Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Numbers & TV’s

TVIn keeping with the “numbers” theme I’ve started (first with outside doors, then windows), we’ll continue on today with TV’s. How many TV’s do you have in your home? For how many people? And if you want to get really informational, how many VCR’s and DVD’s do you have to go along with the TV’s?!

My Answer: I admit it, I’m a TV-addict. I have been my entire life. I’ve always loved watching TV. Once the new shows start in the fall, I’ll be glued to the TV most every night, and some nights we’ll have to record a show or two because we’re watching something else at the same time. We have 3 TV’s in our house (for the two of us!). The big plasma in the den, a smaller TV in the master bedroom that is mostly mine, and a small TV in our office (spare bedroom). We have lots of DVD’s and VCR’s to go along with those two. Our entertainment center in the den boasts a DVD recorder/VCR combo, as well as a 5 disc changer. To be fair, we not only play movies on it, but load it up with music CD’s, so it is really a multi-function unit 🙂 I have a VCR and DVD in the bedroom, and the poor lonely TV in the office has nothing to go along with it. Poor baby, just a tiny TV, all alone.

How about you? How many TV’s are in your house? Leave me a comment and let me know 🙂

  1. Debi Said,

    Wow…my mind is boggled! We have 2 TVs…one in the living room, and a tiny one (that we’ve had for about 20 years) in the basement. We have a VCR/DVD player combo in the living room. And the old VCR with the downstairs TV. That’s it.

    I’d be more worried about you, if I didn’t already know how much you LOVE to read! So at least you have balance in your life! Rich and I still can’t stop talking about how when we visited his brother’s family a couple years ago, they had 7 TVs (all on, I might add) in their house…and though they had 2 small boys, we couldn’t see a single kids book (and just a handful of other books–all computer related) anywhere!

    We might fare a little better in this numbers theme if you asked how many bookcases full of books we have in our house…

  2. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    We have two very big high definition televisions. They are my husband’s babies. We have DVD players for each, and a VCR with the upstairs tv for the kids’ videos.

  3. Michael-Lover of Amy Said,

    Im jealous of Lauren. we have 2 working tvs and an old one in the computer room

  4. Heidi Said,

    We have one TV with a DVD and VCR.

  5. Carrie Said,

    We have 3 TV’s in the house. No cable at all, though, LOL. 1 VCR, 1 DVD Player and a handful (3 or 4) of game systems that play DVD’s. We don’t watch much TV at all.

  6. Gail Said,

    We have 3 tv’s…..big screen in the upstairs “tv” room, one in the den and another in our bedroom and that one doesn’t get used much at all. Occasionally I turn it on when getting dressed in the mornings. The tv upstairs and in the den have dvd/vcr combo players hooked up to them and surround sound upstairs in the tv room. And we have cable. The player upstairs is broken at the moment, it’s the 2nd time we’ve had to replace it and we’ve only had that room about 5-6 years….David says it’s because it gets too hot up there.
    Alas, there’s only 2 of us here now to use these 3 but when we first got the 3rd television we still had 4 of us here most of the time and K & J visited frequently. Now none of them come much! But Don & I like to use the tv room for when we have company, the den tv is what we use on a regular basis.

  7. Sonya Said,

    Hmm..two tv’s. Big screen downstairs that we watch movies and sports on! Gotta have the football games on a big screen! Small 19″ tv upstairs in a guest bedroom. Each tv has a DVD player and the guest bedroom tv also has a VCR. The kids use the guest bedroom tv for watching movies and playing Xbox. That’s about all the use that tv gets. We have cable but rarely ever watch it…unless it’s football time in Tennessee!

  8. Cam Said,

    One TV here. We have a rule; NO TV in the bedroom, ever. It seems to take over people’s lives when they do that, and it seems sad to me whenever I hear of couples watching TV in bed before falling asleep…I’d rather have couple time, or at least read!
    Anyway, we’ll always have just one TV in our home.
    We have a DVD-r with a VHS player built in; that’s for transferring our VHS tapes to DVDs. 🙂

  9. Susanne Said,

    We’ve got 3 tv’s in the house. Two have vcr’s and 3 had DVD players. This is for 5 people.

