of course, if money were no object, I’d be living year round in a house right on a beach somewhere.

  4. Write From Karen Said,

    Okay, my first impulse was to go with number 4, but wow, I would LOVE to go to London. So, to be different – I’d pick the romantic getaway. *grin*

  5. Gail Said,

    Hard one! I’d want to pick #3 and 4, maybe they could be combined!
    They’re all good choices though…….did you say what your pick was?

  6. heather Said,


  7. JennaG Said,

    I’ve done 1 and 4, but I’m thinking that no. 3 would be choice above Africa. I would like to do that, but not until after I’ve experienced Europe.

  8. Amy Said,

    My husband has been blessed on a trip to Krueger National Park In Africa. I am so green with envy! So I would choose that one!!!! As long as I don’t have to see any dead giraffes. Or elephants. Or lions. On second thought maybe I better choose Disneyland. As long as there’s no dead mice, or dogs, or ducks! LOL!

  9. Laura Said,

    #4 – we’ve already done Hawaii but I’d love to go back, or to the Southern Pacific.

  10. Southern Girl Said,

    I vote for Disney World! But only if I could take Goober and the rest of the family with me. *g*

  11. Heidi Said,

    none of the above–Alaska

    (I’d pick Hawaii out of the listed ones though)

  12. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    If money were no object, I would do them ALL! 🙂

  13. Desert Songbird Said,

    Island vacations all the way! Although, I am a sucker for Disney World the Magic Kingdom. I haven’t been to Disney FL in years.

    Hard to turn down a glorious, luxurious vacation to a beach, though…

  14. sherry Said,

    I’d have to pick London, Rome, and Paris hands down! Can we add Ireland and Greece to the mix as well? Please?

    I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to Africa, but the bugs would scare me. *sigh*


  15. Karen Said,

    Absolutely, positively Door #4 — the beach vacation.

  16. annie Said,

    Since I just got back from Disneyworld, I would do Hawaii… although I’d love to go back to Florida and do all the things we didn’t finish 🙂

    I actually would love to do all the above!!!

  17. theresa Said,

    ooh give me a hard question–hands down an Africian Safari
    Where would you pick?

  18. Jill Said,

    Capri/Italy, the Greek Isles and on an African Sarfari.

  19. Melody Said,

    Ooh…I’d love to visit all of them!!! Hmm…perhaps Disney World if I have to choose just one!! ;P

  20. SnoopMurph Said,

    It’s a toss up between the Europe art vacation and Hawaii! I took a HULA DANCING inservice class today and learned the basics of hula, so maybe it’s Hawaii, here I come! (provided money were no object, which it of course is!)

  21. mamichelle Said,

    Great question!!!

    1. Hawaii on a LONG cruise to each island. I’ve only seen Kauai so far.

    2. An Alaskan cruise

    3. A Western Caribbean cruise

    4. Somewhere out west for my dh (he desperately wants to go on the Orient Express).

    5. Australia for me. I’d love to visit my friend I met in Hawaii and

    6. France for the same reason above. I met three wonderful women from France while in Hawaii. I’d love to see them again in my lifetime. I wouldn’t pick France for any other reason but to see them.

  22. mamichelle Said,

    Oooops, I guess I should read what I’m supposed to do!! 8-0

    Here’s my vote – number 4 for sure. I LOVE the beach!!

  23. Debi Said,

    Well, if money were no object, I’d just do them all!

  24. Suzanne Said,

    Well, since I have lived such a rich life, and have done 3 of the 4, not to be snooty, but I can sub Florence and tuscany for France in my mind,
    I’d do AFRICA. I’d love that.
    And Australia. And London. And Greece. And ……..and……….and……………nice poll..

  25. Shawna Said,

    I would go to Australia. Then, I would go to New Zealand — where they filmed Lord of the Rings.

  26. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    #4…we go to Disney enough already.

  27. Sonya Said,

    Paris baby!

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