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Posted by Stace

Guilty Pleasure

Ten Big Ones by Janet EvanovichEleven on Top by Janet Evanovich Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich
You know what? I’ve decided that reading the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich are one of my guilty pleasures (we can’t forget about chocolate though; I think that will always top any list of mine!) I know these books have bad language, mild violence and quite a bit of s*xual references, but they are laugh-out loud funny and I do enjoy them. They’re light and fluffy and always easy to read.

I’ve read three of them lately, trying to catch up and get current with this series. I am always asking myself – would I pick Morelli or Ranger? How about you? If you read these books, which one would you pick? Who do you think Stephanie will end up with? Or do you even think Janet Evanovich will end this and let us know which one Stephanie rides off into the sunset with?

P.S. I just finished “Twelve Sharp” and it sort of looks like Evanovich is trying to decide. I’m thinking when I finally get Lean Mean Thirteen from the library, that Steph will be right back where she was before – in a love-love situation with both Morelli and Ranger. If you’ve read it, and she decides somehow, please don’t let me know!!!

P.S.S. If you’re keeping up with my book count and my quest to read more books this year than last, you can check out my sidebar. I’m up to 65 books so far this year, with a total of 19,478 pages read 🙂

  1. Heidi Said,

    I haven’t read anything by either author.

  2. Coach J Said,

    I haven’t read any of her books. But that’s alot of pages you’ve read!

  3. Lynne Said,

    I love Stephanie Plum! Yes, it’s a guilty pleasure but a great one. Ranger or Morelli?? Joe for sure. I don’t know how many more books there will be, but I don’t think Janet will have Stephanie make a decision before the very last page of the very last book. Here’s my prediction – Stephanie and Joe, Lulu with Tank, and Ranger with Grandma Mazur!

  4. amy Said,

    Impressive. Love to hear what you are reading.Im always looking for good books!

  5. Lisa Said,

    I’m a Ranger girl. Don’t get me wrong, Joe is great, but Ranger makes my heart race. I have Lean Mean Thirteen waiting for me to get to a break in challenge books.

  6. Karen (mommy of three) Said,

    I would pick Morelli:-) I don’t think she will have Stephanie pick either one, I am betting that she leaves us hanging. I am WAY down on the waiting list for 13 at the library, and it is making me CRAZY. If I don’t get it soon, I will probably break down and buy it;)

  7. Becky Said,

    Never read the books or author for that matter! Maybe I’ll have to check those out sometime!!!

  8. Suzie Said,

    I love Stephanie Plum. Having grown up in Jersey just south of the Berg I can relate. Many of the places she talks about I’ve been to! I would pick Morelli if her car does get destroyed.

  9. Stacy (Vader's Mom) Said,

    Stephanie Plum rocks! I really like Ranger, but I’m pulling for Morelli. 🙂

  10. violetlady Said,

    I just discovered Janet Evanovich and am hooked on the Stephanie Plum books. I didn’t start with #1, but I have now caught up and am ready for #4.

    Morelli, of course.

  11. Kim Said,

    You have read a ton this year. A couple of years ago I read 100 books in the year–haven’t been able to come close to that since starting work though. The books from my photo hunter entry isn’t even all of them!! Yikes! I have paperbackswap.com to thank for most of those books! I have only read one Stepanie Plum novel–it was a Christmas one I think-but I do remember it made me laugh! 🙂

  12. SnoopMurph Said,

    This series is one of my favorites. I am waiting to read Lean Mean Thirteen too.

    I have to go with Ranger though over Morelli. Probably in the minority, but oh well.

    Congrats on your book reading total! That is impressive!

  13. deb Said,

    65 books…wow! I wish I could read that much, Stacey. I only get a little time at night before I conk out. I probably should read more books on the weekends than BUY books on the weekends lol !

    Hope you’re able to stay cool in this heat. Your hubby’s a nut for playing golf in it ;~)

  14. Gail Said,

    Guilty pleasure for me too! I say Morelli! He seems more like the settling down kind, Ranger’s a loner don’t you think? But I liked Lynne’s predictions, except for the Ranger part! I believe 10 Big Ones is the last one I read in the series. So I’m on the lookout for the next one from the library.

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