Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Book Blurbs

Books!I’m still reading a lot, but I haven’t been posting very many reviews. Never fear, this is not a book review post. Just a few random thoughts of some of the books I’ve read recently and on books in general 😀

  • I recently read “For One More Day” by Mitch Albom. I’ve read “Tuesdays with Morrie” and “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” before and enjoyed them. This one has been on the bestseller list for forever, and I don’t know why it took me so long to get it at the library. Good little book, and I enjoyed the story. For whatever reason, looking back, I don’t think I enjoyed this one quite as much as the others.
  • I also recently read “Dear John” by Nicholas Sparks, a book I had languishing on my TBR shelf. I think I have read every single book that Sparks has ever written. He has a new one coming out in a couple of weeks (the same day as “Playing for Pizza” by John Grisham comes out), and I will more than likely buy it also. I’ve always enjoyed his books, although many of them I have checked out of the library. Some are definitely better than others. This wasn’t my most favorite by him (that honor belongs to “The Notebook” and “The Wedding”), but I did like it quite a bit more than some others of his I have read. This was an up to date story, with a soldier in Iraq and a girl he meets on a leave home to visit his father. I really enjoyed the story.
  • I’m still working on the “Southern Sisters” cozy mystery series by the late Anne George. I love these characters and their light, fun escapades. I’ve read 5 of 8 and am almost intentionally slowing down on reading them. I just don’t want them to come to an end. I will miss these characters 🙁
  • I read my first book by author Kristin Hannah, a book entitled “Distant Shores“. Having not read her before, I have no idea if this book is one of her better ones, or one of her not-so-good ones. It’s a bit on the long side (at least, to me) and it got a bit slow in spots for me, but I did like it and wanted to know what happened to the characters. Plus, it ended well, and that’s always a plus for me. I don’t like a book that ends badly. I have picked up 2 paperbacks by Kristin Hannah at recent library sales, and I will definitely read the other one. One day. 🙂
  • Another new-to-me-author is Tess Gerritsen. As with the Kristin Hannah books, I’ve picked up 2 of her paperbacks at recent library sales. I started “Body Double” by Gerritsen a couple of days ago, and I am already hooked. It is one of those “hard to put down” books, and I love finding books like that. 🙂 I have high hopes that I’ve found another author that I am really going to enjoy reading.
  • Which brings up my other book-related thought I wanted to blog about. Years ago, I used to just read most of the same authors over and over. My horizons weren’t very broad, and I was ok with that. I had a handful of authors I liked and I read those. But, since I’ve been blogging and I’ve discovered so many other fellow book-lover blogs, I’ve been really finding not only a lot of new authors that I like and enjoy, but a lot of new genres. I’ve really stretched out and am reading more Christian fiction, as well as branching out into “cozy” mysteries and other mysteries like this book by Tess Gerritsen that I just started, or books by James Patterson, for example. These are not authors I probably would have read before. I really love how many authors I’ve already tried, and how many more I have on my to-try list. It makes a bookworm like me positively giddy :mrgreen:

    For the record, I’ve read 81 books so far, with a total of 23,847 pages. I’m currently reading “Body Double” by Tess Gerritsen. I have plenty more books on my TBR shelf to read after that, but I might have to just go back to the library. I haven’t been in a couple of weeks, and I’m feeling the pull of a library visit. It’s pretty strong, so I will probably go this week. Maybe even later today 😀

    How about you? Do you have any books or authors to recommend? What are you reading?

    Happy Reading!!!

    1. mamichelle Said,

      Loved The Notebook!

      I like Tess G. a lot!

      I’m currently reading an Anne Tyler, Saint Maybe. It’s pretty good so far.

      I love Jodi Picoult too.

    2. Lynne Said,

      Have you read any by Lorna Landvik? I’m reading her latest one right now and it’s good. ANGRY HOUSEWIVES EATING BON-BONS is great.

      And I love Debbie Macomber. I just got the newest Cedar Cove book in the mail yesterday – 74 SEASIDE AVENUE. I’ll be reading that one next.

