Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Slow Down! (and a QOTD)

Is there any chance that I could convince all of you out there to slow down and stop posting to your blogs? Please, pretty please?! I’m so far behind reading my favorite blogs. It used to be that I couldn’t keep up and my feed reader usually said I had over 100 new posts to check out. Now, for the last 5 or 6 days, that number has increased to over 200 new posts. Yikes. Talk about feeling overwhelmed!

Life is just a little busier lately and I am spending less time on the computer. So, I’m really far behind. I’m going to try to get around to reading all of my favorite blogs later in the week. I have so many! So many family and friends blogs, so many great blog friends, a lot of book and foodie blogs that I enjoy reading. I just can’t keep up 🙁

That brings me to a “Question of the Day” – how do you keep up with the blogs that you like to read? Do you use Bloglines or Google Reader or another feed reader? Do you just have a list of blogs you liked bookmarked on your computer? Or maybe a listing on the side of your own blog that you use to check on your favorites? And about how many blogs do you read on average? Just a ballpark figure, you don’t have to count or go check… would you guesstimate that you read 10, 50, 100 or 300 blogs regularly?

As for me, I used to just keep a bookmarked list on my computer or blog, but I outgrew that rather quickly. Then I switched to Blogrolling, but later tried Google Reader, which I like a lot. I’ve been using Google Reader for a while now to check on all of my favorite blogs. I have over 150 in my list, so I get lots of new posts all the time! How about you – leave me a comment and let me know! 🙂

Hope everyone has a super-duper Tuesday!!! :mrgreen:

  1. Becky Said,

    I’m using Bloglines. I like it. I used to have a list of *favorites* on my computer, then I just put the links on my sidebar, but finally decided to try bloglines. It’s worked well for me, but I get behind quickly. So many posts so little time. I sometimes just have to mark them all read and start over. I hate missing out but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! 🙂

  2. Bev Said,

    I hope you have a super-duper Tuesday, too. 😉

    I use Bloglines to keep track of the blogs I like to read. I was like you and just kept visiting the links on my blog, but it quite quickly became too cumbersome to keep up. It’s just a whole lot easier to have one place to go that tells me if anyone I have marked has a new post to read.

    PS: Being busy is good. 😉

  3. Eileen Said,

    I use Bloglines too. For the longest time I just used the links on the sidebars of my blogs, or blogs I had bookmarked, but now I just have too many I follow so that is too hard. I love using Bloglines.

  4. Carrie Said,

    I hear ya! I don’t have nearly as much blogging time lately and I feel guilty for not being able to read my favorite blogs as much as I used to. I use Google Reader and have about 20 blogs on there. I can’t imagine 150 blogs in your list, whoa! LOL! 20 is plenty for me, LOL!!

  5. Cam Said,

    I only have a few blogs that I MUST read daily- yours is one of them. But since the baby’s arrival I’m only able to read every few days unless I really get lucky. So I’m behind on all my blog-reading at the moment.
    I don’t blog much lately so it can’t be me you’re behind on reading! LOL 😀

  6. Sadie Said,

    Clearly, I be doing more work, or read more blogs, b/c my Google Reader is cleared out every day.

    Anyway, I used to use the link list on my own blog, but now I use Google Reader. Of course people like me who have private blogs mess that whole thing up. I also use the folders in Google Reader to group the blogs so that if I only have a little time I can read the ones that I like the best.

  7. Dianne Said,

    I’m a Google reader fan myself. And I thought I was bad at 50 reads!! But I don’t let it bother me, i like having plenty in the hopper to read when I’m bored 🙂 or have a few spare moments!

  8. Southern Girl Said,

    I thought I HAD slowed down! 😉 I’ve only ever used Bloglines to keep up with the blogs I read. If I just had them bookmarked, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I’d visit far more infrequently. I have 160 feeds in my Bloglines blogroll. Thankfully they don’t all update on a regular basis. 😉

  9. twiga92 Said,

    I use Google Reader and like it a lot. I’ve cut back a lot on the blogs I read regularly. I’ve started adding some back but it’s very hard to keep it to a reasonable level. There are just so many great blogs out there. At least with Google Reader they stay there and you can just get to them when you have time. Then there’s the handy little “mark all read” button for when it’s just too overwhelming. 🙂

  10. Gail Said,

    AMEN! to the slowing down thing, I’m way behind now and wish I could get caught up.
    I use google reader and sometimes bloglines but think I’m getting most of them slowly transferred over. I’m trying to keep it at about 35 blogs for right now and I can’t keep up!

  11. Simply Dawn Said,

    I use to use Bloglines but went back to using the links on my sidebar. That got old real fast so I’ve been using Google Reader for about a month now. Much easier now. I have about 20 blogs on there. When I need a mini break at the office I run check and see who’s posted then back to work 🙂

  12. Dawn Said,

    I’m using Bloglines still. My current reading list is at 104. I just pared out a bunch that were no longer being updated. I was closer to 150 before I did my “fall cleaning.”

  13. CoachJ Said,

    I use Google Reader, and LOVE IT!! I left for vacation all caught up, and came back to 286 posts!! Whew! I’m trying so hard to get through them all…..

  14. Lisa Said,

    I just keep them bookmarked in my favorites folder. I’m sure there is a better way. I read about 25 blogs. I have been very lax in posting to my own. I have been way too busy lately. I always enjoy reading your blog.