  10. Lisa Said,

    We havd 3 TV’s although one of them rarely gets used. We have a big screen in our family room and smaller TV’s in our bedroom and living room. The one in the living room rarely gets turned on. We have 3 in our family. We have one DVR, one DVD player, and one VCR. I’m like you – once fall hits I’m watching one show while recording another. LOL! I love reality TV and some of the other shows like Desparate Housewives, Lost, and Grey’s Anatomy. 🙂

  11. mamichelle Said,

    Well….first I’ll say, they are all older tvs, not those new plasma screens unfortunately! Second, we have seven tvs in my house. We just got rid of another when my son moved out. Each of us has one in the bedroom (3), one in the family room upstairs, family room in the basement, in front of the treadmill in the basement, one on the porch for my dh to watch the Red Sox games.

    Let me also say that I hardly ever watch tv. I watch the 10 or 11:00 news daily. During regular season I watch Grey’s and ER. That’s it.

  12. mamichelle Said,

    Ooops, forgot about DVD’s/VCRs. I’m not positive on this one but I think we have 3 vcrs and 2 dvds and one dvr.

  13. Sparky Duck Said,

    I beat you, we have 4, though one is just rabbit ears for our guests and one is supposed to be just for the playstation 2, but i convinced the wife to move it upstairs instead. One DVD player, one VCR thats just waiting to be thrown out, one TiVo and the Playstation also plays DVDs

  14. Judi Said,

    We have three. One in the den, one in our bedroom and one in Miss O’s room. Oh, wait…we have a fourth in the upstairs “office / junk pile room”. 🙂

  15. Becca Said,

    We have 4 tv’s for 2 people. One hdtv in our livingroom, a regular tv in our office, a regular tv in our bedroom and tiny tv in the guest bedroom. I know that is so bad!

  16. Laura Said,

    We have 4. For two of us. And the funny thing is, I hate TV. 😀

  17. sherry Said,

    Technically we have three tvs, but my dh watches t.v. downstairs on the computer — so I guess that counts too?

    We have 2 VCRs (we only use one, the other is backup!) and one DVD player, but DH and I both watch DVDs on our computers a lot, so again, if you want to, you can count them!

    We may be getting rid of the big on in the living room (it has jiggly lines) and possibly might do away with cable. Maybe.


  18. SarahJane Said,

    Wow, 7 tvs for some of the folks here! I can hardly imagine that! 🙂
    My mom (Kim @ mom musings) sent me here and said I would probably really enjoy your posts, and she was right!

    My husband and I have 1 tv, 1 VCR, and 1 DVD player for the two of us. We have gone back and forth considering getting a tv with just a dvd player for movies in the bedroom, but haven’t yet gone anywhere with that. Fortunately for us, my husband and I agree about not wanting to have access to television in the bedroom since we don’t want to get in the habit of watching tv while we fall asleep. We like to read and talk together during that time way too much. We also get 0 channels without cable, so we do have cable hooked up in the living room but hardly watch it for anything other than baseball and occasionally the Food network. At least we get the main channels with “our shows” this way though! Until this last year – 1st year of marriage – I hardly watched any tv, but this year it was fun to have “our shows” – we watched American Idol, Lost, Beauty and the Geek, we loved Studio 60 until it went off-air, and Heroes. We often tape them and watch later since we have people over for Bible study on Wednesdays or are out and about – I don’t feel like we’re “slaves” to our shows but we do really enjoy them!

  19. Stacy Said,

    Two tvs, two dvd players, one vcr that’s only used for the clock on it. The dvd player in the bedroom is 5 disc since we mostly keep Star Trek in it and it doesn’t need to be changed out that often. (That’s what we fall asleep to every night…)

  20. CoachJ Said,

    We have two TVs. One big one in the living room and one very small 13″ in our bedroom for night noise. My hubby has always gone to sleep by the tv, and after 15 years, I guess I’m hooked. The 13″ has a vcr, but it’s so small, we rarely use it. We will record AI or Survivor when they’re on. One DVD player.

  21. Dawn Said,

    LOL! One door. Two windows. But *two* tvs for *one* girl! One in the bedroom — that’s just a tv. The one in the living room has the DVR box attached to it, as well as the DVD/VCR combo.

  22. Jennifer Said,

    We have a grand total of 7. One of them is actually not in use right now. I think we have enough 🙂

  23. Suzanne Said,

    We have 3 TV’s and TIVO……love TIVO

  24. rach Said,

    We have 3 TVS – one in the entertainment room downstairs, one in our bedroom and one in the maid’s room.

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