Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Numbers & Phones

Phones Still sticking with the “number of” theme that I’ve been blogging about this week. I think it’s so interesting to read all about how we’re all different on things, yet we are all so similar on other things. Some people might have 1 TV in their home, while others have 7, and it’s so cool to read about how and why everyone has what they have.

Today’s topic is telephones. Like radios and other devices that play music, I think that emerging technologies are changing the way we view and use telephones. I can remember growing up, we had a rotary dial, corded phone in the den. We didn’t have but a couple of phones in the house. Then we moved to touchtone phones, then cordless phones, and now today, the cell phone revolution. I think it’s so cool to look back and remember growing up – the idea of carrying a phone around with me was inconceivable. Now, most of us don’t think of going anywhere without our cell phones. And, many people we know no longer have a “landline” phone in their home. They just use their cell phones.

So, how about you? That’s today’s Question of the Day – how many telephones do you have in your home? Do you still have a traditional “land line”, or do you use a VOIP (voice over IP connection)? Do you have more than one line/number? How many cell phones are in your immediate family? Inquiring minds want to know!

As for me – we have VOIP using our Internet connection. We seriously considered totally dropping the house line and using just our cell phones, but we haven’t gone quite that far yet. We both have cell phones and keep them with us most all of the time, so that wouldn’t be a problem. As far as handsets go. we have a base station with answering machine and 3 expansion handsets scattered across the house. One of them is broken at the moment, and we’re debating whether to replace it. It’s funny because neither Tim nor I really like to talk on the phone. Neither one of us are phone people. We just don’t enjoy talking on the phone. You should see us when the phone rings, we have these battle of wills as to who has to answer it and talk 🙂 Guess who usually wins?! 🙂

  1. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    We have VOIP as well, and my husband and I both use cell phones. I don’t talk on the phone much, but I am glad it is there!

  2. Carrie Said,

    I … HATE … the phone … with a passion, LOL. It rings and I jump like I’ve been shot at. We didn’t have a landline put in when the house was completed (this past August). We just used cell phones until last month. So, there were no landlines and 4 cell phones active.

    We now have digital phone (which I think is that VOIP) through our internet. We have 1 cordless phone in the living room and that’s it. We have a total of 5 cell phones now but just last week canceled a few of them. Libby has an active one although the charger cord broke. I also have an active one that I only use when I leave the house and the girls are home.

  3. Becca Said,

    We have our phone through our cable company though it is not VOIP. I am thinking though that we might need a land line, since if the cable goes, so goes our phone. Our cell phones do not work well where we are right now since we are backed up against a woodland area, so it is spotty at best, so that is something that we are thinking about. We have 3 phones in the apartment, two cellphones, one blackberry.

  4. Jill Said,

    We have a landline (with two cordless phones) and hubby and I each have a cell phone. Our home phone rarely rings but we do use it if we’re home in lieu of our cell phones for better reception. My husband uses his cell phone much more that I.

  5. Barb (A Chelsea Morning) Said,

    Hi Stacy,

    I sent you an email but I want to make absolutely certain you know, you won the Good Things Book kit in my giveaway.


  6. sherry Said,

    We had VOIP for about 2 years — then dropped it entirely about six months ago!

    I have a cell phone that we pay monthly on and that is all we need! (I am not a phone talker and dh is deaf!)

    My 11 year old daughter does have a cell phone, but she rarely carries it with her. It’s just for emergencies.


  7. Sonya Said,

    Only two cell phones. No way I’d have a land line phone again!

  8. Sparky Duck Said,

    2 regular ones and 2 cell phones. Need the verizon for the PC so we cant have VOIP

  9. SarahJane Said,

    2 cell phones and what I think must be a VOIP – it’s through our internet service. We thought about just doing cell phones, but weren’t ready to move away completely from a land line. I like having a phone I can talk on that I don’t feel I have to be conscious of the minutes ticking away…

  10. Debi Said,

    I shouldn’t even answer this…you’ll think I just moved out of the cave or something. We have 2 phones (one in the kitchen and one in the basement) on the same line. Rich has a cell phone (just one of those track phones, in case of emergency). I honestly wouldn’t even know how to make a call from it. I’ve never had a cell phone. Heck, we’ve never even had a cordless phone! I’m like Carrie, I despise the phone! O.K., off to crawl back in my cave now.

  11. CoachJ Said,

    We have three phones for our home number, and two phones for our business number. One home line and one business line in the office, the base for the cordless for our home in the office, one home line in the kitchen, and the other business line in our bedroom so I can hear it in the back of the house. (Really for when I’m taking a shower during business hours–a visual just for you :)) Both the hubs and I have a cell phone, and we have a prepaid cell phone for my hubby’s business or whoever needs it at the time. When I’m on the go, I have to forward the business line to my cell phone. I wish we could cancel our home number, but we use it for a fax line for the business, and we have to have a business line. There are days when all I do is answer one line, hang it up, and then answer the other line. More than you bargained for with the QOTD!!

  12. rach Said,

    Hi Stacy. We have one landline at home. We have a phone downstairs and an extension upstairs. I have my own cellphone and my husband has one too. I recently got a new cellphone and I love the new features. It’s called Music Express Nokia 5700. It takes lovely photos and it’s has MP4. My old phone only had MP3 player.

    Hope you’re enjoying the weekend. Take care!

