Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Numbers & Radios

RadioIn keeping with the “number of” theme that I’m doing this week, today’s topic is radios, or music devices that you have in your home. I know there’s lots of flavors and varieties out there. There’s old-fashioned radios, stereos, music channels on cable and satellite TV’s, iPods and mp3 players, music on computers, etc. I’m actually kind of wondering how many people really have and use radios any more, with all of the other choices out there available to us.

I admit, we don’t have any traditional radios left in our house. We had a clock radio in our bedroom, but we replaced that last fall with the iPod player/clock radio combo that Tim bought me for my birthday. I do still use it to play the radio though. The only other way I play local radio stations is through our surround sound stereo system in the den. Every other way I listen to music is via either my iPod, CD’s or some other electronic means. I listen to CD’s and mp3 music through both my iPod, my iPod clock radio that I just mentioned, my computer, as well as our stereo system. We don’t have any radios in other parts of the house like the kitchen, guest bedrooms or office.

So, how about you? That’s today’s Question of the Day: do you still have traditional radios in your home? Do you listen to music on them? How else do you listen to music – on a portable mp3 player, on a computer, or something else. How many of these devices do you have at home and who uses them? Leave me a comment and let me know!

  1. Gail Said,

    We don’t really use traditional radios here in the house, just in the car. I think I still have a clock radio by my bed but never use it and the kids said I need to get rid of it b/c it’s so old! I use my ipod, listen to cds some and there is a radio tuner on the 3 disc changer/cd player in my den but I only turn it on as a radio about once or twice a year. I just don’t seem to be much of a radio person but I know people who are….Don loves his XM radio in his truck and probably couldn’t live without it.

  2. Jim McKee Said,

    Having worked in radio, I’m kind of a buff, so I listen to radio a lot, in my home and in my car. Long Live Radio!!

  3. Dawn Said,

    I have the clock radio that’s in my bedroom. Battery back up in case power is out. Hurricanes & all, ya know? Then there are the music channels on tv — use those only once in a while. Mostly just use the computer.

  4. SarahJane Said,

    Total of music players in our home that we actually use: 4. I’m definitely a radio listener! We have 1 main radio/cd player in the living room that is usually on when I am home (it’s split about equally between cds and the radio station), a clock radio by my bed that I wake up to every morning, and a portable radio/cd/tape player “boom box” in the bedroom as well for when we want to listen to cds or a better quality radio while in the bathroom or bedroom.
    We also have 1 computer with a lot of music on it that we listen to occasionally, and I have a portable cd player that I never use because it’s unwieldy and skips a lot. We can’t afford mp3 players or IPods or anything that fancy… although I went through a period where I REALLY wanted one during my daily 4 hours of on public transportation commuting to and from school over the last 2 years!!

  5. Cam Said,

    We have a big stereo in the LR and that’s our main source of house music–however, we never listen to the radio on it, being that we don’t listen to any of the local stations unless we’re desperate. We either listen to CDs, or, way more often (as in, all the time!) we listen to the Sirius stations via our satellite, through the stereo. MUCH better variety of non-mainstream music! We also listen to the iPod, hooked up to the main stereo.

    I listen to the iPod all the time when I’m in bed or on walks.

    I listen to music on my computer through iTunes, whenever I’m relaxing by playing Freecell or re-sizing pictures or something mindless like that.

    I have a small stereo in our bedroom, but it’s only listened to in the AMs, if I’m getting ready to go somewhere. I will listen to the John Boy & Billy show on those occasions. LOL!

    We do have a small, traditional radio that we use for hurricanes, but that stays packed up until needed. So I’m not sure it counts.

    That’s it for in the house. In the car, it’s CDs or very rarely, the radio, as I said before, I hate all the stations and what they play. But in the truck, we only have radio and I have to listen to radio out of sheer desperation…I’m usually shaking my head that no one plays anything good! But occasionally the classic rock station plays good stuff.

  6. Cam Said,

    That was a ridiculously long answer, sorry! 😀 LOL!

  7. Laura Said,

    For Christmas my brother gave us a portable transistor radio from the 80s. It’s in awesome shape, almost brand new. We use that radio almost every day when listening to the Giants broadcast.

  8. mamichelle Said,

    I have three clock radios, 3 Ipods and 2 docking stations, one little stereo w/built in speakers, and two regular stereo receivers in the house.

    I listen to radio a lot in my car and in my scraproom but I also listen to cds. We always have music going in my house, live or otherwise!!

  9. Debi Said,

    I have an old fashioned radio in the kitchen that I listen to every day. Not music though…but the news shows on NPR. We have a stereo system in the basement that rarely gets used. I listen to my little iPod quite a bit for music. And both Annie and the boys have CD players with radios in their rooms, but they never actually use the radio. Rich tends to listen to music on the computer when at home.

  10. Heidi Said,

    We do have some old radios in our house, but they are really antiques, not to listen to. If I wanted to listen to the radio I would have to use the Audio system for our tv, which I only do rarely. We have an iPod or use the computer to play our MP3’s most often. We actually rarely even use CD’s anymore. I am in the process of getting rid of most of them. iTunes is just too easy to use to buy any song I want…

    I DO listen to the radio in the car though!

    Interesting question and interesting answers from your commenters.

    PS, did you enter my contest? There was a comment from a Stacy, but no link so I don’t know if it was you or not.

  11. Simply Dawn Said,

    We have a stereo in the living room that we listen to when we’re doing things around the house. We have yet to get a IPod, or MP3 (is that the right words). And it’s the radio in the car….

  12. Sparky Duck Said,

    yep 3 of them. one in the kitchen for listening to the morning radio shows, plus it works on batteries for power outages. two in the bedrooms, well one each, though they are more for alarms then listening.

  13. Jill Said,

    We have three CD clock radio (our bedroom, oldest daughter, and toddler), one plain clock radio (other son), a CD player in the library, and a portable iPod player in the kitchen/keeping room. I turn on the CD player in my toddler’s room every night. And we listen to the iPod portable quite a bit. We don’t have any traditional radios in our house, but I have one in my office…and I listen to an AM talk show on it every morning.

  14. Kelly Said,

    I do have a traditional radio and I do listen to it on occasion. Mostly I listen to the radio in my car.

  15. Sonya Said,

    We’ve got a clock radio but don’t use it for music. We have a “boom box” that we listen to the radio on. It’s on our screened porch. We have MP3 players and that’s mostly how I listen to music. We have XM radio in the car but that doesn’t count! LOL!

  16. Karla Said,

    I do still have a “boom box” that I keep handy for when I am scrapbooking. But most of the time I will listen to the “80’s” channel on our DirecTV.

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