Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

What’s For Lunch?

What's For Lunch?

Well, I’m still in somewhat of a blogging rut. Can’t seem to think of anything very interesting to blog about. I’ve finished a couple of books but haven’t felt “moved” to write any kind of book review or blurb about them. I’m enjoying all of the TV shows this week, but I’ve already touched on that. I’m trying to go through some cookbooks that I checked out from the library, and enter any recipes in my recipe software that look good. That’s ending up taking a TON of time. So, that leaves less time for reading, less time for blogging, and less time for reading my favorite blogs. My Google Reader hovers around the 100 mark all the time. It’s very disheartening 🙁

So, as a variation of the “Question of the Day”, I thought I’d ask what you’re going to have, or have already had, for lunch today. I normally eat leftovers, but I don’t have any right now, so other than a sandwich or a Hot Pocket, I’ll be scrounging for lunch. Give me some ideas – what are you eating today?

As a bonus, you can tell me what you had for breakfast also. I had a bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch and a big mug of fat free cappuccino (from a dry mix, just add hot water. What a cop-out, huh?!) 😀

Have a great day!

  1. Momma Said,

    Well….I had a big fat chicken biscuit from McDonald’s with a LARGE sweet iced tea. So…let’s just say I shouldn’t have to eat lunch. Notice I said “shouldn’t have to” not “I won’t be” eating lunch! LOL!

  2. Simply Dawn Said,

    Let’s see….breakfast was a weight watchers blueberry muffin. they are really good 🙂 For lunch I’m meeting a friend at Applebee’s. (so if you’re in the area…you know where it is..hehe) I love the lunch specials they have right now…think I’m going to get the blt on wheat bread with a side salad…yep so for i think that’s what i’m going for 🙂

  3. mamichelle Said,

    Hmmm…do you like tuna salad? That’s what I’m in the mood for but not what I’m having. That’s my Friday lunch. I put it on a whole wheat wrap with lettuce and pickles.

    Today I’m having what I have every Monday through Thursday – a salad. I usually put lettuce, grape tomatoes, cukes, sweet peppers, green & black olives, feta cheese. Sometimes I break it up a bit with bleu cheese and cranberries and nuts or something else.

    I had my usual breakfast too – whole wheat toast with peanut butter.

    I’m so boring! You’d think I’d be skinny too but that doesn’t happen! LOL

  4. jen Said,

    Well I sound blah today, I’m sick with a cold and havent had much to eat. No breakfast and only a few frozen grapes/…lunch will be leftover soup it will be gone today…….

  5. Bev Said,

    I had a lemon-poppyseed muffin for breakfast and lunch was some left over roasted potatoes (sliced), heated in a little vegetable oil with a couple of slices of pre-cooked bacon, and scrambled eggs. A ‘cholesterol special’. 😉 I think I would have preferred Michelle’s salad. 😉

  6. Southern Girl Said,

    Our cupboard is looking pretty bare right now, it being the end of the month and all, so pickin’s are slim! But I’m planning to grill a boneless, skinless chicken breast on my Foreman grill. That’ll probably be all I’ll have for lunch. Protein is really good for satisfying my hunger. 🙂

  7. Carrie Said,

    Breakfast: Nothing, LOL!

    Lunch: Grilled Tortilla with Havarti Cheese in the middle, Caesar Dressing as a dip, Broccoli Bites (new Green Giant product that is super yummy)

  8. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    I just had some Tyson popcorn chicken, grapes, strawberries, and some Sun Chips. I finished it off with M&Ms. 🙂

  9. Sonya Said,

    Oh, I was bad today. I had blueberry cheesecake muffins for breakfast and for lunch I had an ultimate bowl from KFC! YIKES! My kids are out of town and I’m terribly bored! I eat when I’m bored! LOL!

  10. Shayna Said,

    I love the variety here! For breakfast, since I had to get hubby from work super early, I caved and had a Sausage Egg and Cheese McMuffin with OJ. Lunch was a Blueberry Bagel with Smart Balance spread and a handful of mesquite barbque chips. MAN that was really dull! But I enjoyed it.

  11. Kim Said,

    Well…it is not even quite noon here yet, but here is what I am going to have…

    Lean Cuisene Mac and Cheese: 6 points
    Laughing Cow soft cheese spread rolled up in Canadian Bacon slices: 2 points
    1 cup grapes: 1 point

    For breakfast I had a 2 point bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and a cup of coffee!

    I hope you found something yummy to eat! I get in such food ruts. 🙂

    I have missed all my blog friends this week–hopefully this weekend I can get caught up with Blogville. I am reading an interesting/different for me kind of book right now–it is called: The Book of Lost Things. It definitely hooked from page one!


  12. Cam Said,

    We’re at my IL’s house right now, so there is goooood food for lunch. Squash, green beans, and vegetable soup.

  13. Gail Said,

    Hey there chickie roo roo! What’s up? Going to the golf tourney any? What else is on tap?

    Breakfast, yogurt with blueberries added with a smidge of cereal on top and a banana. Lunch, leftover lasagna
    not very exciting here!

  14. Eden Said,

    Breakfast = 1 cornbread muffin with a little milk
    Lunch = PB crackers and a coke

    Healthy, huh? lol I actually haven’t been very hungry lately and have been making myself eat.

    Oh, I’m barrowing your food meme and will be posting it later today!

  15. Becca Said,

    Breakfast was an english muffin w/crunchy peanut butter and apricot jam.

    Lunch was a salad that Mitch made. Yumm!

    Dinner is baked chicken and baked potato casserole and veggies!

  16. theresa Said,

    I am at blog # 48 and wonder what I will write about some days-and I do blog topics 4 times a week. It is amazing to me you are doing two blogs and have been blogging since 2005 so an occassional block is understanable-however you always seem to come up with some great food for thought questions.
    ..but on to the food topic
    Breakfast, Tomato Juice and a two scoops of Skippy creamy peanut butter
    Lunch- Thursdays are my group salad days and my friend made a salad and had almonds, chicken, mushrooms and carrots with a honey dijon dressing.

  17. Kim Said,

    Hey Stacy! Normally I skip lunch, but since I was with a busload of first graders at a pizza place, I had buffet. It was very mediocre and totally not worth the $7.53 I paid for it…LOL. It was very fun to watch all these kiddos making their own pizzas though. I guess that was worth my $7.53. I still need to get motivated to do some blogging about the books I’ve been reading lately.

  18. SnoopMurph Said,

    Oooh, today was not a good lunch day. I stopped at Paradise Bakery for an expensive chicken-walnut sandwich and found a hair in it. I will not talk about the gross out factor, it goes without saying. The manager gave me two free future sandwiches and a refund, but ick!

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