  15. Shawna Said,

    I use the sidebar to keep up with my favorites. I opened up a Bloglines account, but I don’t like that you can’t leave comments from there. I read about 20 on a regular basis, but there’s only 4 or 5 bloggers that I rarely miss a post. I’m unable to read every single post for everyone. I also have a bookmarked list of blogs I would like to go back and visit. I’m sure there’s 50 or 60 of those.

  16. Lisa Said,

    Okay – I know I posted earlier but after reading that you use Google Reader I went out and set all of my subscriptions up. I have 40 blogs that I read. I didn’t realize I had that many. Thanks for mentionging Google Reader. This way no matter what computer I’m using I have the same list to look at. Also – I like being shown when a new post is out there. That way I don’t have to search. Thanks!!!!

  17. Amy Said,

    When I first started reading blogs I went crazy and was reading well over 50. I narrowed it down to people I felt a connection with or that I just really, really enjoyed. All my friends are on my sidebar and that’s pretty much all I read. I want to be able to develop a real friendship with them and be ablt to ask for prayer or even be an encouragement to them if needed. And it doesn’t help that I don’t understand about bloglines and all this other stuff…LOL!

  18. Karen Said,

    Hey, I’m doing my part to help you out. I’ve been so dang busy I haven’t posted all week. But I can’t resist going around, visiting my favorite blogs — that’s why I’m here:)

    I use Bloglines and have pared it down quite a bit, to about 25 blogs. Some are decorating blogs, so I don’t feel bad just marking “all read” on those. But I just gotta go and read my favorites, so I try to keep them to a manageable number.

  19. Lynne Said,

    I’ve used Blogline and Google Reader. But I’d rather just use the links on my sidebar. I’m more apt to comment on a post that way.

  20. sherry Said,

    I use Bloglines. I was up to over 150 blogs at one point, but realized that there was no way that I could possibly keep up with them all.

    Last week I pared down to 72 that I CANNOT live without! lol I have some in every category that is important to me:

    Homeschooling blogs
    Birding blogs
    Mom blogs
    Christian blogs
    Book blogs
    Cooking blogs
    Cottage decorating blogs

    Those are my main categories! Several of the ones I read fit into more than one category.

    There are about 25 or so that I comment on regularly, the rest of them I pretty much just lurk!


  21. theresa Said,

    I just have a list of 13 blogs in my favorites that I visit on a daily basis (and two of them are yours:) )
    It takes me about an hour and a half to read and post to them. I sometimes visit others if there are not many new posts. But then again I am new to this blogging less than 2 months and still a novelty. Ask me in another 6 months!

  22. Heidi Said,

    I use bloglines. It wasn’t really working yesterday. ANyhow, I have about 35 feeds that I might check daily (if they post) and then any new commenters or maybe a link from another blog or something.

    So I have a rather short list of blogs. I KNOW I can’t keep up with much more, although I do love finding new blogs and new readers.

    I might suggest that you erase all your 200 posts in your reader and just start again as people post anew.

  23. Kim Said,

    HI Stacey–

    I have been behind reading also. I don’t have a ton that I read, either! I just read the ones on my sidebar and then sometimes visit some from a site I might be reading. I don’t know what bloglines are and I don’t know what google reader is either. Care to clue me in? With work and family and homework, and laundry my blog reading time is limited. Plus, I have to share the computer with my 3 guys!

    Happy Wednesday to you tomorrow. 🙂


  24. Desert Songbird Said,

    I’m a Google Reader user. I love it; I “only” read 65 blogs, but it’s really convenient for scanning and keeping up.

  25. Debi Said,

    I just have a list on my sidebar (I’m not sophisticated enough for those “fancy tools”…lol). But then I only have about 25 regular reads…wish I could add more to that list, but I’ve found that’s all I can keep up with. I get so “attached” that once I start visiting…

  26. Kara Reed Said,

    I am so behind in my reading, too. And I have no method…I just have the 10 or so blogs I read in my favorites…i would love to read more, but I think I would lose my mind trying to keep up with everyone!

  27. mamichelle Said,

    Hehe, that’s what you get for being so popular, Stacy! I will do my best though.

    I don’t have a lot of blogs I visit, just the SBA ring and a couple of others. Don’t feel you have to read each and every post. It’s just too much to handle! I just read and comment on what I can.

  28. Rach (Heart of Rachel) Said,

    Hi Stacy. Sorry haven’t been here for quite some time. Hope you’re doing well.

    I use Technorati but sometimes, it does not show recently updated sites immediately.

    I heard about Google Reader and hope to try it soon.

  29. annie Said,

    I’m behind too, being away over a week and now all the stuff I need to do to… I am so behind on my bloglines. I try to click on the person, glance through their posts for any big news, and then write a comment to catch up with them. I have 170 to catch up with and I’ve been working on it for two days. I haven’t had a chance to post about the vacation yet either.

  30. Sonya Said,

    I use Google Reader and also like it very well. My reader usually stays around 100 because I can never keep everything read. Today it’s at 191. I guess the number of blogs I read is somewhere around 45. It’s hard to keep up. I just do the best I can.

  31. jen Said,

    I love bloglines. However coming back from the beach I had almost 300 bloglines….so I’m trying very hard to read all of them….but not commenting on them all…I would never recover then…LOL.

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