Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Happy Fall

Happy Fall

I just posted a couple of photos over on my Project365 blog (here) of the fall decorations I got today. Nothing elaborate. Since we don’t have kids, we don’t really go all out for Halloween. We hand out candy, and we’ve dressed up in the past, but not in the last several years. Last year on Halloween, I was all alone, as Tim had to be out of town on business. We had just gotten Beau less than 2 weeks before, and believe me, all of the excitement, the kids voices, the doorbell ringing, was hard on my new puppy dog. I think he’ll be a lot better this year!

The weather has been so nice the last couple of days. I’ve turned the AC off temporarily and just had the windows open. I think that will come to an end on either Sunday or Monday, as our temperatures will be headed back into the mid to upper 80’s. It’s been nice, and I’m certainly ready for more cool weather.

I picked up some fall decorations today for the front (hay bale, pumpkin, mums, etc), and we drug out our “plastic” decorations. I opened up the big bags of Halloween candy from Sam’s Club (Butterfinger, Baby Ruth, Nestle Crunch, Milky Way, 3 Musketeers, etc) and put it in my big Halloween candy bowl. I bought a few pansies and planted them in some planters. I still have to get a lot more pansies and plant in the front yard, but otherwise, I think I’m ready for fall!

Here’s my weathered, battered, quite old scarecrow out front. Be sure to check out my Project365 blog for a couple of cute photos of Beau out front. 🙂


Happy Fall, Ya’ll! :mrgreen:

  1. Suzanne Said,

    ..but so classic!

  2. Betsy in ar Said,

    Can you come decorate for me? Looks good!

  3. Sonya Said,

    Love the scarecrow! He has lots of character!

  4. Heidi Said,

    Have fun with it!

  5. Debi Said,

    Oh, I love your “weathered, battered, quite old scarecrow”…he’s adorable!

    Turned off the air-conditioning…too funny. The kids were wearing winter coats yesterday!

  6. theresa Said,

    I think the weather made your scarecrow look very realistic! He is a cutie
    Happy fall yourself.

    Wow Beau has certainly grown up alot in a year, his pictures show a very happy confiedent dog- one who seems he’ll want to check out all the festivities this year.

  7. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    Happy Fall my friend!! How many bags of candy corn have you eaten already?

  8. Gail Said,

    Looks good! And save some Butterfingers and 3 Musketeers for me please!

  9. Barb @ A Chelsea Morning Said,

    Happy Fall to you, too, Stacy. I truly dread Halloween night now. Chelsea just goes crazy every time the doorbell rings. Rob’s always been here to help me but it falls on a Wednesday evening this year so he won’t be here. I’m honestly thinking about just going down to Krissy’s house to enjoy HER trick or treaters, just to spare Chelsea the agony.

    Your scarecrow is cute. I have a feeling the older he gets, the better he looks.

  10. Melody Said,

    Stacy, I love your scarecrow, it’s so cute! After reading your post, I really wish we have four seasons here!!!

  11. Karen Said,

    I like your scarecrow, too! He’s a classic! Fall decorating is so much fun. I have a small scarecrow on my front porch and some pots of mums, and wreath. My kids love to decorate for Halloween. The year before last I hit the day-after sale at Target and bought some lights and “faces” for our trees. And a blow up witch — she’s very cute. I’ll wait a while before I put those things out — maybe the week before Halloween and then I take them down right after.

  12. sarahjane Said,

    Cute fall decorations, and Beau looks like he’s having a blast in the pictures on the other site! I love the old scarecrow!! I go all out for fall decorating- not scary stuff for Halloween, but lots of pumpkin things and leave and candles and stuff. I got the fanaticism for decorating seasonally from my mom…

  13. mamichelle Said,

    He’s adorable! I should get mine out.

  14. Kim Said,

    I love your scarecrows!! I decorated the inside of my house on Sunday, but haven’t gotten outside yet. I should have on Sunday because the weather was glorious and now the rain has moved back in for the week.

    I read your menu plan post and found myself drooling with envy over you getting to go to PF Changs! I have only been to ours once and it was so yummy. Hope you enjoy it. 🙂


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