      For Christian fiction, try Brock and Bodie Thoene. My favorites were the Galway Chronicles (4 books) and the Shiloh Legacy (3 books plus a stand alone book that follows the other 3).

      For funny, how about Ann B. Ross who writes the Miss Julia series. And, of course, Janet Evanovich with Stephanie Plum.

      Medieval times? Try Sharon Kay Penman. I loved Ken Follett’s THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH (it’s a biggie!).

      I also liked Margaret George’s books about Cleopatra and Mary Magdalene – more biggies.

      Mystery? Lisa Scottoline is very good – she’s a Philly girl and writes about women lawyers. Sue Grafton has the ABC mysteries – staring with A IS FOR ALIBI. She’s up to T now. I think you said you had a Diane Mott Davidson book (Goldy the caterer). I got burned out on that series but the earlier books were good. David Baldacci writes good mysteries, usually about the Washington DC scene. James Patterson has the Women’s Murder Club series – they start with numbers – can’t remember the titles right now. John Grisham has good books – A TIME TO KILL is the best one.

      Nice books? Peter Pezzelli has written books about Italians in Rhode Island – HOME TO ITALY, SUNDAY DINNER, FRANCESCA’S KITCHEN – and there’s a new one coming out soon.

      That should get you started!

    3. Susanne Said,

      I still read mostly Christian authors but have found a few that are not that I never would have tried had it not been for this blog world. I love reading people’s reviews.

    4. deb Said,

      Stacy, I’ve recently hooked up with a gal at work who’s an avid reader and she’s always passing books along to me. She loves murder mysteries and reads very fast, so I’m having a hard time keeping up with her lol! She’s introduced me to a few authors that I’d read but had forgotten, and a couple that I’d never read before, so I’m enjoying our little 2-person book club ;~)

      I’m glad you’re branching out…I think everyone gets into a rut from time to time. Scott forces me to keep my reading material eclectic ::grin:: (he often picks books for me to read and I love that he does). But when I tire of one genre, I’ll switch to another. Right now I’m into those gruesome murder mysteries (too much for your delicate ears/eyes ;~} and enjoying them, but after those, I plan to dive into Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen. (can I hyperlink? lol)

      Ditto Lynne on the Sue Grafton mysteries…those are always good and I think you’d like them 🙂

    5. Melody Said,

      I love Nicholas Sparks’ books. My favourite is ‘The Notebook’ too. I haven’t tried Tess Gerritsen’s books though…although I think I have one of hers in my pile…can’t remember the title since I bought it some time ago. This reminds me I’ll have to go through my pile again. ;P

      I’m currently reading ‘The Road’ by Cormac McCarthy. The story is rather bleak, but thought provoking. Have you tried reading Nicci French’s (co-authors of Nicci Gerrard & Sean French) books? Their crime thrillers are rather good. 🙂

    6. Debi Said,

      When I said 100 books, I think I underestimated you, girl! You’re easily gonna top that!

      Glad you like Tess Gerritson…she’s one of my favorites! And I really want to try those “Southern Sisters” mysteries one day soon…they sound like the perfect books to sneak in between overly suspenseful or overly “deep” reads. Sometimes a cozy mystery is just the ticket!

    7. twiga92 Said,

      Tess Gerritsen is one of my favorite authors. I really enjoy her stuff. James Patterson is also a pretty quick read. I know you already read Karen Kingsbury – another of my favorites.

    8. Gail Said,

      I might have to borrow your southern sisters ones sometimes, if you own them, I’m taking your Sparks home as you well know! I don’t do too well with suspense stuff if it’s scary, do read a lot of Christian fiction. I think I told you that one of the best ones I read this year was Wish You Well and been meaning to blog about it!

    9. Kim Said,

      Hi Stacey–

      Well….How about:

      Fannie Flagg
      Maeve Binchy
      Rosamunde Pilcher
      Cecelia Ahern
      Adriana Trigiani
      Sandra Dallas

      Whew… Those are a few of my favorites that I can think of off the top of my head.


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