Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Hoorah for TV!

TVIf you’ve visited here much, you probably already know that I’m a self-proclaimed TV addict. Not so much in the summer, when there’s not much on that we like to watch. But when all of the new shows crank up in the fall, I revert right back into TV Junkie mode. I’m so glad that time has come!

Survivor: China started last Thursday and I loved it. Dancing with the Stars started last night, but I had to tape it since we watched Monday Night football. Tonight, we have Bones, NCIS and The Unit. There’s a couple of new shows that we want to check out and see if we like, including Chuck, Bionic Woman, and The Women’s Murder Club (which doesn’t premiere until mid-October). There’s a few returning shows that we’re on the fence about whether we’ll watch or not. Some of those are Prison Break, Heroes (Tim watched, but not regularly), CSI, Without a Trace, Shark and Numb3rs. We still have a lot of football through the end of the year, so that will limit some of what we watch during the week.

How about you – are there any returning shows or new shows you want to watch or are excited about?

Have a great day!

  1. Dawn Said,

    My tv schedule looks something like this:
    Tueday: Botson Legal and I think I am going to see how that new show on CBS, Cane, is.
    Wednesday: checking out the Grey’s spinoff, Private Practice.
    Thursday: Grey’s & CSI
    Friday: Ghost Whisperer & Men In Trees.

    I use Saturday to catch up on the shows I DVR’d during the week. Sunday & Monday are for football.

  2. Bev Said,

    My TiVo is really busy and loving it. I’m watching last night’s K-Ville right now. Tonight is one of the big nights with NCIS, The Unit, Eureka, Bones, and SVU. I’d love to watch House, too, but will have to wait for reruns on that one.

    Wednesday and Friday are big night’s, too. I’m going to try that new show Moonlight on Friday and see if it will be worth continuing to watch. Should be an interesting week on the tube. 😉

  3. Debi Said,

    Our TV viewing schedule has really dwindled here. We’ve been watching (and taping) The War on PBS this week. Tuesdays will have House and Boston Legal. Wednesdays will have Criminal Minds and eventually Jericho. And that’s about it for us. Except for the scads of educational stuff I tape for “school” purposes. And of course, football and hockey, when the kids actually let us watch instead of play with them. I think that pretty much covers our fall/winter viewing.

  4. Eileen Said,

    I’m not a huge TV watcher, but I am excited for The Office premeire on Thursday!

  5. Susie Said,

    “House” starts tonight and I am ultra-excited! 🙂

  6. jen Said,

    I posted on the same thing today…too funny. Chuck was good….I want to still see Journeyman and Dirty Sexy Money……I love Survivor and taped Dancing with the Stars too….

  7. annie Said,

    We’ve been attempting to cut down on the tv… but I did enjoy survivor, I like er, biggest loser & america’s next top model!

  8. Lisa Said,

    I love Survivor, Desparate Housewives, and Grey’s Anatomy.

  9. Susanne Said,

    Our PVR, Canada’s version of TiVo and DVR is going strong. Survivor, Dancing with the Stars are recorded. I’ve been looking for Amazing Race but haven’t seen that yet. And I just started watching Numb3rs, summer reruns. What night are the new episodes on? Occasionally I catch House and would like to see if Bioic Woman measures up to it’s commercials.

  10. Simply Dawn Said,

    I’ve been so excited for tonight just so I can watch House!!! I can’t wait…going home cooking real quick, put on my pj’s and get comfy! It’s Premier week!

  11. mamichelle Said,

    Can’t wait for Grey’s Anatomy, ER, House & the new Private Practice. I may end up DVR’ing some. You know I have to have time for my crafts! hehe I don’t always catch House but I like it. I HAVE to see Grey’s & ER.

    I caught the end of Chuck last night. It was cute.

  12. twiga92 Said,

    I’m waiting for Lost to come back as well as the next Amazing Race. We like Monk, Psych and The 4400 during the summer. Jono also likes Heroes.

  13. Karla Said,


    UGLY BETTY!!!!

    THE OFFICE!!!!!

    My favorites right now!!!

  14. Gail Said,

    YAY for Survivor! I taped Dancing because I don’t want to sit for an hour and half 3 nights this week, can watch the tape in about half that time! I’ve been waiting to post here til I watched my tape, hoping you’ve watched from last night too…..Sabrina was awesome! A couple of the others too, yay for the older ladies but not sure how far they’ll get along. Am taping again tonight.
    Wished I watched Chuck, did y’all see it?

  15. SnoopMurph Said,

    I am waiting for Lost, which I apparently will be waiting for quite some time. I also love How I Met Your Mother. Other than that, I am not watching much.

  16. Carrie Said,

    Oh! Oh! Oh! LOL!! Dancing with the Stars! Survivor! The Biggest Loser! Kid Nation! Loving them all! Although, we missed The Biggest Loser tonight due to DWTS. Such is life!

  17. Desert Songbird Said,

    Speaking of football, I’m sorry about your Saints. And losing Deuce for the season? Damn!

    I’m looking forward to the new season of “Numb3rs.” Colby’s escape is in the premiere.

  18. Elizabeth Said,

    What?! Ya’ll watch TV? I don’t believe it.

  19. Sonya Said,

    I am a House addict. I missed the start of the new season, which aired last night! I’m sooooo sad! I was traveling and didn’t get home in time to see it! Boo hoo hoo!

    As for football, of course we watched Monday Night Football….except we were pulling for TN. I am sorry to hear about Duece! And I felt bad for Drew and Reggie. They looked so beaten. I hope they can turn things around.

  20. Jill@Who Could Ask Anything More Said,

    I am excited to see Private Practice and my husband likes Boston Legal and is interested in the new Dirty, Sexy, Money (I think that’s the title??). I loved Dancing with the Stars last season and have missed both shows so far this week. I like it because you can watch, chase the kids, clean up the kitchen and fold laundry and still feel like you’re not missing anything!

  21. Shawna Said,

    I watch Heroes and the Office. I still watch Survivor some, but it’s been getting kind of old to me. Do you have a DVR? I noticed you said taped. I got DVR for Christmas last year and will never go back!! It records two shows at once!!

    My hubby watches Dirty Jobs (very funny) and Myth Busters on Discovery.

  22. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    Did you watch Bionic Woman? We missed the first couple, but I really did want to see it. I’m watching the first season of Heroes right now on DVD. (I stopped the eposide I was on so that I could give your blog my full attention.) This is my third disc today. I’m still in my pjs from this morning… I needed a bum around day and I think I did just that.

  23. CoachJ Said,

    I’m catching up after being on vacation. I love Numb3rs, but don’t usually watch it ’cause that’s the only night I have with my family after b’ball practice all week. I used to be a Survivor addict-before b’ball. These days my TV viewing is limited to America’s Newsroom on Fox at 8am.

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