  13. deb Said,

    We shut down our land line about a year ago and I’ve never regretted it. We both have cell phones and they’re all we use 🙂

  14. Michael-Lover of Amy Said,

    Yes we still have a land line, though I am not really sure why, other than my wife constantly misplaces her cell phone.

    So, we each have a cell phone, and I always know where mine is.

    For the land line… there is a corded phone mounted on the wall in the kitchen. I think we bought it for $10 or so at Walgreen’s when we bought the house. Besides that one, we have SIX cordless handsets available.

    We had a 2-set phone that wore out (the buttons did not respond well), so we bought a new set that came with 4 handsets, a base/answering machine, and 3 charger stations.

    They are both plugged in still, with one of the two old phones in our bedroom. The second headset has no home, and these phones seldom leave the bedroom. Three of the four handsets for the new phone are in use, one in the family room, one in the kitchen, and one in the computer room.

    Despite this nonsense, there are STILL ocassions when the phone rings and I cannot find a receiver in time to answer it!

  15. LeAnn Said,

    I’m almost embrassed to answer this questions. After reading the blog I counted the phones in our home – OH MY – 3 Cordless 15 hardwire…I don’t even know what VOIP is and maybe that’s a good thing. We also have 3 cell phones. You’d think we like to talk alot. Funny thing is my husband won’t even answer the landline when it rings.

  16. Kara Said,

    2 cell phones and 2 phones in the house on the same landline. We have talked about getting rid of the land line, but I just can’t seem to make myself do it. Who knows why – it would certainly save us some money!

  17. Cam Said,

    I’m LOL at you & Tim not wanting to answer the phone! 😀 That’s cute!

    Okay, we have 2 phones, technically, both cordless. 1 is the main unit (in P’s office), and 1 is an extension phone in the kitchen. The ringer is kept off on that one, because we hate to be awakened (or to have G awakened) by the phone.

    We have 1 cell phone and we only use it for emergency or crucial calls. I can’t fathom paying what most people pay for cell service. We just got the basic plan and also the free phone from the company…I also don’t understand paying for a cell phone when you can get one for free!

  18. Kim Said,

    We still have a land line with two phones connected to it–one cordless and one with a cord. It is nice because when the power goes out we still have phone service with the phone that has a cord! We also have 4 cell phones–mine, my husbands, my 15 year olds and my 21 year old. I love my cell phone, but I hate when the battery gets low and/or dies–makes me paranoid that I won’t be able to always have a phone available. We use our cells mostly to talk to each other as we have free mobile to mobile minutes. I hate worrying about minutes and dollars adding up and there are times when service in my house isn’t that great. Also, cell phones are so stinking small that when I am in the kitchen cooking or working on something, I can’t cradle the cell on my shoulder very well without crimping up my neck.

    As a side note–I will probably not ever have phone over my internet. I know of a family with a baby who has a seizure disorder and during a major seizure when they called 911 the call kept getting dropped!! It was a bit scary for them and the very next day they changed back to a land line.

    Happy Weekend!

  19. Lynne Said,

    Hi Stacy – I’ve been following your “numbers” posts this week. I haven’t counted things here because my old mind just can’t handle numbers right now! I do know we have too many TV’s, too many phones, only a couple of radios, too many windows (according to Dom – he hates windows! – strange man), and 2 exterior doors, one door leading to the garage, 2 garage doors, and 3 storm/screen doors.

    Congratulations on winning Barb’s give-away!

  20. Gail Said,

    I should have read this before calling you from the road last night! I love to talk on the phone and it might come from the days of being at home with 4 little ones and no big people to talk to so I loved when the phone rang!

    We each have a cell phone that is usually with us, so 2 cells…….we have 2 different lines/numbers for the house. One is a fax line, 2 phones hooked to it, 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs. The other line is our main house number that we actually don’t answer much anymore b/c we don’t have caller id! But 4 phones for that line, main one in the kitchen with the answering machine, 1 each in bedroom, office and tv room. More than you wanted to know prob, or you may know it all already!

  21. shellsq Said,

    Great question but a tough one. I think we have 7 cordless, 1 trimline (yep, we’re a little out of date), one desk/office sort of phone and we all have cells (4).

    We have 4 phones in the basement because my dh used to work down here. We have one at the bar (trimline wall) and the desk one was his office phone. The two cordless are in the family room and in his office that’s now our bill paying station.

    And I’ll add that I hate to talk on the phone. My dh spends a LOT of time chatting to MY cousin’s husband and some of his out-of-state friends.

  22. Amy Said,

    We have so many phones since I move so slow I can get to one easily. We have four cell phones and when my son starts driving we’ll get a fifth. We have one land line and have five phones. One is still a rotary phone! I had to teach the kids how to use it one day. Boy did that make me feel old!

    My husband texts me all the time! Some days I enjoy, but others I feel like saying Leave Me Alone! Doesn’t that sound awful? As I type this he is at the Brickyard 400 and he has texted around fifty times! Do you feel for me yet? Haha!

    Sorry I haven’t been around lately. Between all the therapy and not feeling my best I’ve had a hard time visiting anybody. But thank you for leaving me a comment! It’s nice to feel so loved by everybody!

  23. annie Said,

    Good question… We have regular phones and dsl on computers… we have cordless and one corded for stormy weather which produces power outages. We have four cell phones in our family… me matt amanda and bailey… emelia is supposed to get hers for her 10th birthday, we’ll see.
    I like the kids to have phones because if they are at outings or sport events I can reach them easily.

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